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12 / 31 / 20

Metronome Le Dac Digital-To-Analog Converter Review

Metronome Le Dac Review
...and the Technicolor Dream.
Review By Paul Schumann
Those of you who have read some of my previous reviews know that I am in some ways a throwback, sticking with my compact discs while some audiophiles have moved to uncompressed digital files and others have embraced the vinyl side. I have a lot of CDs, and by God, I'm going to still listen to them.... Sometimes you start to wonder, are those fancy high-end DACs really that much better? A few months ago, I noticed an announcement for a new DAC by a company called Metronome. Appropriately it is called Le Dac. The announcement said that the Le Dac is the new low-cost entry into the Metronome line.
---> Metronome Le Dac digital-to-analog converter review.



12 / 30 / 20

Vinyl LP Sales Reach Peak During Christmas 2020

Vinyl LP Sales Reach Peak During In Christmas 2020
According to Nielsen Music / MRC Data, sales of vinyl LPs within independent record stores reached an all-time high during a single-week in December 2020. Nielsen Music/MRC Data record. Their records show that 1.842 million LPs were sold during the week that ended December 24th (2020). For those curious, the previous sales record was 1.445 million in December 2017. Naturally LP sales are higher than legacy digital Compact Discs (CD, 1.671 million in sales) as streaming true lossless music online offers far higher resolution than the four-decade old digital CD format. Seen above is the RIAA's earlier in 2020 sales chart, as the CD is being easily eclipsed by vinyl LPs.



12 / 29 / 20

Enjoy the Music.com High-End Audio Contests

Enjoy the Music.com's Schitt(y) Holiday Giveaway! Say farewell to 2020 and win a Schiit Lyr 3 with Multibit DAC option valued at $699!

Enjoy the Music.com's Schiit(y) Holiday Giveaway!
Say farewell to 2020 and win a Schiit Lyr 3 with Multibit DAC option valued at $699!
With hopes of bringing great-sounding music (and humor) to cap off 2020, Enjoy the Music.com's Schitt(y) Holiday Giveaway offers one winner a Schiit Lyr 3 with Multibit DAC option ($699). To improve on the company's Lyr 2, they had to completely reinvent the unit with two key new technologies while also making it a modular design. The Schiit Lyr 3 can be configured with a DAC as within this contest, or a MM phono preamplifier just like their Jotunheim. Within this contest, we're including Schiit's Multibit DAC (a $200 upgrade!).
---> Enter Enjoy the Music.com's Schitt(y) Holiday Giveaway.



12 / 28 / 20

Chord Company Bridge Shorting Plug

Chord Company Bridge Shorting Plug
The new Chord Company Bridge (£500) is a high-quality British designed and engineered shorting plug, created to reduce high-frequency noise interference in high-performance hi-fi equipment. Offering protection from noise for devices with unused power supply upgrade ports, such as Naim Audio's NDX and NDX 2 audiophile network music players, the Chord Company Bridge shorting plug works by reducing HF noise on the critical signal ground.

Hand-built in the UK, the Bridge offers an instant upgrade over the basic unshielded shorting plugs supplied with audio equipment, introducing a no-compromise, noise-reduced solution for discerning audiophiles. Benefiting from a high-quality heavy-gauge machined aluminium chassis for both acoustic and electrical isolation, the Chord Company Bridge also offers the Wiltshire company's flagship proprietary Taylon insulation material throughout the internal wiring. Further features include resin-damped internals to further increase acoustic isolation.



Enjoy Reading Your Fave Hi-Fi Magazines Online
Everyone here at Enjoy the Music.com sympathizes with those affected by the recent health issue. Our hobby is one that can be enjoyed within the privacy, and security, of your home. We'd like to take a moment to remind our readers that many of our partner magazines offer online subscriptions. As always, in the end what really matters is that you... enjoy the music!


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12 / 24 / 20

Legendary Performance Awards 2020  --  Enjoy the Music.com Celebrates Our 25th Aniiversary

Legendary Performance Awards 2020
Enjoy the Music.com celebrates our 25th Anniversary reviewing high-end audio gear.
Enjoy the Music.com's Legendary Performance Awards 2020 celebrates the incredible achievements by high-end audio manufacturers since we've been reviewing gear for over the past two decades. Unlike our annual Blue Note Awards, Enjoy the Music.com's Legendary Performance Awards is a once every 25-year event, so you know it is something very special indeed! We tasked our extensive staff in choosing products they felt earned an extra-special mention, which in turn shows the greatness of these legendary pieces of high-end audio equipment.
---> See Enjoy the Music.com's Legendary Performance Awards 2020.



12 / 21 / 20

Happy Holidays From Enjoy the Music.com!

Happy Holidays From Enjoy the Music.com!
Everyone at Enjoy the Music.com wishes you and yours a wonderful holiday season. Our industry news will be back December 28th. As always, in the end what really matters is that you... Enjoy the Music!



12 / 19 / 20

Enjoy the Music.com High-End Audio Contests

Enjoy the Music.com's Schitt(y) Holiday Giveaway! Say farewell to 2020 and win a Schiit Lyr 3 with Multibit DAC option valued at $699!

Enjoy the Music.com's Schiit(y) Holiday Giveaway!
Say farewell to 2020 and win a Schiit Lyr 3 with Multibit DAC option valued at $699!
With hopes of bringing great-sounding music (and humor) to cap off 2020, Enjoy the Music.com's Schitt(y) Holiday Giveaway offers one winner a Schiit Lyr 3 with Multibit DAC option ($699). To improve on the company's Lyr 2, they had to completely reinvent the unit with two key new technologies while also making it a modular design. The Schiit Lyr 3 can be configured with a DAC as within this contest, or a MM phono preamplifier just like their Jotunheim. Within this contest, we're including Schiit's Multibit DAC (a $200 upgrade!).
---> Enter Enjoy the Music.com's Schitt(y) Holiday Giveaway.



