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audioXpress Magazine

audioXpress Magazine      January 2023


audioXpress Magazine January 2023


  audioXpress remains the authority on audio and reproduced sound by connecting manufacturers and distributors with developers, buyers and consultants around the globe! It's readers are the audio product designers, consultants, integrators, DIY enthusiasts, opinion leaders and your best customers. All of them agree that the coverage of trending topics, unique in the audio industry, make audioXpress a must read.

Every month, audioXpress combines the best educational articles on topic such audio electronics, speaker and headphone design, amplifiers (from tube to Class D), acoustics, practical test and measurement, audio engineering praxis, and standards. audioXpress provides inside stories on new audio developments, on R&D Stories, the most complete objective reviews of innovative products and software, and selects some of the best DIY audio projects from worldwide experts.



From The Editor's Desk
4 From Ideas To Manufacturing
We're unlike anything else in the audio industry.
Editorial By J. Martins
If you are holding a printed copy of this issue of
audioXpress or reading it on a screen, you have
probably already noticed that this publication is
unlike anything else out there in the audio industry.
This publication was originally born from what was
considered once a very niche market segment of
people who preferred a hands-on approach to audio
systems and reproduction, and liked to modify and
(hopefully) improve existing equipment, as well as
design and build their own gear from scratch.
---> From Ideas To Manufacturing.


5 Supporting Companies


26 The Benefits Of Using
Structure-Borne Sound In Headset
Signal Processing
By Hans W. Gierlich
This article details the latest testing strategies
for bone conduction technology used in product
development for headsets and in-ear devices. It
showcases new possibilities for manufacturers
to better evaluate device performance, since no
appropriate test equipment and methods were
commercially available until now.


40 OTC Hearing Aids
Is Innovation Leaving The Rule Behind?
By Andrew Bellavia
A wave of new developments promises to solve the
most pressing need for people with milder hearing
loss, allowing mass-market hearables to supplant
over-the-counter hearing aids with less stigma.


46 The Audio Foundry Automotive
Audio Development Platform
By Adam Levenson
This article details the possibilities of the Audio
Foundry platform for automotive audio prototyping
and to support the development of audio experiences
in vehicles with powerful design tools and services.
The result of a collaboration between Tymphany and
DSP Concepts.


audioXpress Magazine January 2023


54 Loudspeaker Driver
Displacement Decomposition
By René Christensen
This valuable tutorial offers a unique overview
on the possibilities of three-dimensional analysis
of loudspeaker driver displacement, using Phase
Decomposition and Axial-Symmetrical Decomposition


58 Power Transformer Parameters,
Selection, and Testing
Part 3 — Insulation Materials,
Winding Bobbins, and Testing Methods
By Chuck Hansen
In the previous two articles in this series, Chuck
Hansen detailed the history of transformer cores
and their various construction methods. This article
explores transformer insulation materials and winding
bobbins, and testing methods for the insulation


Drivers And Transducers
8 Bone Conductors Going Mainstream
By Mike Klasco and J. Martins
Bone conduction technology that sends vibrations
directly to the inner ear, bypassing the
eardrums, is seeing increasing use — evolving from
its origins in medical hearing devices to mainstream
consumer and strategic communication applications.
The advantages in open-ear wireless applications have
great appeal and the audio industry is responding.



18 Building A Haptic Dimension
The Science Behind The Taction Transporter
By Silmon James Biggs and John Steinberg
Haptic motors are finding applications in gaming, music,
VR / AR, and therapeutic / wellness. The Transporter is a
patented transducer that delivers faster more accurate bass
and is designed to work with the main audio driver in
headphones. It subtly vibrates against the user's skin
to produce an extra dimension that can be described
as a high-fidelity extension.


Sound Control
34 Acoustical Test Sources
By Richard Honeycutt
Richard Honeycutt identifies different types of
acoustical testing and explores the science behind
the choice of a sound source for acoustical testing.
Some commercially available examples of sound
source examples are presented.




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