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03 / 01 / 25

March Audiophile Review Magazine, FIAE, And SWAF Show Reports

March Audiophile Review Magazine, FIAE, And SWAF Show Reports
As Enjoy the Music.com continues celebrating our outstanding 30 years of devoted dedication to music enthusiasts globally, our March 2025 Review Magazine proposes intriguing ideas for both the high-end audio industry and music lovers alike. Roger Skoff's editorial continues the industry's ideas for reaching more enthusiasts. Resonating with Roger, Steven R. Rochlin asks if the high-end audio sector is being properly represented. We welcome your thoughts. With more fantastic Florida International Audio Expo 2025 show coverage being posted virtually daily, we're also preparing for the Southwest Audio Fest (SWAF) 2025 late this month in Texas. As always, in the end what really matters is that you... enjoy the music!
---> March Audiophile Review Magazine, FIAE, And SWAF Show Reports.



The Future Of Our Audiophile Hobby Part 2 More about things to come and how to make them better.

The Future Of Our Audiophile Hobby Part 2
More about things to come and how to make them better.
Article By Roger Skoff
In last month's Part 1 of "The Future Of Our Audiophile Hobby", I wrote that Hi-Fi – our hobby, our industry, and our long-time source of both enjoyment and cultural enrichment – seems to be following the path of the electric train, another once great, "everybody-used-to-have-one" product, into obscurity. I also told you why it was happening: Not many people, nowadays – at least not a significant percentage of the people that I or my friends and other people in the industry have talked to about it – know or can tell you the meaning of the words "Hi-fi", "High Fidelity", or "Stereo", or even know that we, our hobby, our industry, or the products that could potentially add so much to their lives, exist. We have dropped out of sight to the general public, and what is happening is its inevitable outcome.
---> The Future Of Our Audiophile Hobby Part 2.



A Plan We Can All Take Part In

A Plan We Can All Take Part In
Another crazy idea by Yours Truly.
Editorial By Steven R. Rochlin
And what have we as an industry done with this educational opportunity? We've squandered it, that's what! WTF?!?! Of course the idea below is just that, just an idea and frankly while some might like this idea, doubt it'll go anywhere as it requires effort on your part. Go ahead, prove me wrong. Am not going to be a whiney bitch and complain about some gear being incredibly high-priced, as like cars there are Hyundai (very respectable, wife's daughter has one), BMW (wife and my car), and Ferrari (been there, done that, tracked the living daylights out of it until the engine needed a major rebuild). With high-end audio for 'normal people' out there, most music lovers think of whatever is $$$ (not just $$) in the big box stores as 'high-end'. They, you know, normal people, generally, have zero idea we as an industry exist in any true sense...
---> A Plan We Can All Take Part In.



Florida International Audio Expo 2025 Show Report

Florida International Audio Expo 2025 Show Report
High-end audio / audiophiles and music lovers rejoice in Tampa.
The Florida International Audio Expo 2025 takes place from February 21st through 23rd at the Sheraton Tampa Brandon, the event's new, and larger, venue. The Florida International Audio Expo will showcase many floors filled with exhibit spaces featuring the latest in home and portable audio gear. You may enjoy an abundance of great sound from mono to stereo and immersive, plus various exhibit room will feature never before seen new products! Show attendees are the world's first to experience many of the best new high-performance, hi-resolution modern audio products. With many floors and large conference rooms of demonstrations to explore, attendees can experience luxurious immersive premium audio electronics, loudspeakers, turntables, and high-end audio headphones produced by manufacturers from all around the world.
---> Florida International Audio Expo 2025 Show Report.



Southwest Audio Fest 2025 High-End Audio / Audiophile Show Report

Southwest Audio Fest 2025 Show Report
SWAF 2025 high-end audio / audiophile event coverage.
Now in their second year, the Southwest Audio Fest (SWAF) high-end audio show by the dynamic duo Gary Gill (Capital Audiofest) and Lou Hinkley (Pacific AudioFest / Daedalus Audio) brings magical music to Dallas. SWAF 2025 follows their sensational success with the popular Pacific Audio Fest event. Attendees may listen to many of the world's top manufacturers who create a wide variety of exciting home and portable audio products. Within this expansive Resort environment, bask in luxurious sounds that caress your ears and bring newfound meaning to many of the songs you've heard many times in the past. The show promoters worked very hard to secure this amazing event venue, which is extremely safe, family fun friendly, and features great weather during March too! All this and more within a curated experience filled with fine art and acres of event space.
---> Southwest Audio Fest 2025 Show Report.



YG Acoustics Hailey 2.2 Floorstanding Loudspeaker Review

YG Acoustics Hailey 2.2 Floorstanding Loudspeaker Review
The middleweight contender....
Review By Phil Gold
Cards on the table. I've owned the YG Carmel and the YG Carmel 2, each of which I've reviewed in these pages in January 2012 and July 2015 respectively. You can read them here and weep. I'm addicted to the ultra-high resolution, low distortion, lightning reflexes, dynamic range and the holographic imaging of the Carmel speakers.  They are not for everyone. Due to the particular way they are constructed from billets of aircraft grade aluminum, they cost a lot of money, and due to their relatively small size, they don't reach down all that deep. The sealed box design does provide a superbly fast accurate bass, but while the quality is high, the quantity is limited. Today I'm going to look at the latest version of the Carmel's bigger brother, the Hailey 2.2.
---> YG Acoustics Hailey 2.2 Floorstanding Loudspeaker Review.



