This morning (10/25/2014) was busy mastering my interview and the live set with Moreland & Arbuckle from Friday's Blues Masters at the Crossroads 2014 concert. Will be posting the entire concert series as my schedule permits. Each musical set is being mastered on its own merits, thus every set means all-new mastering techniques to 'get it right' (hopefully). Please feel free to e-mail me and let me know how you like the video and audio quality, as i truly do value your input! Due to receiving so many positive e-mails and enquiries, below are a few pics of the gear used. Within the studio in Salina I used Cardas Audio XLR microphone cable from the main mix board stereo out to my recording equipment. George Cardas' cables have this wonderful purity and harmonic sound that I find is great for live gigs. The mixboard sound fed the custom Manley Labs version of the Tannoy 10" monitors in their studio rig (incredible speakers, still kicking myself I did not buy a set). The NewTek TriCaster 460 fed the A/V to the live stream, with the video signal being captured by the NewTek yet audio fed/captured in a special way (please don't ask, a man deserves his little secrets). During mastering here, used Sennheiser HD600 with Stefan AudioArt Equinox Cable and Ultimate Ears 18 Pro Custom IEM I've had for many years so know them well. iFi Audio's Micro iDSD was used to good effect in a variety of ways (USB and analog) as was the ADAM Audio ARTist 5 powered monitors (older version reviewed) w/powered sub wired with Kimber Kable Select all silver cable. Double checking the mix for smaller speakers, I used the MacBook Pro's built-in sound and Audioengine A2+ (older version reviewed) wired with Kimber GQ-Mini AG (silver). For large speakers, the livingroom system with customized/modified Dunlavy Signature SC-IV were used. There's more, yet this is the data I'm willing to disclose. Have many more videos to post and an abundance of photos... am not sure i'll ever fully get through(!) to posting them all. As always, in the end what really matters is that you...
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