April 2014 Sony
VFETs In Push-Pull Class A
Introduction My hands-on experience with SITs followed the publication of
my 2010 piece "The Sweet Spot" (downloadable at this
link) where I discussed positioning the operating points of Class A amplifiers for
load lines which allowed trade-offs involving the characteristic curves of the
devices. One of these, equivalent to the Plate Resistance in tubes, we
will call Drain Resistance and it is possible to exploit this for better (or at
least different) performance. If you want some background on the use of
SITs, I recommend this quick read. As intended by the Cosmos, I got a call from Jeff Casady at
SemiSouth where I had been buying power JFETs made of Silicon Carbide. He
told me about how they could do a custom run of devices which had the equivalent
of the low Plate Resistance of Triode tubes – SITs. A large check and
six months later I was sitting on top a small supply of my own parts. This
story and a tutorial, published
in 2011, is an appreciation of what SITs can do for audio amplifiers, and is a
possible aid to understanding what follows. My first DIY SIT project was in 2012 with the "SIT Nemesis" a redux of Jean Hiraga's classic Nemesis. At the Burning Amp Festival 2013 I demonstrated a push-pull SIT amplifier which had literally only three electronic components. This did not include the five regulated power supplies it used, and became referred at DIY Audio as the "Beast With 1,000 Power Supplies". Each channel consisted of a coupling signal transformer and a
pair of SONY VFETs, 2SK82 and 2SJ28 operated in Push-Pull, Class A, Common
Source Mode without feedback.
The input was presented across the parallel primary windings
of a Jensen JT112L and the secondary windings provided AC drive voltage across
the Gate-Source pins of the SITs. Two regulated supplies powered the SITs
and two other floating supplies provided the 8.0 Volts and 7.4 Volts required to
bias the transistors to the proper operating point. The fifth supply was
used to drive the fan that kept the heat sink cool. This is what it looked like:
And here's a close-up:
It sounded quite good, although a small amount of noise could
be heard from the regulated switching power supplies I used.
Version 1 - CSX1
The amplifier does not invert phase. Also, because the
transformer inputs are isolated you can drive it with XLR or RCA sources without
any ground loops.
In the tube world we would probably call this a 20 Watt
amplifier without much argument, and this is achieved without feedback. In
point of fact, complementary MOSFETs in a circuit like this could give similar
results. The difference is that the Drain Resistance of the MOSFETs would
be rather high, on the order of 100 Ohms or more, and so we would have no
damping factor – the amplifier would be a current source. The low Drain
Resistance of these parts gives us about 4 Ohms output impedance. Here is what that distortion waveform looks like at 1 Watt, 1 kHz and 8 Ohms: You can see that it's primarily third harmonic, reflecting the
symmetry of the output stage. When I showed this curve at BAF, Scott
Wurcer pointed out that there was something weird about the curve – he was
right, and here is the curve without the distortion trace inverted. When the amplifier is overdriven, it has that nice compression
kind of a curve that the tube lovers have come to appreciate. Here it is
at 25 Watts where you can see it clipping:
The distortion versus frequency is boringly flat, so I won't show
it. Of greater interest is the frequency response curve:
This figure is really excellent, but is dependent on the impedance of the source. Since you are essentially driving the capacitance of the SITs themselves, you will find that a high impedance source limits the bandwidth. A 600 Ohm source impedance barely makes it to 20 kHz, so you will likely want a source impedance of 100 ohms or so to exceed 100 kHz. If you don't have that you can use a buffer like the B1 at this link. Better yet, the following example is even more appropriate. You trim the potentiometer for 0 Volts DC offset.
