Lowry Audio Woodworking specializes in both high quality loudspeakers and of course woodworking. Law HiFi is the company's acronym as their products combine exotic woods with audiophile-grade drivers. In total, there are a five simply splendid designs with options such as a sealed cabinet versus ported, different finishes, etc. Pricing start at $800 and can range to upwards of $7500, with all cabinets being built by hand here at RMAF's home State of Colorado. Truly wish they had a room with active display because they truly look the business. In fact my Muse and wife Heather voted Law HiFi speakers the most beautiful here at RMAF.
Arnold Martinez of Tweak Studios chilling out showing Hegel, Music Hall, OPPO, Creek, Van den Hul, Cary Audio and many more! The always enthusiastic Arnold is also a watch guy, so you know we share stories of fine timepieces and during one show he kindly took my wife and I out so we could do some upscale shopping in Southern California. Always a great guy to chat with and he delivers excellent customer service too.
Three great print magazine guys, with Noel Keywood of HiFi World plus Pete Terwin and Tom Hackforth of HiFi Plus. I've enjoyed many years e-mailing them and am always impressed with each issue, so visit their sites and be sure to subscribe and enjoy the many reviews, think pieces and show reports.
Chad Kassem of Analog Productions and Acoustic Sounds, and yes Quality Record Pressings, is showcasing their new reel-to-reel venture. With a newfound demand for reel-to-reel tapes, Chad is always one to deliver some of the best releases on a variety of formats, which includes, vinyl, SACD and now reel-to-reel too! Check out our video featuring an exclusive office tour.
Kimber Kable has taken their time to enter the specialized headphone cable market and wow do they deliver! Offered in a variety of sweet silver, cool copper silver mix, and all copper, their Axios line now includes cables for headphones and in-ear monitors (IEM). Prices start at $680 for copper on up and you can custom order a cable specially made to your exact specifications. Head-Fi'ers rejoice as this includes the new 4.4mm TRRS balanced headphone cable too! Kimber Kable carefully assembles by hand and builds all their cables in Utah, USA. Incredible build quality meets unquestionable high reliability. As for sound quality, it is no secret that I've been using Kimber Kable copper and silver wire products within my home system and they sound great. In fact there's a Kimber Kable all-silver connection within my car audio system too!