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HIGH END And International Parts + Supply 2021 Show Report Munich Germany

HIGH END 2021 Show Report
High End Society Munich Germany


HIGH END Show In Munich Postponed Until May 2022
The parallel event, the IPS – International Parts + Supply, is also postponed.

(April 27, 2021) The HIGH END 2021 trade show, planned to take place in Munich from September 9 to 12, 2021, has now been moved to May 2022 due to the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The HIGH END SOCIETY Service GmbH reached this decision after a reassessment of the current situation and in close cooperation with the Board of the HIGH END SOCIETY e.V.

The world's leading audio trade show will therefore return to its usual spring timeslot and be held at the MOC Event Center in Munich from May 19 to 22, 2022. The IPS – International Parts + Supply event, which was due to be held alongside the HIGH END, has also be postponed until the new year and will open its doors for the first time on May 19 and 20, 2022.

Although the halls and atriums of the MOC are fully booked and a detailed hygiene and infection protection concept has been carefully developed, the organiser believes that taking this action at an early stage is necessary given the current situation. "We have prepared for the event extremely well and were confident that the HIGH END and the new IPS would be able to take place this autumn despite the changing conditions," states Stefan Dreischärf, Managing Director of the event organiser, the company HIGH END SOCIETY Service GmbH. He regrets that all hi-fi fans will now have to wait even longer for the annual industry highlight due to the postponement. "That said, we have to adopt a far-sighted approach to maintain the trust of our exhibitors. Given the slow development on a global scale, we believe that the current situation is too uncertain. The risk of having to cancel the event at short notice is simply too high," explains the experienced trade show manager.

Given that the pandemic is not being curbed as rapidly as hoped, nobody can foresee whether an international trade show would actually be able to take place with satisfying results for everyone involved in September. When planning and hosting their trade shows, Stefan Dreischärf and his team put everything into providing their exhibitors with optimal conditions for successful business. What's more, the organiser is aware of its continued responsibility to protect the health of all parties involved and guarantee planning reliability. With the prospect that the current measures will have been significantly eased by next year, and global travel is therefore likely to be possible with no limitations, there is nothing to stop the HIGH END and IPS from providing a successful and enjoyable trade show experience in May 2022.



Previous Info Before Cancellation Is Below

HIGH END And IPS Show In Munich 2021


HIGH END Society Video Features Enjoy the Music.com

HIGH END Society Video Features Enjoy the Music.com
"HIGH END 2020 was canceled, and they handled it with the grace and dignity that our industry deserves," says Enjoy the Music.com's Creative Director Steven R. Rochlin. "I look forward to the truly incredible HIGH END 2021 event in Munich."
---> See HIGH END's video with Steven R. Rochlin at this link.


HIGH END 2021 Exhibitor Space Sold Out
This just in from the HIGH END Society: "The organizer of the event, the HIGH END SOCIETY Service GmbH, is pleased to announce that the HIGH END 2021 is now fully booked, even before the registration deadline at the end of March! After more than a year without events, this is sure to be music to the ears of exhibitors, trade visitors, consumers, media representatives and, of course, everyone involved in the success of the trade show during both the planning and implementation stages. The constant high demand for the sought-after exhibitor areas in the halls and atriums of the MOC Event Center in Munich clearly shows how keen the industry is to finally showcase its high-quality products to a live audience again after being starved of the opportunity for months due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

From September 9 to 12, 2021, the 39th HIGH END trade show in Munich will yet again shine the spotlight on excellent music reproduction, inspiring listening enjoyment and exquisite audio technology. For many years, the HIGH END has been providing both the big players in the industry and smaller owner-managed companies with their ideal presentation platform as the world's leading audio trade show. It is the perfect place to establish business relationships, expand networks and exchange ideas and experiences with other industry experts. After trade shows all over the world were brought to a standstill by the pandemic, the international audio show now wants to further develop its high significance for the B2B area. "The second trade visitor day has attracted a consistently positive response", reports Stefan Dreischärf, Managing Director of HIGH END SOCIETY Service GmbH. "We are very pleased about this situation and will do everything that we can to ensure that the HIGH END can take place in extremely safe conditions." Dreischärf does, of course, regret that he will probably be unable to accept all registrations. As was the case in previous years, all further enquiries received for the HIGH END will now have to be placed on the waiting list given that the event is fully booked.