12 / 18 / 20

Tim de Paravicini Has Passed Away

Tim de Paravicini Has Passed Away
"It is with deep sorrow that I report that legendary audio designer Tim de Paravicini passed away on December 17 in Japan, at age 75. The cause of death was liver cancer. Tim was born in Nigeria to English parents. His family has a distinguished lineage, both in its native Italy and in England, where one branch of the family settled centuries ago. One of his ancestors was Agostino Pallavicini, ambassador from Genoa to Pope Gregory XV, and later the doge of Genoa. A portrait of Pallavicini by Anthony Van Dyck is in the collection of the Getty Museum, where it is on permanent display. Tim was in fact a baron, a title that has been in his family for many generations." Read EAR USA's Dan Meinwald heartfelt words at this link.



HIFICRITIC Volume 14 Number 4 October / November / December 2020

HIFICRITIC's Latest Issue Features Reviews & More
HIFICRITIC's latest issue features Peter Qvortrup of Audio Note UK celebrates his 70th birthday and more than 40 years in the hi-fi industry, Stan's taking a break from the minutiae of hi-fi design – he's been working on electronic systems, Martin Colloms reviews the CH Precision P1, L1, X1, and A1.5 plus an interview with Florian Cossy. Howard On Feedback educates you about the magic bullet of amplifier design / feedback, Metamaterial Absorption Technology brings you information about KEF's new secret ingredient, and Brothers In Arms discusses the latest high-end offerings from stable mates Denon and Marantz. Gear reviews within this issue includes the Totem Acoustic Skylight speaker, Spendor Classic 4/5 speaker, Sennheiser HD 800 S open back stereo headphones (reviewed here), Stax SR-L700 Mk2 / SRM-50 headphones, while Colloms On Cables gets together a range of cables to puts them through their paces. Chris Kelly finds all the heavy lifting of setting up the Kudos Titan 505 substantial standmount speakers. For music, HIFICRITIC explored the Grateful Dead 1970, Andrew Mellor reviews the latest classical / Jazz releases, and lastly Soundstage marks the 60th issue of HIFICRITIC as they take a look back at how it all began in 2007.

Within his editorial, Martin Colloms says, "Completing another (partial) lock down issue, I feel very fortunate that we were able to create and sign off the varied content for this, our 60th issue. Magazine production has been held to our customary if somewhat delayed scheduling, and all at HIFICRITIC hope that our readers are in good shape. Flexible planning and keeping going, if you can, is one way of dealing with these strange times. I would be the first to admit it has helped preserve my peace of mind." See what's within this issue of HIFICRITIC at this link.



12 / 17 / 20

Enjoy the Music.com  Blues Masters At The Crossroads 2014 Concert Video

Videos: Blues Masters at the Crossroads Concert
The Blues Masters at the Crossroads event at Blue Heaven Studios, now in its 17th year as the preeminent authentic blues concert in the world, featured performances by Rip Lee Pryor, Moreland & Arbuckle, Marquise Knox, Big George Brock, Kim Wilson, Joe Beard, Lazy Lester, Mighty Sam McClain, Sonny Green, Kim Wilson with Billy Flynn, and Bernard Allison. To bring the 'good word to the streets', Enjoy the Music.com's sister site Enjoy the Music.TV offers two days worth of live Blues concert video for your listening pleasure.
---> Watch our Blues Masters at the Crossroads concert videos.



Allnic H-7000 Vacuum Tube Phono Stereo Preamplifier Review

Allnic H-7000 Vacuum Tube Phono Preamplifier Review
Bringing you closer to the musical performance.
Review By Tom Lyle
I've been lucky enough to be able to review a variety of excellent preamplifiers during the last few years, from the more affordable to the quite extravagant. As with the Allnic H-7000 vacuum tube phono preamplifier, as reviewed here, I'm hoping that these different types of phono preamplifiers that I've reviewed might help some audiophiles make a decision as to which phono preamp might be best for their system's analog set-up. Since not everyone is looking to purchase a new phono preamp, I also hope that audiophiles and maybe even a few non-audiophiles (or soon to be audiophiles), have found that these reviews fun to read!
---> Allnic H-7000 vacuum tube phono preamplifier review.



audioXpress Magazine January 2021

audioXpress' January 2021 Issue Is Now Available
audioXpress' January 2021 issue features their celebrating a double anniversary. This issue marks 20 years since audioXpress was launched, and 50 since Ed Dell began his journey. Other articles and reviews within this issue include Drivers, Speakers, And Transducers Optimization Of The Species, Electrostatic Pure Silicon Microspeakers For Wireless Earbuds, plus Bass Shakers and Tactile Sound. Other great articles are Four Digital Stylus Force Gauges, The Live-Edge Dipoles, Getting Started With Automotive Audio Bus (Part 4), plus a focus on Cone Loudspeaker Radiation and Directionality, and Simple Improvements To A Recent Audio MFB Filter To Lower Harmonic Distortion.

Within his editorial, J. Martins says, "This edition of audioXpress magazine should be covered in glitter and gold to properly signal and celebrate our double anniversary, but unfortunately that's not an appropriate mood for the times in which we live. However, it is worth noting that this edition marks 20 years since audioXpress was launched. And this is also the 50th anniversary since the publication's founder's company was started! Many of our readers are extensively familiar with the foundational history of The Audio Amateur company by founder Edward T. Dell. This publishing effort started in 1970 and was the beginning for Audio Electronics, Speaker Builder, Glass Audio, Multimedia Manufacturer, and other audio-focused periodicals." See what's within this issue of audioXpress.