Aavik Acoustics I-180 Integrated Amplifier, D-180 DAC, And S-180 Streamer / Network Player Review

Aavik Acoustics I-180 Integrated Amplifier, D-180 DAC, And S-180 Streamer / Network Player Review
A symbiotic sonic relationship... for your listening pleasures.
Review By Tom Lyle
The Danish high-end audio manufacturer Aavik was nice enough to send me three components from their entry level-line. I call this gear "entry-level" not because it is a system priced for those new to the exciting world of high-end audio but because they are the least expensive components in Aavik Acoustics' 180 / 280 / 580 line. I did not know the price of these three components when they arrived at my home for review. On looks alone, I assumed that they would cost much more. About halfway through the review period, I peeked inside the cabinet of this integrated amplifier. Its innards looked as if they were constructed by an engineer but also by a visual artist. Its complex yet very neatly arranged interior was impressive. During my audition of all three components, I determined that their display and intelligent functionality belied their relatively low price.
---> Aavik Acoustics I-180 Integrated Amplifier, D-180 DAC, And S-180 Streamer / Network Player Review.



Furutech DF-2 Vinyl LP Record Disc Flattener Review

Furutech DF-2 Vinyl LP Record Disc Flattener Review
Plus the system that time forgot.
Review By Ray Chowkwanyun
The test record was Linda Rondstadt's Living in the USA. Hers is a voice that comes along once in a generation. Unfortunately, my LP copy had a warp that comes along once in a generation. Altogether, I had four LP copies of this album. The one with the worst warp sounded the best, naturally. The other three sounded the same as far as I could tell. These three I used as my reference so as not to rely on fallible aural memory. The first test record sounded like the other two references and weighed 128 grams. Furutech says not to treat any record weighing less than 110 grams which is 3.88 ounces. Nor any record made during the oil crisis weighing between 100 and 115 grams.) Naturally, you should clean the record before flattening. I use the first three stages of the excellent Walker system.
---> Furutech DF-2 Vinyl LP Record Disc Flattener.



Pro-Ject X2 Vinyl LP Turntable Review

Pro-Ject X2 Vinyl LP Turntable Review
Easy to set up and very easy to use. You will not be disappointed.
Review By Tom Lyle
As the technology advances, it's only natural for any decent audio manufacturer to take advantage of this new technology. And so, when Pro-Ject was faced with improving upon their Debut and Xpression series of turntables, which are both very successful designs, they decided to, in their words, "improve on the technologies that had already been established". As a result, Pro-Ject introduced their X1 and X2 turntables. The X2, the subject of this review, besides many other improvements, , makes the most of higher quality raw materials to use in its production (even though they are more difficult to source), and also increases the size of the turntable's existing components, which resulted in the chassis, platter and tonearm having greater mass, which made the turntable "heavier, and more robust".
---> Pro-Ject X2 Vinyl LP Turntable Review.



Sony VFETs In Push-Pull Class A By Nelson Pass Of Pass Labs And First Watt

Sony VFETs In Push-Pull Class A By Nelson Pass
Common Source Mode, Transformer Coupled
Article By Nelson Pass
This article is the first of a series presenting fairly simple "Do-It-Yourself" audio power amplifiers using Static Induction Transistors. SITs are a rare breed of transistor which have characteristics particularly desired by some audiophiles. They were first developed in Japan in the early 1970's and known then as VFETs. Brought to market by Sony and Yamaha in the 1970's and into the 80's they largely vanished except as a lingering legend among audio aficionados. My hands-on experience with SITs followed the publication of my 2010 piece "The Sweet Spot" where I discussed positioning the operating points of Class A amplifiers for load lines which allowed trade-offs involving the characteristic curves of the devices. One of these, equivalent to the Plate Resistance in tubes, we will call Drain Resistance and it is possible to exploit this for better (or at least different) performance.
---> Sony VFETs In Push-Pull Class A By Nelson Pass.



High-End Audio Reviews & Audiophile Articles

High-End Audio / Audiophile And Immersivephile Review Magazine

Many more reviews & articles are within our Review Magazine.



02 / 28 / 25

Acora Acoustics' Amazing Speakers... And VAC Tube Amps Were Everywhere Plus an Aurender Streamer, Abendrot DAC, and more at the FIAE 2025 show. Florida International Audio Expo 2025 Show Report

Acora Acoustics' Amazing Speakers... And VAC Tube Amps Were Everywhere
Plus an Aurender Streamer, Abendrot DAC, and more at the FIAE 2025 show.
Florida International Audio Expo 2025 Show Report By Steven R. Rochlin
During the Florida International Audio Expo event (FIAE) in Tampa, it was a joy to experience the incredible-sounding and lovely VAC (Valve Amplification Company) tube amplifiers within many outstanding-sounding rooms. Valve Amplification Company (VAC), based right here in Florida, was founded in 1990 by Kevin Hayes and his father, Channing W. Hayes. VAC is renowned for its dedication to sonic purity and craftsmanship, creating audio components that aim to reproduce music with vividness and realism. Their products include amplifiers, preamplifiers, and integrated systems, many of which are considered masterpieces in the audiophile community. Kevin Hayes and his wonderful wife Darlene are always a joy to see and discuss all things tube amps, music... Jaguar cars, vintage mechanical timepieces, etc.
---> Acora Acoustics' Amazing Speakers... And VAC Tube Amps Were Everywhere.