You can also use the
LSK170 and LSJ74 from Linear Systems. It provides about 25 Ohms source
impedance and low distortion. However if it shares ground with the main
supply of the amplifier you will not have the input isolation of the
You also have the option of running the input windings of the
transformer in series, sacrificing 6 dB of gain, but doubling the input
impedance and halving the capacitance. The VFET parts 2SK82 and 2SJ28 are thermally stable - they
don't drift with temperature. This allows for a fixed bias voltage to be
used without temperature compensation and also means that the transistors do not
require "ballast" Source resistors for stability as is the case with most
Vertical parts. There is something about Source resistors on the output
stage which appears to be sonically detectable, and this has been used in
several designs (not mine), which unfortunately did not use thermally stable
Square Law Stuff Push-pull Class A FET output stages can benefit from an extended Class A operating region if they use no or low value Source ballast resistors. By "thumbnail" calculation a push-pull Class A amplifier with a fixed bias will operate Class A output current up to twice the bias and one half of the stage shut down beyond that (see this link). With a square law character, the "unballasted" FET output
stages will deliver extra current in Class A mode. Biased at 1.5 Amps,
this output stage was observed to leave Class A at around 40 Watts into 4 Ohms.
The square law transconductance bends the transfer curves a bit, illustrated in
the following scope shots which observe the current going through a push-pull
FET output stage as its output exceeds twice the bias point. Here is an example of the current waveform of one side of a
square law push-pull output stage as it exceeds twice the bias current:
You can see the bend at the bottom as it approaches shut-off
and where the transistor is still conducting 10% of the original bias figure.
This continues asymptotically. You could argue that it is still Class A at
higher power, but I think 10% is about as far as you want to push the idea, or
you head toward the marketing excesses of the late 1970's where an amplifier
with a 10 Watt idle dissipation could be called 100 Watts Class A. To help make this clear, here's the positive and negative
halves of the output stage together. It is important to note that the
output to the speaker has low distortion. Being the sum to these two
waveforms, it enjoys the cancellation of the second harmonic seen in each.
You can see how the two halves operate like a see-saw,
alternately bearing a greater burden while still remaining active in the
amplification. Zero current is at the vertical center.
Version 2 - CSX2
Here you see the arrangement of the output devices inverted.
They may look like Common Drain connections (followers) but they are not, since
the drive voltages provided by the transformer secondaries are floating – they
are still Common Source amplifiers. The performance for this amplifier is identical except the
source providing the input signal will be driving not only the capacitance of
the SIT Gates but also the transformer's internal capacitance. The result
is that a 25 Ohm source is required to make a 100 kHz bandwidth figure.
However there is an advantage, which is that it can be easily constructed
without the necessity of separate bias supplies.
Power Supplies Here is the power supply for the CX1 version:
This is the power supply for one channel, and you can see a
separate power transformer to develop the bias voltages because this is the
easiest way of getting some isolated voltages. You can use bigger versions
of these for two channels, but you still need two isolated regulator circuits
for each channel and you must expand the dissipation capacity of the main power
regulators, so it's hardly worth it. The supply regulators dissipate about
a third of the heat, so good heat sinking for the MOSFET power transistors is
necessary. We want about 34 Volt unregulated rails, 24 Volt regulated
power rails, and bias voltages adjustable from 4 Volts to 12 volts. I use
TL431 shunt regulators to for the bias voltages. The power MOSFETs follow
a reference stack of zener diodes for the regulation of the main supply. The parts aren't very critical, but the important thing is to
get a consistent and quiet set of voltages for both the bias and the main
supplies. The other key item is that the bias voltages need to be in place
much more quickly than the main power supply to prevent too much current from
flowing through the output stage on turn-on. You will see that the time
constants for these circuits have the bias regulators coming up much faster than
the mains. Here is the power supply for the CSX2 version:
It is similar to the previous supply, but here the bias
voltages can be obtained from the main unregulated supply. Again, the
values and parts are nominal. This greater simplicity of the CSX2 supply
is the primary reason to consider using the CSX2 version, keeping in mind that
the CSX1 has lower input capacitance. If you have a low impedance source
(100 Ohms or less) for the input transformer, then this is not a big problem and
the performance will be acceptable in my opinion. This version can be made
for two channels, but separate main and bias regulation is needed for each
channel. You will note resistors R11 and R12 in both supplies. These are nominal values designed to provide a mild RC filtering of the power
supply noise and also provide convenient test points later when it is time to
adjust the bias current, so make them accessible. It is a good idea to test the power supplies prior to hooking
them up to the channels. Remember that the main regulators come up slowly. Both power supplies feature resistors R9 and R10 to bleed off the voltage after
the test, since we don't want any surprises from a fully charged bank of
capacitors. The only adjustment is the reference voltages, and prior to
attaching a channel they should be initially adjusted for at least 12 Volts to
prevent high current passing through the output stage.