CH Precision L10 Linestage and M10 Amplifier

CH Precision L10 Linestage And M10 Amplifier
As the first in a family of flagship products that complements their established 1 Series units, CH Precision has once again announced their L10 dual mono linestage / preamplifier, and M10 stereo / monoblock amplifier. Twin-chassis L10 line-preamplifier ensures extremely low noise, while the twin-chassis M10 is user configurable for mono or stereo and produces 300 Watts RMS into 8 Ohms stereo, and over 1kWatt RMS into 8 Ohms in bridged mono mode. There's a bi-amp'ed and high-current mono configurations as well. Based on the same proven topologies with fully balanced, fully differential, and fully discrete, this tried and tested effort of CH Precision's 1 Series, yet is augmenting with their patented technologies.

Increased resolution of user-adjustable global feedback in the M10 amplifier (0 to 100% in 1% steps) and, for the first time, a choice of local or global feedback in the L10 linestage. All new boards ensure short signal paths and improved layouts. Entirely new input topology on M10 power amplifier seeks to achieve the cleanest signal possible with the lowest noise. Fully optimized, separate power supplies further lift performance. Both units are available in three color finishes that include blue-grey, champagne gold, and graphite. Prices start at $73,000 for the linestage and go up to $176,000 for the amplifier and will be available in Q1 2021.



12 / 16 / 20

Vincent Audio SV-737 Hybrid Integrated Amplifier

Vincent Audio SV-737 Hybrid Integrated Amplifier
Vincent Audio has introduced their SV-737 hybrid integrated amplifier ($3500) to the USA market. Combining the benefits of both tube and solid-state designs with powerful output, there are numerous analog and digital inputs, wireless connectivity, and overall flexibility. Two amplifier sections – pre-amplifier and power amplifier – are perfectly matched for maximum transparency. However, the listener can bypass the pre-amp/amp connection by removing external jumpers, allowing for an external Digital Signal Processor (DSP) for room correction. You can connect to a home Wi-Fi network to easily access your fave high-resolution music streaming services and files stored on a NAS drive.

Options for wired connections include six pairs of unbalanced analog RCA inputs, two TosLink optical inputs, two S/PDIF coaxial inputs, and one stereo main input. In addition to making analog sources sound their best, the SV-737 is up to date with a DAC that handles the latest high-resolution streaming formats including WAV, FLAC, AIFF, APE, and many more. Tube compliment is two 6N1P, 2two 6N2P, and a 85A2. Frequency response is from 20Hz to 50kHz, with power output being 180 Watts per channel stereo @ 8 Ohms (300 Watts @ 4 Ohms). Dimensions are 17" x 6.5" x 17" (WxHxD) and the unit weighs 46 lbs.



M2Tech Young MkIV Stereo DAC / Preamplifier

M2Tech Young MkIV Stereo DAC / Preamplifier
M2Tech is proud to introduce the Young MkIV DAC/preamplifier (€1960 + VAT). The new Young MkIV improves the sonic qualities of the previous models while adding useful features that allow users to more fully enjoy their favorite music. The Young MkIV encompasses a wealth of changes and improvement over the MkIII design, most notably the adoption of the Asahi-Kasei AK4497 conversion IC which allows for handling 768kHz PCM and 512x DSD. An I2S input is now available to interface with streamers and other digital source provided with I2S output. The input set includes a Bluetooth receiver with aptX and an unbalanced RCA analog input, so that the Young MkIV may be used as a preamplifier to drive a power amplifier or powered speakers. Thanks to the output voltage doubling feature, this allows the M2Tech Young MkIV to deliver up to 10Vrms (balanced XLR) and 5Vrms (unbalanced RCA).

To improve versatility, the Young MkIV now sports a high quality headphones output, driven by a Class AB linear amplifier. Line outputs are now available in both single-ended and balanced mode. The sophisticated volume control allows for independently setting the volume for each of thee outputs. The proprietary MQA lossy format is now decoded on all inputs, therefore it's possible to connect a CD player to the Young MkIV coaxial input to listen to MQA-encoded legacy compact disc (CD). The human interface retains the high-contrast OLED display from the Young MkIII. The unit can now be controlled via Bluetooth from both iOS and Android devices thanks to two app purposely provided for free
by M2Tech.



12 / 15 / 20

Pacific Audio Fest 2021 Show Report

Pacific Audio Fest 2021
A great weekend of fine audio in the magnificent Pacific Northwest.
Now is the time to reserve your exhibit space at the Pacific Audio Fest! This show is by, and for, the high-end audio industry as operated by Lou Hinkley of Daedalus Audio and Gary Gill, who has successfully brought the Capital Audiofest (CAF) to the forefront. CAF is the East Coast's largest and longest running consumer high-end audio show. The Pacific Audio Fest 2021 is limited to 100 showroom, so you need to act fast to reserve your space!

According to the Pacific Audio Fest (PAF), "No, we are not just another audio show, we are positioned to be the premiere west coast audio show! The Pacific Audio Fest (PAF) is not looking to be the largest audio show, but want to be your show of choice on the west coast. Lou Hinkley and Gary Gill have both been in the audio business for quite a while. Together we will be applying everything we know to make this the yearly GO-TO audio event – created by exhibitors for exhibitors." Learn more about the Pacific Audio Fest (PAF) 2021 at this link.



12 / 14 / 20

StereoNET's Melbourne The Home Entertainment Expo 2021

StereoNET's Melbourne The Home Entertainment Expo 2021
While 2020 placed challenges for high-end audio events, StereoNET's Melbourne The Home Entertainment Expo 2021 is set for November 19th through 21st. StereoNET's Melbourne show is the country's leading exhibition of hi-fi, home cinema, and headphones in Australia. Shows and expos of this nature require a significant commitment and support by its exhibitors, along with substantial logistics and international guests and visitors. Show organizers have worked as best as possible around existing show schedules and with Munich's HIGH END 2021 show now taking place in September, that dictated most brand's new product cycles after consultation with local distributors and manufacturers. The StereoNET organized shows and expos have become vital resources to the Australia and New Zealand markets, and they look forward to continuing to evolve the show and deliver a world-class event in 2021. Tickets will go on sale soon.