02 / 27 / 25

AGD The Audion GaNTube Monoblocks Review

AGD "The Audion" GaNTube Monoblocks Review
Class D reaches the upper echelon of high-end audio.
Review By Rick Becker
Back at the turn of the millennium you could put together a pretty good audio system for $10,000, and you could listen to many of those components in a local brick & mortar store if you lived in a decent size city. Sure there was some stratospherically priced gear in the $10,000 to $20,000 range you might be able to see if you went to one of the audio shows on the left or right coasts. Then along came "quantitative easing" and the internet. Gear got more expensive, the brick & mortar landscape eroded and major as well as regional audio shows proliferated. Eventually, higher prices seemed to have attracted more well-heeled patrons to the hobby, not unlike what happened to the bicycle industry a generation or two earlier.
---> AGD "The Audion" GaNTube Monoblocks Review.



LampizatOr Baltic 3 Hi-Res DAC Review

LampizatOr Baltic 3 Hi-Res DAC Review
A new approach to Noval tube design from Poland.
Review By Greg Weaver
Founded near Warsaw Poland in 2010, while LampizatOr builds electronics and speakers, many are not aware of those offerings, as it was their exceptional tubed DACs that first put the company on the map. Owned and operated exclusively by its designer Łukasz Fikus, after hearing the disarming $17,250 Golden Gate DAC some seven years ago, then the even more engaging $27,000 Pacific DAC at a show during 2018, the reason for their success became apparent. Both these SET-based devices offered a conspicuous step closer to the undeniable naturalness, organic coherence, and space and dimensionality offered by the very best LP transcription systems. Łukasz and LampizatOr North America principal Fred Ainsley have recently announced the launch of the nearly $50,000 Horizon DAC, which I will get to hear at its official launch during the third Florida Audio Expo in mid-February of this year.
---> LampizatOr Baltic 3 Hi-Res DAC Review.



02 / 26 / 25

MTV Unplugged Episodes Now Available On Paramount+

MTV Unplugged Episodes Now Available On Paramount+
Paramount+ has recently added a treasure trove of classic MTV Unplugged episodes to its streaming service. Over 50 episodes from the iconic live performance series are now available, featuring legendary performances from artists like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Paul McCartney, Oasis, R.E.M., Alanis Morissette, Alice in Chains, and Bob Dylan. Note that these episodes have not been available in well over 20 years, and include legendary performances we know Enjoy the Music.com fans will love. In addition to MTV Unplugged, Paramount+ has also included dozens of episodes from VH1 Storytellers and CMT Crossroads. These episodes feature standout performances from artists such as David Bowie, Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, Alicia Keys, and Elton John. Many of these episodes haven't been available for over 20 years, making this a fantastic opportunity for music fans to relive some of the most memorable live performances in history. As we all know, MTV Unplugged had a profound impact on many artists' careers by providing a platform for them to showcase their musical versatility and connect with audiences on a deeper level. The acoustic format allowed artists to present their music in a different light, often attracting new fans who appreciated the raw and intimate performances.

For some artists, MTV Unplugged served as a career resurgence. For example, Eric Clapton's performance, which included his emotional rendition of "Tears in Heaven," helped revitalize his career and introduced his music to a new generation. Artists like Nirvana and Mariah Carey used the platform to demonstrate their musical range and versatility. Nirvana's 1993 performance is often hailed as one of the most iconic in the show's history, showcasing Kurt Cobain's raw emotion and the band's ability to reinterpret their songs in an acoustic setting. Many performances on MTV Unplugged became iconic moments in music history. These performances often led to successful live albums, further cementing the artists' legacies. Overall, MTV Unplugged provided a unique opportunity for artists to strip down their music to its core, creating memorable and impactful performances that resonated with audiences worldwide.



FIAE 2025 High-End Luxury Home Audio Show Highlights YG Acoustics, SVS, Western Electric, Aurender, Berkeley Audio, Taiko Audio, Doshi Audio, Joseph Audio, and more.

FIAE 2025 High-End Luxury Home Audio Show Highlights
YG Acoustics, SVS, Western Electric, Aurender, Berkeley Audio, Taiko Audio, Doshi Audio, Joseph Audio, and more.
Florida International Audio Expo 2025 Show Report By Chuck Bruce
Reviewed by everyone and their sister-in-law is the SVS brand Ultra Pinnacle Evolution large floorstanding loudspeakers ($500 per pair). As expected, you have time alignment, diamond tweeters, and a big sound down to 16 Hz. Field reports say they also have excellent imaging, though be aware they are a low-ish 88dB/W/m sensitive and present a more challenging 6 Ohm load to your amplification. Also on demonstration was an SVS two-way design at $1200 per pair. For those seeking more efficient loudspeakers and immense SPL dynamic swings, Volti hornspeakers provide a truly excellent performance from this high-sensitivity (104dB/W/m) folded horn design. These high-end, and handsome, hornspeakers were being driven by a very modest Cary Audio 40-Watt stereo vacuum tube integrated amplifier ($4,995). To my ears, the realism is second to none.
---> FIAE 2025 High-End Luxury Home Audio Show Highlights.