The September dates chosen for the event provide a high degree of planning reliability, which is likely to be particularly important for exhibitors and visitors from outside Germany. After all, current developments indicate that global travel will still be restricted in the early summer. Holding the trade show after the summer months allows more time for the advancing global vaccine rollout and the resulting immunization and containment of the pandemic. The wide variety of testing options now available increase confidence that events with a large number of participants will be able to be held by September. As can be expected, the event organizer has also developed a reliable and flexible hygiene concept that can be adapted to suit changing circumstances at any time.

The HIGH END is the undisputed international leader when it comes to impressively setting the tone for top-class music reproduction. The trade show has been providing ideas and impetus for producers, distributors, sellers and consumers of high-quality consumer electronics for four decades. Each year, representatives from the entire industry convene on four days at the HIGH END in Munich. From leading global players, right down to innovative start-ups, the exhibitors provide solid proof of their innovative verve, which they present to an international public at the HIGH END.


ALTI Automotive Audio Conference During HIGH END 2021


ALTI Automotive Audio Conference
September 9th and 10th will bring the first automotive conference of ALTI LLC in Europe. This event will take place simultaneously with IPS – International Parts + Supply 2021 and HIGH END 2021 at the MOC in Munich. Their collective goal is to bring together hi-fi, audio and acoustics experts, automotive manufacturers, suppliers, brands and stakeholders. The conference offers an ideal platform to discuss the latest industry trends, share knowledge and network with like-minded people.

ALTI's inaugural conference in Europe promises to be a major event. ALTI Automotive Audio Conference will be co-locating at the MOC in Munich with the High End Audio Show and the International Parts Supply Show (IPS). The interior of the vehicle is becoming increasingly important. It is very likely that the vehicle interior will be used in a completely different way in the vehicle of tomorrow. People will use the vehicle to enjoy entertainment, play games, watch movies with family and friends via streaming, make video calls, use the vehicle as a mobile office, communicate with their community on social media. The challenge for OEMs and suppliers is to enable access to rich media content in the vehicle in a safe, user-friendly and secure way, and to achieve flawless image reproduction via displays as well as excellent sound quality. The demands for an excellent sound system will increase and with it the desire for new technologies, such as sound zones and immersive audio. The conference will provide an overview of the advances made in recent years and address many of the new demands in this emerging area of audio technology.

The new ALTI Automotive Audio Conference will provide a forum for professional exchange as well as discussion and presentation of new technologies and processes within the dynamic Automotive Audio industry.



About The HIGH END Event In Munich
The HIGH END, the internationally renowned audio exhibition, is the undisputed leader when it comes to impressively setting the tone for top-class music reproduction. It has been providing ideas and impetus for producers, sellers and consumers of high-quality consumer electronics for four decades.

On the four days of the 2021 event, September 9th through 12th, the entire world of audio experts and professionals gather in Munich to visit hundreds of exhibitors from more than 40 different countries as they showcase their latest innovations in the halls and atriums of the MOC event center.


HIGH END 2020 Show Report Munich Germany


HIGH END 2021 show plans to open their doors and welcome exhibitors and visitors from all over the world in Munich, Germany. With exhibitor space already fully booked months in advance, this year's HIGH END show marks it's 39th time and 17th at M.O.C. As during the past 21 years, longer than any other North American magazine, Enjoy the Music.com once again reports on HIGH END in Munich. This internationally renowned exhibition has firmly established itself as a global event over nearly four decades.


International Parts + Supply Event 2021

International Parts + Supply Event 2021
At the same time as HIGH END, the Society's International Parts + Supply (IPS) event perfectly complements the HIGH END, which has developed into the largest international hi-fi show and enjoys tremendous significance and international popularity within the audio industry. Manufacturers of supply parts for the audio industry will be provided with a special exhibition area in the MOC event center, alongside the HIGH END 2021, offering an ideal platform for establishing more intensive contact with their customers and optimally showcasing their products tailored to their target group.

In September, you can meet the entire world of hi-fi experts and professionals at Munich's MOC exhibition grounds. Two trade visitor days will give exhibitors the perfect chance to plan their B2B meetings with no stress and without being pressed for time. As a parts manufacturer and supplier you can immensely benefit from these conditions, because your customers are already there.


HIGH END 2020 Show Report Munich Germany

Alan Parson As Brand Ambassador
High End Society is very happy to announce that Alan Parsons will be this year's brand ambassador for their HIGH END 2021 Munich international hi-fi show! For this world renown British musician, sound engineer, and producer, they also brought back a reunion with his predecessor Steven Wilson. Both musical artists know each other from their joint work on Steven Wilson's album The Raven That Refused to Sing (And Other Stories).