Best Of 2020 Blue Note Equipment Awards

Best Of 2020 Blue Note Equipment Awards
Enjoy the Music.com celebrates the best high-end audio gear of 2020!
Enjoy the Music.com's Best Of 2020 Blue Note Awards celebrates the many great achievements by audiophile manufacturers within the high-end audio and Hi-Res Audio industry. Our 2020 Blue Note Awards is a culmination of 20 years of reviewing and carefully choosing what products have earned special recognition for our annual awards. Our Best Of 2020 Blue Note Award celebrates the finest products we have reviewed during the previous 12 months.
---> Read our Best of 2020 Blue Note Awards.



12 / 11 / 20

Auris HA-2SF Vacuum Tube Headphone Amplifier

Auris HA-2SF Vacuum Tube Headphone Amplifier
Auris' new HA-2SF balanced stereo headphone amplifier uses retro vacuum tube technology to deliver top-quality sound for personal audio (headphone) lovers. A ECC82 is joined by four ECC 99 tubes to produce two Watts of output. The Auris HA-2SF handles headphones and in-ear monitors from 32 to 600 Ohms. Analog inputs include three unbalanced RCA and one balanced XLR, with analog outputs being balanced XLR /and 1/4" stereo headphone jack. For those who desire adding an external amplifier, there is RCA preamplifier outputs as well. VU meters on the front panel give a wonderful classic display of power output. On the front panel you have the four-pin XLR balanced output and 1/4" stereo headphone output, along with the two VU-meters for your visual enjoyment. On the top of the unit are impedance selectors for the outputs, volume control, and line-in selector switch.

According to Auris, "The mid range has sensational performance with vocals, the clarity and transparency are all delivered flawlessly. Treble extension seems to always soar and felt endless. Bass had both slam and texture and the extension is excellent, detailed and when called for, it delivers a thunder in producing the sound." With top and bottom wood plates sandwiching the leather wrapped high quality aluminum chassis shows a high level of detail and execution. Dimensions are 300mm x 350mm x 210mm (WxLxH) and it weighs 9 kgs. The outboard power supply is also included, with remote control operation being an option.



12 / 10 / 20

Moonriver Audio 404 Reference Integrated Amplifier

Moonriver Audio 404 Reference Integrated Amplifier
Moonriver Audio has announced their new 404 Reference integrated amplifier ($4995), which is the improved version of the company's Standard stereo model. The form, controls, ergonomics, and design are similar, but the major difference is found at the heart of the amplifier: the power supplies. Moonriver Audio's 404 power supplies for both preamplifier and power amplifier have double the capacitance, which gives a big advantage in how the Reference handles the incoming signal. According to the company, "The dynamic character of the amplifier digs out more detail, and low level information; the sound stage is much deeper and articulate; the space between instruments is vast, while the bass has greater authority and is more confident than ever before. The texture of each individual instrument is exposed exponentially in comparison with the Standard version."

Producing up to 50 Watts per channel into 8 Ohms, the frequency response is from 10Hz to 50kHz. Inputs / outputs are all unbalanced RCA and include five inputs (line 1 and 4 optionally occupied by phono stage and USB DAC respectively, plus tape loop). Outputs are two sets of preamplifier out and one record output. Model 404 comes with two options in the phono stage department; one is MM only and the other is MM/MC selectable. Both follow the exact quality principles that Model 404 is built on. Quality components and massive power supplies are also employed here, to efficiently accommodate very low noise, high performance op-amps. The two optional phono stage is MM only and the other is MM / MC selectable. A new USB DAC is under development for the Moonriver 404 Reference. Moonriver Audio 404 Reference's total harmonic distortion is 0.05% and signal-to-noise ratio is 85dB (line). The unit's dimensions are 430mm x 390mm x 135mm (WxDxH) and it weighs 12 kgs.



Audeze LCDi3 Portable In-Ear Headphones Review

Audeze LCDi3 Portable In-Ear Headphones Review
Incredible portable audio any way you want it!
Review By Peter Pialis
I absolutely loved the iSine20 when I reviewed them a few years ago. I found them to really shake things up in the portable market space with their full-sized headphone sound and transparency. Well, never to rest on their laurels, Audeze has just released their follow up; the LCDi3. This new product is a big step up from their iSine20 predecessors with the same magnesium housing and grill from their flagship in-ear headphones; the LCDi4. As well, you now get a plethora of options to use these in-ear headphones. Everything from a Bluetooth option to a Lightning Cipher Cable to a standard 3.5mm TRS stereo cable is included with them and as a result, you should have all of your portable audio bases covered.
---> Audeze LCDi3 portable in-ear headphones review.



12 / 09 / 20

Estelon Forza 10th Anniversary Limited Edition

Estelon Forza 10th Anniversary Limited Edition
Estelon is excited to present their Forza Anniversary Edition (€135,000 per pair), which was inspired by the company's 10th successful year, with only 10 pairs being made available. The Estelon Forza is said to personify technologies trickled-down from the company's Extreme flagship model that was introduced in 2019. Estelon's special Anniversary Edition features a combination of Black Pearl Gloss and Gold accents highlighting its elegant curves, with the loudspeaker wire connector panel featuring designer Alfred Vassilkov's signature. Each Estelon Forza speaker is a four-way design with two woofers, one mid-woofer, one midrange driver, and one tweeter.