Joseph Audio And Doshi At FIAE 2025 Audiophile Show Aurender, Berkley Audio Design, and Cardas cables also join in at FIAE 2025.

Joseph Audio And Doshi At FIAE 2025 Audiophile Show
Aurender, Berkley Audio Design, and Cardas cables also join in at FIAE 2025.
Florida International Audio Expo 2025 Show Report By Steven R. Rochlin
Jeff Joseph and I go back, literally, decades when CES was relevant for high-end audio and was at the Alexis Park Hotel(!). Joseph Audio is renowned for its high-fidelity loudspeakers, designed to deliver exceptional sound quality. Their loudspeakers are crafted with advanced technologies, including state-of-the-art drivers built in Norway and of course, Jeff's very unique crossover designs that ensure a seamless audio experience. Joseph Audio's Pearl Graphene Ultra Floorstanding loudspeaker was launched in 2024 to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Pearl series. Graphene / magnesium woofers are newly developed to provide superior bass precision and extension. The tweeter and midrange are housed in separate enclosures, linked by solid brass points, to minimize interference and enhance sound clarity.
---> Joseph Audio And Doshi At FIAE 2025 Audiophile Show.



02 / 25 / 25

Warning: Using Active Noise-Canceling Headphones May Cause Auditory Processing Disorder

Warning: Using Active Noise-Canceling Headphones May Cause Auditory Processing Disorder
Recent studies have raised concerns about the potential impact of noise-canceling headphones on brain health. Audiologists in the UK have reported an increase in cases of Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), a condition that affects the brain's ability to process sounds despite normal hearing levels. This condition has been observed particularly among young people who frequently use noise-canceling headphones. The theory is that by blocking out everyday sounds, these headphones might disrupt the brain's natural development of auditory processing skills. This could lead to difficulties in focusing on and understanding sounds in noisy environments. In noise-canceling headphones, the anti-noise signal created by the headphones is designed to be the exact opposite of the external noise. When these two signals meet, they interfere destructively, canceling out the unwanted noise. Destructive interference is a fascinating phenomenon in the world of physics. It occurs when two waves meet and combine in such a way that they cancel each other out.

Important: If you use noise-canceling headphones regularly, it might be a good idea to take breaks and allow your ears to experience a variety of sounds. This can help maintain healthy auditory processing skills. If you are using these headphones often, they very well could be causing undesirable 'brain training' for unnatural sound and blocking the true, natural perception of auditory localization. When you are wearing headphones, earphones, IEMs, etc, you are blocking the natural perception of sound localization, and thus the human brain may not properly develop the ability to detect the true direction of sound. Obviously, location detection is extremely important for many activities, and for one's general safety when walking, driving, etc. If you have any concerns about your hearing or auditory processing, it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional.



Volti Audio Unveils Their New Vittora Hornspeaker System At FIAE 2025 True full frequency sound quality with enormous SPL potential.

Volti Audio Unveils Their New Vittora Hornspeaker System At FIAE 2025
True full frequency sound quality with enormous SPL potential.
Florida International Audio Expo 2025 Show Report By Steven R. Rochlin
It's always a joy chatting with the cool dudes from Volti Audio and love their wood cabinet finishing work. Greg Roberts of Volti Audio wants Enjoy the Music.com fans to know that "The original Vittora, first offered in 2011, has undergone a four-year transformation and now showcases the finest work I’ve achieved to date as both a designer and builder." Each loudspeaker is truly handcrafted, meticulously, with a fanatic eye towards every detail. They are painstakingly engineered with high-precision and exquisite construction to produce a fully effortless sound from only a few Watts. While some loudspeakers need hundreds of Watts, the new Vittora horn loudspeaker system with an impressive 104dB/W/m sensitivity means they are 10x to perhaps 100x more efficient than other loudspeaker designs!
---> Volti Audio Unveils Their New Vittora Loudspeaker System.



True Innovation With The Innovo Luxe T1 Loudspeaker System Modern DSP technology creates sensational sound with ease of use.

True Innovation With The Innovo Luxe T1 Loudspeaker System
Modern DSP technology creates sensational sound with ease of use.
Florida International Audio Expo 2025 Show Report By Steven R. Rochlin
Inovo seeks to "Immerse Yourself in the Sound of Luxury", and I was also curious to hear them personally as they earned Enjoy the Music.com's prestigious Best of CAF 2024 award from our longstanding and highly experienced reviewer Brett Rudolph. The Innovo Luxe T1 floorstander in Lacewood finish was mated with Cambridge Audio's Edge NQ ($4999) Hi-Res Audio lossless music streamer. Standard finishes for the Luxe T1 are Oak, Walnut, etc ($36,000), with Premium finishes such as Lacewood, Camphor Burl, etc available via custom order ($40,000). The Innovo Luxe T1 is a high-end floorstanding speaker system designed for audiophiles seeking an unparalleled listening experience.
---> True Innovation With The Innovo Luxe T1 Loudspeaker System.