HIGH END 2020 Show Report Munich Germany


This year's HIGH END event motto is "The Magic Of Music" and features brand ambassador musician and studio engineer Alan Parsons. As a true master of good tone, Alan Parsons leads a successful career for decades. He has also been nominated for a Grammy award 13 times. recently, in 2018, he received the coveted award for the album Raumklang. Alan Parsons initially worked as an assistant at the legendary Abbey road studios on the Beatles last two albums, before becoming known as a sound engineer for the legendary Pink Floyd album Dark Side Of The Moon. Alas founded The Alan Parsons Project in 1975, releasing many albums by his band, and in 2019 his recent studio album The Secret is available as he currently tours America and Europe.


HIGH END 2020 Show Report Munich Germany


More Details About HIGH END 2021
HIGH END 2021 show will set new standards and is the most important European rendezvous of the audio industry, both for small manufacturers and global audio brands. This is where they all come together to meet. In addition to the large, leading global players in the industry, however, there are also the smaller audio specialists who display their passion for innovation and find just the right setting at the HIGH END in Munich's MOC. Approximately 550 exhibitors from 41 countries plan to showcase their innovations in four exhibition halls and two atriums, with 138 prominent conference rooms. It is a feature found nowhere else in the world at a trade fair of this kind.


Enjoying The Music @ HIGH END 2020


360° Range Of Products And Services
The exhibition allows a unique insight into the market of the entire international audio industry. The HIGH END offers the whole variety of the audio market – from analog to digital. Proven analog technology is entering into new alliances with digital developments of recent years. Through the dramatic evolution in entertainment electronics, ushered in by digitalization and virtualization, streaming continues to be widely popular.


HIGH END 2020 Show Report Munich Germany


Vinyl records are of course being offered for sale again. Heavy vinyl discs that users can touch and hold in their hands have been enjoying continuous growth now for years, after all, symbolizing an oasis of peace in a hectic, high-tech world. Here, exhibition visitors can revel in a unique opportunity to discover a wide range of musical gems and to pursue their passion of enjoying music without being in a hurry.


Consumer Electronics For All Age Groups And Any Budget
For large or small pocketbooks, young or older clientele, at the HIGH END, all music and equipment aficionados can find what they are looking for. Naturally also on display are affordable entry-level models for hi-fi novices. The HIGH END offers the full range of audiophile products, whether it be small systems for those just getting started, headphones, turntables and, of course, the ultimate peak of technical perfection.


HIGH END 2020 Show Report Munich Germany


There is no other place in Europe where the entire range of audio products is presented as impressively and emotionally as HIGH END. The diversity of services in the industry reflects both the big players as well as the many smaller, more specialized and niche providers. Visitors will be immersed in analog high-precision art as well as in the latest digital audio and visual soundscapes. Exquisite analog equipment blends in harmoniously with the latest multimedia equipment. Perfectly processed loudspeakers, traditional tube amplifiers and cult turntables stand side by side with networked audio systems, audio streaming solutions, digital wireless systems and multimedia stations. Visitors can find everything their music-loving heart's desire, regardless of age and lifestyle.

HIGH END 2021 includes many seminars and lectures from leaders within the high-end audio industry. Live music events are also a highlight as bands travel throughout the venue playing music to a welcoming audience. No other show promotes their event as HIGH END provides. Radio and TV commercials and augmented by posters on buses, within the subway and taxi cabs. HIGH END truly is leading the way when it comes to providing one of the world's largest specially audio shows in the world.

Enjoy the Music.com's exclusive, and extensive, HIGH END 2019 coverage can be seen here.


HIGH END 2020 Show Report Munich Germany


Currency Exchange Rate
On March 17, 2021
€0.84 = $1
$1.19 to €1



MOC Munich
Lilienthalallee 40
80939 Munich, Germany



September 9th through 12th, 2020

First day only open for trade visitors with pre-registration.



Trade Visitors:
Trade visitor ticket with pre-registration: €35
Trade visitor ticket locally: €50

Visitor day ticket Friday or Saturday: €15 / day
Visitor day ticket Sunday: €5 / day
Visitor 3-day ticket Friday to Sunday: €25

Day ticket reduced, only in the MOC: Friday and Saturday: €10
Reduced ticket prices for pupils, students, seniors, and persons with disabilities upon presentation of the corresponding pass.

Free entry for children until the age of 14.




Previous HIGH END Munich Show Reports
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

























































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