The LAAS (Los Angeles Audio Show) was a presentation of the Orion Group and managed by Show Director Marine Presson. She served as the Show Manager for the T.H.E. Show in Newport Beach for years and is proud to take this Southern California event to the next level. As both a high-end audio and home theater show, their June debut is presented in collaboration with the Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society at the Sheraton Gateway LA with complimentary shuttle service from the Los Angeles International Airport. LAAS 2017 was the definitive Los Angeles audio show experience allowing manufacturers and dealers of all technologies to mix freely with attendees in a spacious, comfortable venue with large, great-sounding listening rooms. Attendees were also tempted by luxury super cars with high-end audio systems. Attendees had the opportunity to audition the best in headphones, find their favorite new or vintage vinyl, and discover new high-performance gear and accessories to improve your system. Drop into one of the show's many industry seminars featuring special guest appearances and enjoy live music after the show.
LAAS 2017 Show Report By Creative Director Steven R. Rochlin LAAS 2017 Show: The Opening Ceremony And Post Show Thoughts Press Release: LA Audio Show 2017 Hands Out Inaugural Awards LAAS 2017 Show Report Part 1: Portable Audio with DAPs, headphones, IEMs, Magic Bus and more!
More About LAAS 2017
Ms. Presson cited an exhibitor list glowing with many of the luminous brands in the industry. "The Show becomes a chance for audiophiles and those not yet there to see, hear and touch the excitement we already feel. Dolby Atmos, Harman Luxury Audio, Dan D'Agostino, McIntosh, Chord, Focal, Naim, Magico, Audio Research, Vandersteen, ELAC and many others will be on-board with special events and demonstrations for our attendees," she said. A central focal point for the new show will be a HeadGear Emporium, a 7000 square foot space dedicated exclusively to headphones and other personal listening devices. Exhibitors are still coming on board for this exciting feature, but companies currently committed include Sony Signature, Questyle, Astell&Kern, Cavalli Audio, HiFiMAN, Audeze, Focal, MrSpeakers, AudioQuest, DanaCable, Darin Fong Audio, Gingko Audio, HeadAmp Audio Electronics, Halo Audio USA, Manley Labs, ModWright Instruments, Ultrasone and WyWires.
In addition to the exhibitors demonstrating finest audio equipment in the world, the Show will feature events and exhibits designed for those newer to component audio and with different tastes. Those offerings will include live music, presentations in the Dolby Atmos Theater, world-class seminars, craft beers and a marketplace. "We believe that many music listeners consider MP3 a Gold Standard, not because they think its quality is superb, but because they have not been exposed to better sound. Our show will be their chance to experience true high fidelity and feel the difference," said Ms. Presson. "Our goal is to provide an afternoon of music, entertainment and education for those looking to learn about high quality music reproduction in the home. And to make sure that true audiophiles can spend three days with us and be disappointed that the doors close on June 4."
Bob Levi, President and CEO of the Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society, said "We're thrilled and honored to be associated with the LA Audio Show, the perfect audio show in the perfect hotel, with the perfect show producer. Our Audio Society is the largest in the world and I'm sure this will become the largest audio extravaganza ever produced in North America." For those curious about how recordings are made, Cookie Marenco, Founder of Blue Coast Records, will take attendees on a tour of the process from studio to listening room. Additionally, for music fans who are passionate about streaming, Marc Finer, Senior Director of DEG, the Digital Entertainment Group, will lead a panel of consumer electronics and music industry executives who will discuss the benefits of the latest studio quality hi-res streaming services. Robert Harley, of The Absolute Sound, again moderates one of the most popular panels, "Meet the Legends," bringing together some of the most celebrated audio engineers and designers to talk about high performance audio and how they approach it. People enjoy music on the go as well as in well-equipped listening rooms. And the LA Audio Show has seminars for those folks, as well. Kevin Voecks, of Harman Luxury Audio, will lead a seminar on Car Audio and headphones and personal listening will be addressed by a panel headed by Andy Regan, of Jerry Harvey Audio.
The event takes place Friday through Sunday, June 2nd to the 4th, 2017, at the Sheraton Gateway LA, just minutes from the Los Angeles International Airport via complimentary shuttle. The Los Angeles Audio Show is open to the public from 10am to 6pm, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The LAAS is new high-end audio show debuting June 2017, a lively and informative weekend featuring all forms of audio, video and home theater. In collaboration with the Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society, The LAAS are delighted to offer the local community an annual event to look forward to every weekend following Memorial Day. To learn more, visit the show's website or call (720) 328-8037.
LAAS 2017: Where & When June 2nd through 4th, 2017
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