02 / 24 / 25

Coachella 2025 To Feature Kraftwerk And Many Others

Coachella 2025 To Feature Kraftwerk And Many Others
Coachella 2025 is set to be an unforgettable experience! The festival will take place over two weekends: April 11th through 13th and April 18th through 20th, 2025, at the Empire Polo Club in Indio, California. Featuring an incredible lineup of artists across various genres, headliners include Lady Gaga, Green Day, Post Malone, and Travis Scott. Electronic acts include The Prodigy, Kraftwerk, Above & Beyond, Amelie Lens, Chris Stussy, and Mind Against. For lovers of modern Hip-Hop and R&B, Missy Elliott, Megan Thee Stallion, Charli XCX, and Ty Dolla $ign are planned to perform. Pop and Rock genres will be Jimmy Eat World, The Misfits, FKA Twigs, Clairo, and Benson Boone. Latin Music fans will enjoy Iván Cornejo, Junior H, and Anitta while the K-Pop will have solo performances from BLACKPINK's Lisa and Jennie, as well as Enhypen.

Passes are on sale now, with options for General Admission, General Admission + Shuttle, and VIP Passes. Camping options have been expanded for 2025, including upgraded Ready-Set and La Campana tents, as well as classic Tent and Car camping. VIP Areas have also been expanded, with new areas near the Outdoor Theater and Sahara Tent, offering premium amenities. General Admission starts at $649 for Weekend 1 and $599 for Weekend 2. VIP Passes start at $1,399 for Weekend 1 and $1,199 for Weekend. VIP passes for Coachella 2025 offer a range of exclusive benefits to enhance your festival experience including access to VIP Areas where you may enjoy access to VIP areas located at the 12 Peaks area adjacent to the Main Stage, in the Rose Garden, and new areas near the Outdoor Theater and Sahara Tent. These areas provide specialty food and drink vendors, air-conditioned restrooms, shaded seating areas, and full no-host bars. This year's lineup promises a diverse and exciting mix of performances, ensuring there's something for everyone to enjoy. As always, enjoy the music.



Naim Electronics And Focal Loudspeakers At FIAE 2025

Naim Electronics And Focal Loudspeakers At FIAE 2025
Polite sounds from this dynamic duo.
Florida International Audio Expo 2025 Show Report By Steven R. Rochlin
As seen at many shows globally, Naim had a nice selection of their electronics that were driving Focal stand-mounted and floorstanding loudspeakers. Both Naim and Focal want Enjoy the Music.com readers to know that "The success of these sophisticated spaces lies in their superb comfort and music-fueled emotion, creating a unique opportunity to explore what both brands have to offer." And yes, as we find with luxurious high-end horology (mechanical timepieces), only Focal Powered by Naim retailers can present and sell certain exclusive creations, such as Diva Utopia modern wireless and connected active hi-fi loudspeakers or leather finish options available for models from the Utopia range. Rest assured Enjoy the Music.com's special Florida International Audio Expo 2025 report alerts our loyal fans that the newest Focal Powered by Naim location in the USA is Kontrol Freaks right here in Tampa, FL.
---> Naim Electronics And Focal Loudspeakers At FIAE 2025.



Supreme Acoustic Systems At The FIAE 2025 Tampa Event

Supreme Acoustic Systems At The FIAE 2025 Tampa Event
Stereo sound with classic vacuum tube amplification, luxurious loudspeakers, and more!
Florida International Audio Expo 2025 Show Report By Steven R. Rochlin
Supreme Acoustic Systems showcased various premium luxury hi-fi audio brands at the Florida International Audio Expo 2025. Supreme Acoustic Systems had three exhibit rooms featuring products from YG Acoustics, Western Electric, Bergmann Audio, etc. Supreme Acoustic Systems was founded by Hiram Toro with a vision to transform high-end audio distribution. They operate as a pure distributor, meaning they don't sell directly to consumers and have no ownership affiliation with any dealer. Their mission is to provide an ethical, open, and transparent service to both manufacturers and dealers, improving the value they bring to the high-end audio market.
--- Supreme Acoustic Systems At The FIAE 2025 Tampa Event.



02 / 23 / 25

A FUNtastic Time At The Florida International Audio Expo 2025 Show Report Photofest

A FUNtastic Time At The Florida International Audio Expo 2025
An unforgettable sound-sational experience in Tampa
FIAE 2025 Show Report By Steven R. Rochlin
The Florida International Audio Expo 2025 was an absolute delight for audiophiles and music enthusiasts alike. Held at the Sheraton Tampa Brandon Hotel from February 21st to 23rd, the event showcased an impressive array of high-end audio equipment, including home stereo / hi-fi consisting of reel-to-reel, turntables, both vacuum tube and solid-state amplification, Hi-Res Audio DACs, headphones / head-fi, loudspeakers of many varieties, cables, and sound system tweaks. FIAE 2025 provided a unique opportunity to explore the latest innovations in the audio industry and engage with key figures such as product designers, company founders, and renowned members of the press. Attendees were treated to live performances by talented musicians and insightful talks from distinguished guest speakers.
---> A FANtastic Time At The Florida International Audio Expo 2025.