Two Accuton custom-made 11" aluminum-sandwich woofers reproduce extremely deep and accurate bass, while the 8" aluminum-sandwich mid-woofer allows for fast and impactful upper bass. The 7" ceramic membrane midrange driver is ultra-light and stiff, allowing critical mid-frequencies to be played accurately. For the uppermost frequencies, a 1" diamond tweeter handles up to 60kHz. Estelon Forza's unique shape and soft curves of the cabinet eliminate the effects of reflective diffraction, while the frequency characteristics of the dispersion remain straight and linear not only in front of the loudspeaker but also at various angles. Each Estelon Forza 10th Anniversary Limited Edition loudspeaker weights 330 lbs. and measures 66" x 25.3" x 26.85" (HxWxD).



12 / 08 / 20

Heavenly Soundworks FIVE17 Active Loudspeaker System

Heavenly Soundworks FIVE17 Active Loudspeaker System
Heavenly Soundworks is a new premium loudspeaker manufacturer started by the father and son team of Kevin and Jonathan Couch. Their FIVE17 active loudspeaker with DSP ($10,000, with matching stands adding $1000). With integrated amplification and powerful DSP, the system is said to achieve perfect alignment of time, phase, and crossovers of drivers while also perfectly addressing driver power and sensitivity requirements. All of this results in a frequency response from 30 Hz up to 20 kHz (+/-1dB), with a usable low frequency output down to 24 Hz (-6dB). Heavenly Soundworks FIVE17 is a bookshelf or stand-mount design with a cabinet that is just over 15" x 8.5" x 11.5" (HxWxD).

This full-range three-way design includes a 5" high power, high excursion four layered voice coil woofer. In addition, there are two 8" high excursion lightweight aluminum alloy passive radiators plus a 3.3" midrange with neo-balanced motor structure and four layer underhung voice coil. Lastly, a 1" treated soft dome tweeter with ferrofluid cooling produces the uppermost frequencies. There are three NCore technology Class D amplifiers for tri-amplification, with total available power of 350 Watts (125W for the woofer, 125W for the midrange, and 100W for the tweeter). A wide variety of digital inputs, and analog inputs, are provided for as are DSP setting adjustments.



Qobuz Live Facebook Stream Will Feature KEF

Qobuz Live Facebook Stream Will Feature KEF
KEF recently teamed up with lossless high-resolution music streaming provide Qobuz to provide a free 90-day trial. This allows KEF's LS50 Wireless II users to enjoy lossless music. In addition, Johan Coorg and Ben Hagens from KEF will join Qobuz Live's David Solomon via Facebook on Thursday, December 10th at 4pm EST to talk through the partnership and product. Both KEF and Qobuz look forward to seeing you at Qobuz's Facebook live event page to enjoy the interview. If you miss the live event, it can be watched afterwards for on-demand viewing.



12 / 07 / 20

Hi-Fi World January 2021

Hi-Fi World's January 2021 Reviews & Think Pieces
Hi-Fi World's January 2021 issue features their Annual Awards as they pick out the products of 2020 that impressed their reviewers during the past year. This issue also gives you a chance to win a Cambridge Audio CXA61 worth £750. Gear reviews include Quadral Sedan 9 loudspeakers, Mission LX-2 MK2 loudspeakers, Audiolab 6000a Play amplifier with DTS Play-Fi, Copland CSA100 amplifier, QED XT5 Power Cable, Hana Umami Red phono cartridge, and Astell & Kern T9ie IEMs. This issue also has a special Christmas quiz and crossover puzzle too.

Within his editorial, Noel Keywood says, "Welcome to Hi-Fi World's annual Awards edition, where we pick out the products of 2020 that impressed us most. I think readers will appreciate this means "affordable" too; we shy away from products that few can afford and which for the most part have little to offer in terms of new technologies. Having used panel loudspeakers all my life I was pre-disposed to like Magneplanar's new LRS (Little Ribbon Loudspeaker) – but so did others at the magazine's offices where everyone has an interest and an opinion. You can read the original review on p24. The LRS is truly different to most else and easy to choose as a winner when it is on sale for a stunningly low £995." See what's within this issue of Hi-Fi World at this link.



12 / 05 / 20

Great Audiophile Holiday Gift 2020 By Enjoy the Music.com

Great Audiophile Gift Ideas For The 2020 Holiday Season
Enjoy the Music.com celebrates our 15th annual gift ideas to give your audiophile!
Enjoy the Music.com proudly presents our 15th annual Great Audiophile Gift recommendations! We all love gifts, yet getting that something special for an audiophile can be quite a challenge. Enjoy the Music.com's annual Great Audiophile Gift wish list brings you some truly spectacular ideas for music lovers. There are so many wonderful products we recommend! All recommended gifts this year are very reasonably priced too! We have gifts that will make your vinyl junkie smile, plus a few surprised along the way!
---> See Enjoy the Music.com's our Great Audiophile Gift 2020!



12 / 04 / 20

Gryphon Antileon Anniversary Power Amplifier

Gryphon Antileon Anniversary Power Amplifier
The roots of Gryphon Audio Designs' Antileon amplifier go back to the very beginnings of the company... and even beyond! Extreme, no-compromise dual mono construction, ultra-wide bandwidth, zero negative feedback, true Class A operation, huge power supplies and all-discrete components were all essential ingredients in the recipe. This approach to amplifier design would be the building block of all future designs, the very foundation of the Gryphon DNA and led directly to the design of the first Gryphon power amplifiers, Gryphon DM 100 (1991-1995) and the monoblock version, Reference One (1992-1996). The technology and topology that are at the heart of Antileon, now 150 Watts per channel stereo and 670,000 microFarad power capacity, have undergone many modifications and refinements over the years, but the fundamental philosophical foundation remains extreme wide bandwidth, outstanding channel separation and exceptional peak-to-peak current capability to ensure compatibility with even the most viciously reactive loudspeaker loads.

