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audioXpress Magazine

January 2023


From Ideas To Manufacturing
We're unlike anything else in the audio industry.
Editorial By J. Martins


audioXpress Magazine January 2023


  If you are holding a printed copy of this issue of audioXpress or reading it on a screen, you have probably already noticed that this publication is unlike anything else out there in the audio industry. This publication was originally born from what was considered once a very niche market segment of people who preferred a hands-on approach to audio systems and reproduction, and liked to modify and (hopefully) improve existing equipment, as well as design and build their own gear from scratch.

That spirit inspired the late Edward T. Dell, Jr. (1923–2013) to devote decades of his life to the DIY audio passion, leading to the creation of hallmark publications including Audio Amateur (1970), Audio Electronics, Glass Audio, Speaker Builder, Multimedia Manufacturer, and finally audioXpress, starting in January 2001. What many people recognized was that their passion for audio electronics and speaker building, among other things, fostered many ideas that led to the foundation of new companies, business careers, and audio innovation.

Many of the original audioXpress readers were actually active members of the industry and others got involved because of it. All over the world, the pages of Ed Dell's publications and the valuable article contributions by many hundreds of experts, inspired new ventures globally. I joined audioXpress as editor-in-chief in 2013, and I was one of those people who these magazines had touched, so when invited I accepted the challenge of leading this publication with the inspiration and conviction that there was a lot more that we could do to serve our audio product development and design readership.

We are now entering a new expansion phase in the trajectory that was initiated in 2013, when we embraced our mission to follow audio innovation, true to our motto, Advancing the Evolution of Audio Technology. And we continue to expand on our mission to offer the leading Audio Development and Design Magazine and Website. For that, you will note the important contributions from new authors and audio experts in almost every issue. This January 2023 issue is no different and I am particularly glad to welcome Andrew Bellavia and René Christensen, who I hope will be regular contributors to this publication. When you read their articles, I am certain you will agree.


audioXpress Magazine January 2023


A fundamental contributor to this project, as many of our authors recognize, has been the work of Jan Didden, who for many years has been listed as our Technical Editor, although his involvement was mostly voluntary. As we aim to meet the evolving needs of our audience, I reached out to him to become more closely involved with the publication, essentially expanding on what he always did brilliantly.

I am extremely pleased to announce that Jan Didden has agreed to take on the formal duties as Technical Editor of audioXpress (we decided that there wasn't a better title for what he does), expanding his involvement and contributions to this publication. And appropriately, I leave you with a word from him.


J. Martins



It is a privilege for me to be part of the audioXpress team. I cut my writing teeth many, many years ago producing articles for The Audio Amateur, the precursor to this title, founded by Ed Dell. Then, in 2010 I struck out on my own and started Linear Audio, publishing a 200-page "bookzine" with some 10 technical audio articles every six months. Linear Audio's author roster grew to more than 100; experienced designers, well-known names in audio, as well as accomplished amateurs. You know who you are. In 2017, I decided I wanted to spend more time on research and equipment design and stopped publishing new Linear Audio issues. Occasionally I hooked up a prospective author with audioXpress, and this activity will now expand.

I believe that design and / or construction articles are an indispensable part of a technical audio journal. It is important to know what is out there, what's available, who offers what, how it performs, and how it tests. But at the start of it all, there is an engineer or designer who creates the equipment that is proposed, tested, offered, and advertised. I want to give this part of the community the visibility it deserves, to inform and educate and hopefully inspire technically inclined persons to take up audio design. I am looking forward to once again interacting with established and budding authors and designers to explore this great vocation of ours! So, get in touch with me at techeditor@audioXpress.com.


Jan Didden
Technical Editor




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