02 / 19 / 25

Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2025 Audio/Video/Immersivephile Event

Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2025 Audio/Video/Immersivephile Event
The Bristol Hi-Fi Show, the UK's largest and longest-running hi-fi event, is set to return for its 36th edition from Friday, February 21st to Sunday, February 23rd, 2025. This year's show promises to be an audio lover's dream, featuring exclusive product launches, exciting demos, and special offers. A highlight of Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2025 is the unveiling of new products from various European manufacturers and distributors. Attendees will have the opportunity to immerse themselves within the lasted technology is electronics, loudspeakers, cables, accessories and more. This event will also feature exclusive deals and special offers, including half-price entry for students and emergency workers on Sunday after 2pm. Additionally, attendees can enter a competition to win £10,000 worth of hi-fi equipment.

The show will take place at the Delta Hotels by Marriott Bristol City Centre, located at 2 Lower Castle Street, Bristol. Doors will be open from 10am to 5pm each day. With approximately 145 audio brands confirmed to be exhibiting there should be something for every music lover, modern immersivephile, and classic audiophile. Members of the hi-fi, home cinema, and custom installation industries can gain entry to the show subject to an administration fee of £5. Members of the hi-fi, home cinema, custom installation press can gain free entry to the event. Whether you're looking to experience the latest immersive audio technology, enjoy exclusive product launches, or take advantage of special discount offers, this show should please virtually all attendees. Be prepared to immerse yourself in the world of modern state-of-the-art high-fidelity sound.



02 / 17 / 25

Florida International Audio Expo 2025 Show Report

This Weekend: Florida International Audio Expo 2025 Show Report
The Florida International Audio Expo 2025 takes place from February 21st through 23rd at the Sheraton Tampa Brandon, the event's new, and larger, venue. The Florida International Audio Expo will showcase many floors filled with exhibit spaces featuring the latest in home and portable audio gear. You may enjoy an abundance of great sound from mono to stereo and immersive, plus various exhibit room will feature never before seen new products! Show attendees are the world's first to experience many of the best new high-performance, hi-resolution modern audio products. With many floors and large conference rooms of demonstrations to explore, attendees can experience luxurious immersive premium audio electronics, loudspeakers, turntables, and high-end audio headphones produced by manufacturers from all around the world. Qobuz returns as the official lossless Hi-Res Music streaming partner for the 2025 Florida international Audio Expo.

The 2025 Florida International Audio Expo is within easy driving distance to local attractions including Disneyworld, Tampa Busch Gardens, and the Florida Aquarium. Don't forget about Universal Studios, and of course NASA to see a SpaceX rocket launch or two! Yes, you and your family may see a SpaceX rocket launch live and in person. Let's not forget that America's #1 beach is close by too, and February is excellent weather in Florida (we promise you no cold snow)! The Sheraton Tampa Brandon provides an elevated experience, plus you can use their complimentary shuttle to any destination within three miles of the hotel. This includes the popular Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Westfield Brandon, and the Florida State Fairgrounds. Learn more at our Florida International Audio Expo 2025 (FIAE 2025) show report page.



02 / 14 / 25

audioXpress March 2025

audioXpress' March 2025 Issue
Editorial: How Things Measure
The Analog Engineer Calculator & Pocket Reference
The SL-100 Sound Level Adjuster
Reinforced Speaker Protection
Zoran M. Dukic's High End Tube Amplifiers Designer Tool Box
New Op-Amp For Phono Preamps Part 2
Measuring HDMI Audio
Testing Power Amplifiers
The Early Days of Speaker Acoustics
And Much More!

Within his editorial, J. Martins says "As I was walking at an accelerated pace along the Las Vegas Strip for another CES 2025 meeting, while passing in front of Harrah's, the sound of a street musician playing saxophone over a pre-recorded music track inevitably captured my attention. The music was loud enough to mix perfectly with the acoustic sound of the instrument and provided a pleasant background for all those passing by on that cold January morning. As I glanced at his setup, a fairly large battery powered speaker stood out on the floor, still with large, colorful retail stickers proclaiming "2500 Watts!" I couldn't help smiling as I tried to understand the unknown brand logo for the clunky apparatus. Well, the brand doesn't really matter, because there's no lack of 2500W active speakers advertised online, as a quick search will reveal. Likewise, there's no lack of compact, portable Bluetooth speakers advertising 180W. You will need to reach for detailed specifications to learn that this is the "total amplification" resulting from 2x 40W woofers plus 4x 25W for full-range speakers."
---> audioXpress March 2025 Issue.