In celebration of the Antileon's 25th anniversary, Gryphon offers a special numbered series consisting of 25 stereo versions and 25 monoblock pairs. Each set will include a reproduction of the original Antileon EVO artwork and a special owner's manual with a historical introduction to every Antileon generation written by Gryphon founder Flemming E. Rasmussen. Gryphon Antileon Anniversary is dedicated to the memory of Flemming's good friend and Australian distributor for 33 years, Josef Riediger, who regrettably passed away in October of this year. An aluminum frame surrounds the display, engraved with “Antileon EVO Anniversary" and the series number, for instance, Serial No. 1/25. On the amplifier top, a golden Gryphon figure is recessed into the massive transformer cover. Like every Gryphon product, Gryphon Antileon Anniversary is designed by Gryphon founder Flemming E. Rasmussen and manufactured in Denmark.



Pro-Ject Phono Box RS2 Balanced MM / MC Preamplifier

Pro-Ject Phono Box RS2 Balanced MM / MC Preamplifier
Pro-Ject's new Phono Box RS2 (€1499) is a fully balanced moving magnet (MM) and moving coil (MC) stereo preamplifier. The unit is fully balanced from the input to the output. Internal electronics are fully discrete, as there are no op-amps in use, plus the Pro-Ject Phono Box RS2 uses split passive RIAA and DECCA equalization. The Phono Box RS2 employs a true fully balanced design principle. The positive (+) and negative (–) sections of both the left and right channel are treated individually, which doubles the amplifier sections by two as a result. The Phono Box RS2 uses split passive equalization for both of its RIAA and DECA curves. This is more costly to design and implement but ensures the most accurate representation of the ideal EQ curve. Split passive equalization allows for better impedance matching and lower deviation from the ideal RIAA or DECA curve.

The phono stage offers a very large range of adjustment, from 40dB (voltage amplification by 100x) up to 70dB (voltage amplification by 3690x) are possible. Load impedance can be set continuously via potentiometer, a system invented by Pro-Ject Audio Systems. It allows you to seamlessly adjust the impedance during playback and immediately assess the impact of different loading options. The Phono Box RS2 includes a channel balance potentiometer to adjust the exact center of the soundscape in ranges of 2dB to the left or right. An outboard power supply ensures electrical noise is kept away from the critical analog signal path. Pro-Ject's Phono Box RS2 balanced MM / MC preamplifier chassis is available in classic silver or black.



12 / 03 / 20

Schiit's New Unison MODI 3+ $99 USB DAC

Schiit's New Unison MODI 3+ $99 USB DAC
Schiit has introduced their Modi 3+, a three-input DAC with Unison USB and Schiit's highest-performing Modi ever. Modi 3+ adds Schiit's exclusive Unison USB USB input and enhances Modi's already high performance, while remaining at $99. Schiit's Unison USB is a unique UAC2 interface, developed over two person-years to deliver the highest-performance digital interface for PCM audio. Plug Modi 3+ into any virtually any computer or streamer and you're ready to go, complete with the best USB interface available: Schiit's own Unison USB. Or, choose and optical or coaxial digital source with the included wall power supply. Or connect to your phones and tablets that need a low-power-draw device, again using the wall power supply. Modi 3+ accepts pretty much any input you can throw at it! The unit comes in silver or black chassis, comes with a two-year warranty, and is made in California.



EMM Labs DV2 Integrated Digital-To-Analog Converter Review

EMM Labs DV2 Integrated DAC Review
A truly magical musical machine!
Review By Phil Gold
It's many years since I've owned a standalone DAC. When your CD Player is from EMM Labs it not only contains a world class DAC, but that DAC keeps improving sonically with regular free firmware updates. On top of that, EMM Labs has updated the XDS1 CD Player to V2 and now V3 with new physical components for a reasonable update charge. Without doubt today's XDS1 V3 shows remarkable improvements over the initial model I first reviewed in 2010. But this new DV2 DAC ($30,000) costs more than a new XDS1 ($25,000) even without a transport section. It is the finest DAC EMM Labs has ever made, adding a variable output, MQA support and other refinements to the otherwise similar DA2 ($25,000).
---> EMM Labs DV2 Integrated DAC review.



12 / 02 / 20

Sonus faber Adds Maxima Amator To Their Heritage Collection

Sonus faber Adds Maxima Amator To Their Heritage Collection
Sonus faber is proud to announce the Maxima Amator ($15,000), a two-way design speaker that the company feels successfully merges two drivers to achieve a unique emotion with the maximum representation of natural sound. As the latest addition to the Heritage collection, the Maxima Amator is made in Italy with a solid walnut wood cabinet, which has been designed thanks to modern wood working methods that allowed Sonus faber the ability to develop a reliable floor- stander cabinet and overcome the structural limits of the solid wood. Great care was taken to create the cabinet's internal volumes definition – with the cabinet divided into three separate chambers designed to increase the rigidity of the structure, minimizing resonances and shielding the crossover, hosted in a dedicated chamber visible from the back of the cabinet.

The same drivers are utilized as in the Electa Amator III, as the 28mm D.A.D (Damped Apex Dome) tweeter with neodymium magnetic motor system and solid spruce wood acoustic labyrinth rear chamber produce the uppermost frequencies. For midrange and and bass frequencies, the 180mm mid-woofer with air-dried membrane made of cellulose pulp and natural fibers is mounted on the Sonus faber original design die-cast aluminum basket. Furthermore, Sonus faber has developed the IFF (Interactive Fusion Filtering) Crossover design that foregoes the classical first order series iteration, with non-academic transfer functions based on the company's accelerated progressive slopes. Overall frequency response is from 35Hz to 35kHz, sensitivity is 88dB/w/m and it presents a 4 Ohm load. Dimensions are 44.1" x 11.8" x 13.8" (HxWxD) and each one weighs 83.7 pounds.