Construction Hints Each channel of the amplifier, along with the supply
transistors will dissipate a little over 100 Watts of heat. To keep the
temperature of the transistors and heat sinks reasonable, you want heat sinking
with a thermal resistance of 0.25 degrees C. per watt or less. To put a
face on it, a First Watt amplifier chassis could do this as a single channel
monoblock. Regarding parts, you can get much of this at Digikey or
Mouser. Antek has some good inexpensive transformers, and somebody at DIY Audio
forum will have PC boards after a bit. The 2SK82 and 2SJ28 transistors are still available in pairs
from Circuit DIY and I have
tested both the KE33 and KF33 parts, and they are good. For something like
this which has not been made for 40 years and isn't coming back, get a few
extra. The parts do not have to be matched unless you decide to run them
in parallel, which were aren't in this case. This is a "vertical"
part, so the Case is the Drain connection. Use mica and thermal grease if
you want my advice resulting from 40 years of painful experience. The excellent folks at Jensen transformer will be happy to
take your order, as will Cinemag and Lundahl. The basic device is quad-filar
wound with four identical windings designed as a 600 Ohm line transformer. I
used the JT-112L, which has a lot of nickel in the core and you can easily find
its equivalent. Remember to carefully watch all the polarities of the
windings of all the transformers, signal and power, unless you want additional
excitement followed by lots of work. Same with capacitor and diode
polarities. The input transformer is best located at some distance from
the power transformer, otherwise it will tend to pick up some noise from the
power transformer. The farther the better. I have specified 120,000 uF of power supply capacitance. This is plenty, but there will always be those who want to do more, but remember
that the supplies are also regulated, so you can use less. The main power
supply caps are ones I use a lot, Panasonic snap-mount 10,000 uF at 50 Volts.
And yes, you probably want to bypass them with film capacitors and use special
diodes. I say have at it. The inrush thermistor TH1 should be designed for AC line usage
and rated about 10 Ohms at room temperature and a 5 amp rating or so. Don't get crazy with fuse values – 3
Amps slow blow is way
more than big enough for this. Ground the chassis directly to the AC Earth ground with 16
gauge wire or bigger. The isolated transformer inputs will also allow you
to ground the analog ground directly to Earth, so do that for safety's sake.
Adjustment You will want some way of measuring the current through the
circuit. The easiest way is to monitor the DC voltage across R11 or R12.
If you used 0.1 ohms, it will have a DC voltage across it of 0.15 volts. If you use some other value, the formula is 1.5 X R.
Set yourself up to be
able to monitor this value all through the adjustment period. At the same time, you will also want to watch the DC output of
the amplifier channel. The goal here is to have 0.15 volts (or so) across
the 0.1 Ohm power supply resistor and less than 0.03 volts or so DC on the
output. It helps to have two voltmeters. Yes, Radio Shack will
charge you a whopping $15 or so for a decent voltmeter (by the way, they are
pretty good quality – I use them all the time). The bias is not critical, so you can go a bit higher or lower
without disaster. Probably. You will be adjusting P1 and P2 to get there, and every time
you adjust one pot you will find yourself adjusting the other until you home in
on these values. For this reason, adjust in half steps. If the
offset reads 0.2 volts, try to get it to 0.1 Volts. If the current wanders
in the wrong direction when you do that, then it was the wrong pot, so go back
to 0.2 V and try adjusting the other in half steps. Eventually you will
get the hang of it – like backing up with a trailer. Fortunately the VFETs involved are thermally stable, and will
not drift much with temperature. Nevertheless, you will want to watch over
the new channel for an hour or so to see what happens, maybe trimming it a bit
as you go, again in halfway steps.
The Sound... It doesn't have a lot of gain (not really a problem these
days) and prefers your more efficient type of loudspeaker. In particular,
it doesn't have much of a damping factor, and so don't expect a lot of control
out of it.
Copyright 2014 Nelson Pass