02 / 13 / 25

Phillips Design OH-16 Omnidirectional Three-Way Loudspeaker Review

Phillips Design OH-16 Omnidirectional Loudspeaker Review
Giving you all the music you love.
Review By Dwayne Carter
Phillips Design made a bit of a splash at AXPONA in April of 2023, with their inaugural display of the Phillips Design OH-16 Omnidirectional three-way loudspeakers. Unable to attend AXPONA 2023; I was more than pleased with the opportunity to review a pair. These stylish loudspeakers arrived via freight, in a crate much larger than anticipated. Receiving a well-traveled demo pair, it is unknown whether standard production (consumer) speakers will be shipped the same way. Once unlocked, the crate door swings out to reveal both speakers. While well-designed, it still required two people to maneuver the speakers from the crate. Weighing 78 lbs each; while not extremely heavy, the round speakers require careful handling. With wood (usually teak) slats towards the top, and the 12" carbon fiber composite cone located on the bottom; careful handling is a must. Once in place in the Audio Room (thanks for the help, Timmy), the protective cloth covers were removed to reveal the speakers. To say the Phillips Design OH-16 omnidirectional three-way loudspeakers are unique would be an understatement.
---> Phillips Design OH-16 Omnidirectional Loudspeaker Review.



Børresen X2 Floorstanding Loudspeakers Review Fantastic-sounding sleek speakers.

Børresen X2 Floorstanding Loudspeakers Review
Fantastic-sounding sleek speakers.
Review By Tom Lyle
The Børresen X2 is the smallest speaker in Børresen's X-Series. Even though it is Børresen's smallest speaker in that line, it is a floorstanding speaker 3.5 feet tall and weighs 80 pounds. Børresen's website calls the X2 intro-level speaker. At $8,800 a pair, whether one considers this price entry-level is debatable, but everything is relative – compared with the other speakers in Børresen's X-series, the X2 is reasonably priced. And as you'll read in this review (spoiler alert!), I have nothing but praise for the Børresen X2. After unpacking the X2s, I discovered that this slim, stylish 2.5-way floorstanding speaker had quite a small footprint. Viewed from above, the speakers are more or less triangular. The X2's front baffle is about one foot wide, but its cabinet narrows as it reaches its rear panel, which is a mere one inch wide. This narrow rear panel appears slightly wider at points to allow for the speaker's ports, three round cylinders near the top of its cabinet, and three near the bottom. At first glance, I thought that the ports resembled exhaust pipes!
---> Børresen X2 Floorstanding Loudspeakers Review.



02 / 12 / 25

Southwest Audio Fest 2025 Show Report

Southwest Audio Fest 2025 Show Report & Information
Now in their second year, the Southwest Audio Fest (SWAF) high-end audio show by the dynamic duo Gary Gill (Capital Audiofest) and Lou Hinkley (Pacific AudioFest / Daedalus Audio) brings magical music to Dallas. SWAF 2025 follows their sensational success with the popular Pacific Audio Fest event. Attendees may listen to many of the world's top manufacturers who create a wide variety of exciting home and portable audio products. Within this expansive Resort environment, bask in luxurious sounds that caress your ears and bring newfound meaning to many of the songs you've heard many times in the past. All this and more within a curated experience filled with fine art and acres of event space.

SWAF show promoter Gary Gill says, "Our listening rooms are filling quickly and will have tons of quality audiophile gear, vinyl vendors, seminars, live music, after hours parties and beverage sampling!" Remember to purchase your hotel Sleeping Rooms and SWAF Tickets early before they are sold out!

SWAF 2025 Includes:
• 20+ Large Listening Rooms booked with big name brands
• 60 Standard Listening Rooms booking now
• Vibrant Marketplace in the Atrium
• Thousands of records to dig through
• Great nightly live music free to attendees

---> To learn more, see Enjoy the Music.com's exclusive Southwest Audio Fest 2025 Show Report.



02 / 11 / 25

The Acoustical Society Of America & International Congress On Acoustics

The Acoustical Society Of America & International Congress On Acoustics
The joint ASA / ICA meeting will be held May 18th through 23rd and begin with a Keynote Lecture followed by a full day of technical sessions. The Plenary Session and Awards Ceremony will be held on Wednesday afternoon followed by the Social. A very special Closing Ceremony will be followed by the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics and the International Symposium on Room Acoustics, which will be merged into the International Symposium on Musical and Room Acoustics (ISMRA). Every effort will be made to schedule contributed abstracts in accordance with author and Organizing Committee preferences. Assignments will consider: a) organizer preference, b) program balance, and c) author preference, and d) Technical Committee instructions.

POMA is holding a society-wide student paper competition for a POMA submission based on a presentation or poster from the joint ASA / ICA meeting. Up to five student papers will receive an award of USD $300. Additionally, the student paper winners will be noted on the POMA cover page and their article will be promoted in email and social media campaigns. The papers will be rated by the POMA Associate Editor corresponding the technical area in which the paper was presented. The top related papers will be evaluated by the POMA Editor, POMA Assistant Editor, and POMA Manuscript Manager and up to five winning papers will be selected. An Opening Ceremony and Reception will be held on Sunday, May 18th. An instrument and equipment exhibition will be located near the registration area and meeting rooms and will open on May 19th. The Exhibit will include computer-based instrumentation, sound level meters, sound intensity systems, signal processing systems, devices for noise control and acoustical materials, active noise control systems, and other exhibits on acoustics.



