September 2022 Great Reviews, Blue Note Awards, Shows And More!
The first annual Pacific Audio Fest (2022) was a resounding success! There are so many wonderful stories I've been hearing from PAF that Show Director Lou Hinkley and Show Manager Gary Gill have already announced their 2023 event! That's what I call a great success story for 2022. When we add in longtime good friends like Marjorie Baumert of RMAF fame at PAF, it strengthens our industry's mission of delivering the best-sound music to our global fans. Next up is Capital Audiofest from November 11th through 13th at the Twinbrook Hilton in Rockville Maryland.
Blue Note Awards 2022
Let it be said here and now we make no apologies that during 2022 our staff chose only a few handfuls of products to receive our special Best Of 2022 Blue Note Award. With so many products spanning an array of categories reviewed from late 2021 through September 2022, this does not mean that everyone gets an award. This is not to say that other products do not merit your attention, it is simply that only the very best of the bunch should stand out and be recognized clearly and concisely.
Brief Words About MoFi
While various magazines have reported on a Class Action lawsuit against MoFi that was filed by Adam Stiles in North Carolina, imho it doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of reaching the courts and a final legal conclusion. But as my European friends know, in the USA anyone seems to be able to file a lawsuit for pretty much anything. If anything really comes from it, it's usually the lawyers that 'win' and we lose with higher prices to offset legal costs to fight lawsuits. So, instead, let's focus on the much bigger matter at hand... which has been known for for quite a few years. Actually, industry guys like me knew of this problem before the music business launched their Hi-Res Audio / Music scheme.
Setting The Standards
Yes I spoke with... it was obvious they didn't seem to desire transparency by using a modernized universal standard as they did during the CD days. Modern code within digital audio files makes it easy, too. At least that's how I saw it considering the pushback by those within the music business. So that spurred me to write an article proposing a standard everyone could use, gratis. No licensing fees, no added expenses other than to be honest and transparent with those buying music. Am sure we can all agree it would be great if the music business had more product transparency.
Senseless Ramblings
Since the music business doesn't seem to want transparency, I look forward to the high-end premium luxury audio industry choosing to do better than mainstream music labels. It doesn't have to be my labeling idea or suggestions, so will leave it up to our industry to decide on a universal way to add honest details concerning the recorded audio products being sold to music lovers globally. Am sure many readers realize that those days of 100% analog recordings are extremely few and far between in 2022, and sadly 100% analog half-speed cut albums may also be within the rearview mirror. If you love true lossless FLAC that's great. If you love album art and playing vinyl LPs regardless of the source, that's great too. Maybe you love reel-to-reel, and 100% analog sourced from as close to the master tape is perhaps better than an LP, especially with the LP's limitations (as the groove gets closer to the label so there is far less vinyl passing under the needle, and thus lower fidelity is the result). Maybe there are proprietary lossy 'filtering systems' that add effects so they sound more pleasant to your ears. All good, but let's have an honest labeling system detailing lossless from lossy, and what the sources, 'tween, and end process that creates the vinyl LP / digital audio sold to consumers. I've said my 'peace' within my article written in August 2014(!), and note that it is now eight years later. And so the premium audio industry can, and maybe one day will, do better than the major business recording labels. We are high-end audio, so we're relied upon to have a higher standard than what is typical. If we forget our task, who will be there when (not if) things truly go 'sideways' with proprietary schemes and whatnot?
Welcome Back Normality There is no better time to be a music lover! When we add in the strength of used gear, it shows the lifeblood of our days gone past are just as worthy as the many new offering we have today. Plus with each show comes additional world premiere product launches. With many phone calls and e-mails over the past months, it truly brings a smile to my face that we're back to (relative) normality. Am so very proud of what everyone is contributing to help music lovers achieve the best sound possible within their homes and when mobile.
As always, in the end what really matters is that you...