Hi-Fi+ Issue 190 December  2020

Hi-Fi+ December 2020 High-End Audio Magazine
Hi-Fi+ magazine's December 2020 issue features their excellent annual awards! Within this issue, Hi-Fi+ honors the finest products within home and personal audio. New gear reviews include the Linn Products Majik DSM integrated streaming amplifier, iFi Audio Zen Blue / Zen DAC Bluetooth DAC / DAC and headphone amplifier, Rockna Wavelength DAC / preamplifier, and Hana Umami Red moving coil (MC) phono cartridge. Founding member of Noah and the Whale on Little Mammoths discusses their a solo career and the impact of 2020! New subscribers to Hi-Fi+ will get free custom Cardas Cable Blocks, yet hurry as this offer must end soon!

Within this month's Hi-Fi+ editorial, Alan Sircom says, "Our annual Awards issue is the last issue of the year for UK readers, and – while the audio world quickly (and mostly successfully) adapted to our 'new normal' for this year – I'm sure most of us will be quite glad to see the back of 2020. And the close of this year ended with a final kick in the guts for some parts of the audiophile and pro-audio world, with the major fire at the Asahi Kasei Microdevices factory in Japan. The fire is said to have taken three days to put out, and its impact on audio will be substantial." See what's within this issue of Hi-Fi+ magazine at this link.



12 / 01 / 20

High-End Audiophile Hi-Fi Gear Review Magazine

Audiophile Gear Reviews, 10 Questions, Videos...
...plus A Schitt(y) Contest Too!
Enjoy the Music.com's December Review Magazine features a variety of gear reviews, think pieces, videos... and more 10 Questions answered by high-end audio manufacturers. We know 2020 has been challenging, so hurry and enter our Schiit(y) Holiday Giveaway where you could win the Schitt Lyr 3 with Multibit DAC option valued at $699! See Enjoy the Music.com's December Review Magazine at this link.


Enjoy the Music.com High-End Audio Contests

Enjoy the Music.com's Schitt(y) Holiday Giveaway! Say farewell to 2020 and win a Schiit Lyr 3 with Multibit DAC option valued at $699!

Enjoy the Music.com's Schiit(y) Holiday Giveaway!
Say farewell to 2020 and win a Schiit Lyr 3 with Multibit DAC option valued at $699!
With hopes of bringing great-sounding music (and humor) to cap off 2020, Enjoy the Music.com's Schitt(y) Holiday Giveaway offers one winner a Schiit Lyr 3 with Multibit DAC option ($699). To improve on the company's Lyr 2, they had to completely reinvent the unit with two key new technologies while also making it a modular design. The Schiit Lyr 3 can be configured with a DAC as within this contest, or a MM phono preamplifier just like their Jotunheim. Within this contest, we're including Schiit's Multibit DAC (a $200 upgrade!).
---> Enter Enjoy the Music.com's Schitt(y) holiday giveaway.



Reflecting Back On 2020: High-end audio and the music industry experiences impressive growth.

Reflecting Back On 2020
High-end audio and the music industry experiences impressive growth.
Editorial By Steven R. Rochlin
I've spoken to many manufacturers and distributors during 2020, and without a doubt the saying "May you live in interesting times" holds true. While that saying is an English expression that is claimed to be a translation of a traditional Chinese curse, the point is very valid for 2020. On one hand, both high-end audio and the music industry experienced impressive growth. On the other hand, we also missed seeing one another during shows. More hi-fi blogs and YouTube videos have been produced during 2020 than perhaps any other time.
---> Reflecting Back On 2020.



Wanna Have Some Musical Fun? Roger Skoff writes about another way to enjoy the music.

Wanna Have Some Musical Fun?
Roger Skoff writes about another way to enjoy the music.
Article By Roger Skoff
I have 14 different recorded performances of Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade, 23 of Vivaldi's The Four Seasons, 11 of Shostakovich's Symphony No. 15, and at least 8 of his Waltz No. 2. I also have multiple live and studio performances of all kinds of rock and pop music, either performed by the same artists at different venues and times or with the same principal performer(s) and different support personnel — ranging all the way from just different backup players or singers to a full symphony orchestra (Deep Purple "In Concert with The London Symphony Orchestra" 1999, for example).
---> Wanna Have Some Musical Fun?



Music And Mindfulness For Stress Reduction Mindfulness is very real and it provides a powerful change in perspective. Article By Gideon Waxman Of Drum Helper

Music And Mindfulness For Stress Reduction
Mindfulness is very real and it provides a powerful change in perspective. 
Article By Gideon Waxman Of Drum Helper
Mindfulness is an incredibly liberating practice; one that has exploded as a recent phenomenon in the western world. Interestingly, us moderns are the last people on the planet to uncover the wealth of treasures it has to offer. Music and mindfulness are indeed complementary practices. Music and sounds make a wonderful object of focus for the mind, with mindful listening proven to boost our overall well-being and reduce stress significantly.
---> Music And Mindfulness For Stress Reduction.



Mindfulness In Music By John DeVore

Mindfulness In Music
John DeVore talks about mindfulness in this crazy world... plus a few musical suggestions.
Article By John DeVore Of DeVore Fidelity
John DeVore, Founder of DeVore Fidelity, has a wonderful two-video series about mindfulness in music. DeVore Fidelity is based in Brooklyn New York where for twenty years they've been designing and building beautiful speakers capable of communicating the power and scope as well as the intimate nuance of music in order to bring you closer to your music than ever before. Within John's two video series, he talks about mindfulness in this crazy world.
---> See John DeVore's Mindfulness In Music video.