02 / 10 / 25

T.H.E. Show SoCal Audio Event In June 2025

T.H.E. Show SoCal Audio Event In June 2025
Get ready for T.H.E. Show SoCal 2025, By T.H.E. Show (Total HiFi Experience) from June 6th through 8th at the Hilton Orange County / Costa Mesa. Join music lovers and audiophiles for an exciting SoCal audio event to experience the latest and greatest in audio technology, immerse yourself in top-notch sound systems, and mingle with fellow enthusiasts. Whether you're a hardcore audiophile or just getting started, there's something for everyone at T.H.E. Show SoCal 2025. This year's SoCal event is said to be bigger than ever, with exciting new features including live performances from talented artists across a variety of genres. With a lineup that caters to all musical tastes, this is the perfect place to discover your next favorite act or enjoy a family-friendly concert experience.

T.H.E. Film Festival: The show promoter is proud to introduce T.H.E. Film Festival — a celebration of independent filmmaking. Enjoy screenings of captivating films, from inspiring documentaries to creative narratives, making this event a treat for movie lovers of all ages. You can also explore the latest and greatest in high-end audio technology and experience breathtaking sound from world-class loudspeakers, headphones, and home audio systems. Many industry experts will be on hand to guide you through the magic of perfect sound. There will also be informative panels, masterclasses and special seminars. You can learn about turntable set-up, how to maximize your room for the best sound, vinyl LP care, the future of lossless Hi-Res Audio music streaming, and more from industry experts. T.H.E. Show is designed for everyone and we invite families to enjoy interactive exhibits, live music, and exciting film screenings, all in a welcoming atmosphere that's perfect for creating lasting memories.



02 / 07 / 25

Hi-Fi+ February 2025

Hi-Fi+ February 2025 High-End Audio Magazine
Editorial: Dynamic Range And Price Range
Network Acoustics: Win an eno2 Streaming Filter
Focal Hadenys Headphones 
Peak Consult Sonora Floorstanding Loudspeakers
Innuos ZEN Next-Gen Music Server 
Quad 33/303 Preamplifier / Stereo Power Amplifier
Rockna Wavedream Reference Signature DAC
Xavian Medea Stand-Mount Loudspeakers
WiiM Ultra Streaming Preamplifier
GutWire Consummate Loudspeaker Cable
Nordost Red Dawn 3 Cable System
...And Much More!

Within this month's editorial, Alan Sircom says "One of the great joys of good audio is dynamic range. But not necessarily in the way you think. Sure, the ability for a system to reproduce the dynamic swings of a good recording is something sublime to behold. Also, that ability for a system to be able to portray tiny dynamic cues within a larger setting (such as being able to hear mechanics of pressing the pedals on a piano in a concerto) is one of those aspects of audio performance we all look for. They are the subtle details that separate the 'great' from the merely 'good'. There's another dynamic range that is perhaps even more satisfying; the dynamic range of audio products. While many fume over the 'oligarch-fi' prices of ultra-high-end audio, there has been a change taking place across the board. The affordable end of audio has upped its ante, upped its game, and – arguably – lowered its prices. This last is controversial, but holds. Our rose-tinted view of past price tags doesn't take our past salaries into account."
---> Hi-Fi+'s February 2025 High-End Audio Magazine.



02 / 06 / 25

Acoustic Sounds Office Tour With Chad Kassem

Acoustic Sounds Office Tour With Chad Kassem
Enjoy the Music.com and Enjoy the Music.TV presents to you our tour of the Acoustic Sounds offices. We join owner Chad Kassem as he takes us through their impressive offices, including their historic turntable room and incredible vinyl vault! Editor and Creative Director of Enjoy the Music.com and Enjoy the Music.TV, Steven R. Rochlin, mans the camera as we explore Acoustic Sounds main office facility. Quality Record Pressings (QRP), part of Acoustic Sounds, is a vinyl record pressing plant located in Salina, Kansas, launched by Chad Kassem in 2011. QRP is known for its commitment to producing some of the highest quality audiophile pressings available. QRP uses three different types of record presses - Toolex Alpha, SMT, and Finebilt - all equipped with modifications that have never been tried in the record pressing industry. These presses allow for greater control over the pressing process, ensuring consistent quality. QRP focuses on producing records with exceptional sound quality.
---> Acoustic Sounds Office Tour With Chad Kassem.



All Things Must Pass: The Rise And Fall Of Tower Records Documentary

All Things Must Pass: The Rise And Fall Of Tower Records
Thanks to Gravitas Movies you can now enjoy this special documentary about Tower Records.
For this week's Film Friday Enjoy the Music.com is featuring All Things Must Pass: The Rise And Fall Of Tower Records. Established in 1960, Tower Records was once a retail powerhouse with 200 stores, in 30 countries, on five continents. This documentary, directed by Colin Hanks, is about the rise and fall of this once great retailer. Many music lovers within the world are familiar with Tower Records, the company that advertised its East 4th Street and Broadway New York City location as "The Largest Record-Tape Store in the Known World". This documentary also offers insights into the critical upheavals in the 21st-century recording industry and music business.
---> All Things Must Pass: The Rise And Fall Of Tower Records.





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