The Big Rooms At FLAX 2023
Wow! Yes, these are the main floor's large exhibit rooms, so they have the decisive advantage of having an abundance of physical space to properly integrate loudspeakers within a room. Every seasoned premium audio enthusiast knows that the loudspeakers, and their placement within the room, can make or break the quality of sound we hear. I'm happy to give a full gear listing... when the manufacturer provides it. As always, I ask each exhibit room to send me a gear listing via email and some do, others don't as a show is very busy. Allow me to reserve the right to add gear listing within my reports over time, as trying to remember each piece of gear over many rooms... my brain aint what it once was. With that said, here are the Big Rooms and my impressions of the sound heard.
Acora, VAC, Oracle, Aurender, LampizatOr And Cardas
With a lineup that included VAC tube amps, Oracle turntable, Aurender, LampizatOr, and Cardas cables was a Best Of Show. Yeah yeah, usually these types of 'awards' are saved as 'teasers' for the very end of a report. My time is extremely limited, so right off the bat here's my first award for Best Sound At FLAX 2023.
Speakers: Acora Acoustics VRC-1 in GT Pearl Granite - $230,000 on up.
Electronics: VAC Statement 452 Amplifiers - $75,000 each
Analog Sources: Oracle Delphi Reference w/Turbo MK2 PS - $13,920
Digital Sources: Aurender N30SA - Reference Digital Source Component - $25,000 Cables And Power: Cardas Clear Beyond Interconnect - $5050 for 1.5-meter pair