10 Questions For High-End Audio Manufacturers Featuring Francis Chaillet, AudioNec’s Fonder And CEO

10 Questions For High-End Audio Manufacturers
Francis Chaillet, AudioNec's Fonder And CEO

During Enjoy the Music.com's very special 25th Anniversary we're asking various high-end audio manufacturers to answer the same ten questions. Their answers may surprise you! This month we're featuring Francis Chaillet, AudioNec's Fonder and CEO. At AudioNec, they developed new technologies for their speakers in order for them to accurately reproduce the concert experience. Their commitment is to provide products that can transport you through time and space and create that magical moment.
---> 10 questions for Francis Chaillet, AudioNec's Fonder And CEO.



10 Questions For High-End Audio Manufacturers Featuring Zoltán Bay, CEO And Designer For BAYZ Audio

10 Questions For High-End Audio Manufacturers
Featuring Zoltán Bay, CEO And Designer For BAYZ Audio

During Enjoy the Music.com's very special 25th Anniversary we're asking various high-end audio manufacturers to answer the same ten questions. Their answers may surprise you! This month we're featuring Zoltán Bay CEO and designer for BAYZ Audio. The founder, Zoltán Bay has been obsessed with audio equipment and devices that offer high-end sound quality for more than 30 years. Zoltán is an engineer who strives for perfection, a technical creator who, as a music lover, also plays the piano. During his career, he has developed numerous technical innovations and special technical solutions, several of which have been patented.
---> 10 questions for Zoltán Bay, CEO and designer for BAYZ Audio.



10 Questions For High-End Audio Manufacturers Featuring Eli Gershman founder, Chief Designer And Co-Owner Of Gershman Acoustics

10 Questions For High-End Audio Manufacturers
Featuring Eli Gershman, Founder And Chief Designer Of Gershman Acoustics
During Enjoy the Music.com's very special 25th Anniversary we're asking various high-end audio manufacturers to answer the same ten questions. Their answers may surprise you! This month we're featuring Eli Gershman founder, Chief Designer And Co-Owner Of Gershman Acoustics. Gershman Acoustics is a designer and manufacturer of high-end audio loudspeakers since 1993. The combination of the world best technology and art for the discriminating audiophiles and music lovers!
---> 10 questions for Eli Gershman, Founder, Chief Designer, and co-owner of Gershman Acoustics.



10 Questions For High-End Audio Manufacturers Featuring Daren Orth, Rotel's Chief Technology Officer

10 Questions For High-End Audio Manufacturers
Featuring Daren Orth, Rotel's Chief Technology Officer
During Enjoy the Music.com's very special 25th Anniversary we're asking various high-end audio manufacturers to answer the same ten questions. Their answers may surprise you! This month we're featuring Daren Orth, Rotel's Chief Technology Officer. Since 1961, Rotel audio products are known worldwide for their quality, reliability, value, and, above all, exceptional sound reproduction. There is no substitute for experience.
---> 10 questions for Daren Orth, Rotel's Chief Technology Officer.



Kimber Kable Naked Interconnects Review

Kimber Kable Naked Interconnects Review
Let's go skinny dipping... with an impressive leap in cabling technology!
Review By Paul L. Schumann
Ok, we've all done it. We've swum in the water in our birthday suits. It may have been in a swimming pool, maybe in a lake or stream, maybe even in the ocean. I don't want to know your details, and I'm sure you don't want to know mine. But one way or another, we got naked outside and took the plunge.  And no matter the outcome, it was a memorable experience. Such as with the Kimber Kable Naked Interconnects. My familiarity with Kimber Kable goes back further than I like to admit. Back then I was still a novice to the world of high-end interconnects. It was 1997 and I just upgraded my CD player.
---> Read our Kimber Kable Naked Interconnects review.



Winter Tweakfest 2020 Featuring Audio Magic, Captive Power Cord Conversion, Herbie's Audio Lab, Soundeck, Block Audio, And Furutech.

World Premiere Review!
Winter Tweakfest 2020!
Featuring many Great Audio Tweaks Including:
Audio Magic CE Generators (Donuts)
Captive Power Cord Conversion Male AC Plug
Herbie's Audio Lab Way Excellent II Turntable Mat
Soundeck Record Weight
Block Audio C-Lock Duplex Outlet Cable Support 
Furutech NCF Clear Line Mini Power Conditioner
Review By Rick Becker
With the 2020 election behind us, we still face the battle of Covid-19. From what I hear from manufacturers, many audiophiles have turned to music to fill their isolation and the audio industry had not evaporated. In fact, many high-end companies are doing quite well. Those individuals who have maintained their professional careers in one form or another have continued to upgrade their equipment, even in the absence of new product introductions at shows that never materialized in 2020. Those working from home and minimizing social interactions and errands have likely saved thousands of dollars in travel expenses. In my case, we've downsized from two cars to one with little inconvenience.
---> Read our Winter Tweakfest 2020 review. 



Pass Laboratories INT-25 Solid-State Stereo Integrated Amplifier Review

Pass Laboratories INT-25 Solid-State Integrated Amplifier Review
A fantastic sounding Class A stereo amplifier!
Review By Tom Lyle
Lest one think that this review is simply not only more evidence that I have somehow formed an untoward relationship with Pass Laboratories, I'd build my defense around the fact that every time I reviewed one of their high-end audio components, I was "assigned" the task. Sure, the fact that I use not only the power and preamplifier but also the headphone amplifier I use as references, must not help my case. The next thing I know I'm asked to review their INT-25 integrated amplifier. It's tough work, but someone has to do it. Yes, I'm grateful for my problems.
---> Read our Pass Laboratories INT-25 stereo integrated amplifier review.



High-End Audiophile Review Magazine

Read All Articles, Hi-Fi Gear Reviews, And 10 Questions
We have more wonderful high-end audio equipment reviews, think pieces, etc within Enjoy the Music.com's December Review Magazine available at this link.



Previous High-End Audio News
For previous high-end audio and music industry news click here.
























































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