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audioXpress Magazine

audioXpress Magazine      November 2023


audioXpress Magazine November 2023


  audioXpress remains the authority on audio and reproduced sound by connecting manufacturers and distributors with developers, buyers and consultants around the globe! It's readers are the audio product designers, consultants, integrators, DIY enthusiasts, opinion leaders and your best customers. All of them agree that the coverage of trending topics, unique in the audio industry, make audioXpress a must read.

Every month, audioXpress combines the best educational articles on topic such audio electronics, speaker and headphone design, amplifiers (from tube to Class D), acoustics, practical test and measurement, audio engineering praxis, and standards. audioXpress provides inside stories on new audio developments, on R&D Stories, the most complete objective reviews of innovative products and software, and selects some of the best DIY audio projects from worldwide experts.



Audio DSP Intelligence
A transition to support AI that operate speakers, headphones, and hearables.
Editorial By J. Martins
For the past five years, the audio industry has witnessed a tectonic shift in the platforms for digital signal processing available to developers of audio products. Now, we are seeing another significant evolution as the industry migrates to extremely sophisticated use cases of edge AI and on-device resources. All the while, users' expectations of audio features continue to increase. Voice recognition and voice engines were one of the biggest incentives for manufacturers to boost the processing power of built-in DSP and audio systems. Voice applications required embedded signal processing to ensure that voice signals that originated in even the most unpredictable conditions and captured by microphones could be clearly recognized.
---> Audio DSP Intelligence.


5 Supporting Companies


Development Features
8 Motion Feedback For Active Desktop Woofers
By Zami Schwartzman
Explore passive and active bass enhancement methods
and learn how Servobass arrived at an optimized
design using motion feedback (MFB) techniques to
achieve highly performing active subwoofers in desktop
and never before seen compact sizes.


14 How Optical Technology Enables A Generational Shift
In MEMS Microphone Performance
By Jakob Vennerųd and Kieran Harney
This article summarizes the evolution of microphone
technology, outlines the operating principle of optical
MEMS microphones, and describes the benefits of
the sensiBel SBM100 optical microphone series over
conventional solutions.


22 The Impact Of Microphone Specifications
On Active Noise Cancellation Performance
By Nikolay Skovorodnikov
Active noise cancellation (ANC) is a popular feature
for consumer electronics headsets. To achieve
high-performance ANC, we need to understand how
microphone selection impacts ANC performance and
influences the final user experience.


audioXpress Magazine November 2023


28 No Zipper, No Pop!
How ADC Hybrid Gain Control Can Enable
Smooth, Pop-Free Microphone Preamp
Gain Changes
By Michael Chandler-Page
Learn more about the hybrid gain control (HGC)
feature of Cirrus Logic's new CS530xP family of Pro
Audio ADCs.


34 Digital Signal Processing For
Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids
By Alexander Goldin
Learn more about the principles of digital signal
processing (DSP), algorithms, and software that
enable hearing improvements for people with
hearing loss. These can be applied to true wireless
stereo (TWS) earphones that use the same hardware
components as over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids.


56 Easing Deployment of Automotive Audio Functions
By John Whitecar
In this article, we delve into the signal processing
challenges that designers encounter when aiming
to create elaborate automotive audio systems that
transform driving into a harmonious experience.



60 Distortion Measurement Of OPA1656 And OPA1612
By Vojtěch Janįsek
Learn more about different methods to measure distortion of the extremely popular OPA1656
and OPA1612 Burr-Brown audio operational amplifiers (op-amps).


Sound Control

46 Over A Century Of Home Loudspeaker Development
By Richard Honeycutt
The history of home speaker development is always fascinating to revisit if we want to
fully understand how electroacoustic devices impact our listening experience and their
interdependence with room acoustics. This article explores that evolution and how we
quantify a loudspeaker's quality.


Hollow-State Electronics
62 Tube Filament Supplies
By Richard Honeycutt
Delve into the finer details of the reasons to use DC filament supplies, advantages over using
an AC heater supply, and alternative methods to eliminate induced hum.




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