April 2023 Video: Acora Acoustics' Granite Loudspeakers
With the nearly universal consensus of praise and earning many show awards during the Florida International Audio Expo 2023, the Acora Acoustics, VAC, Oracle Audio, Aurender, LampizatOr, and Cardas Audio room was a sound to behold! See Steven R. Rochlin's FLAX 2023 coverage of their room here.
As one of the best-sounding exhibition room during the recent Tampa show, it brings us joy to showcase a very recent interview by The Absolute Sound's Lee Scoggins as he sits down with Acora Acoustics founder Valerio Cora. They both discuss Acora's relatively recent emergence in the audiophile world. Within this video, you'll discover why using granite as an enclosure plays a big role in the loudspeaker's overall performance and Valerio's beginnings with high-end audio.
Enjoy the Music.com's Steven R. Rochlin reported on the Florida show and said, "My wife heather and I came back to this room a few times, as it was right off the dining area and so was easy to hear them during the day and night sessions too. My wife and I loved the sound, as it was fast, clean, and immensely musical. The Acora Acoustics VRC-1 floorstanding loudspeakers, as seen here in GT Pearl Granite, also were able to fill the very large room with deep bass, and the uppermost registers (high) were smooth and clean."
"With a lineup that included VAC tube amps, Oracle turntable, Aurender, LampizatOr, and Cardas cables was a Best Of Show. Yeah yeah, usually these types of 'awards' are saved as 'teasers' for the very end of a report. My time is extremely limited, so right off the bat here's my first award for Best Sound At FLAX 2023."
With that said, we know you'll enjoy the below video. As always, in the end what really matters is that you... enjoy the music!
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