T.H.E. Show Newport Beach 2012
The Home Entertainment Show
Report By Steven R. Rochlin

ModWright, known for their great sounding gear, had their KWI-200 and LS 100 driving the Athena Reference
speaker ($5000 on up, $3495 on up and $9950 respectively). Another great sounding room here at T.H.E. Show Newport
Beach 2012.

Ah yes, truly lovely McIntosh gear were singing their merry tune with the
Induction Dynamics S1.8T tower speaker ($13,000 in this gorgeous rosewood). Such a truly magnificent wood finish too!

Upscale Audio is a California retailer with cool website and tubes and much more. Check out their website to see the many products they offer online direct to you!

Nola had their very dynamic KO floorstander ($9800) driven by
PrimaLuna tube amps. Seems many rooms were using PrimaLuna to good affect and here the Nola speakers really showed their top caliber sound.

Coincident had a room filled with their gear including the 211PP Dragon MKII amps and Pure Reference Extreme speakers ($10,999 and $26,800 respectively). Great detail and imaging, yet never sounding etched. Such a fine line, yet their products work it very well indeed. The music simply naturally unfolded my notes say.
Seen here is Israel Blume with his dazzling girlfriend. Enjoy the Music.com
has reviews many pieces from Coincident, so check it out here!

Veloce was really jamming out with a song titled
"Snake Farm" by Paul Thor. Deep roots genre and the Veloce system delivered the goods big time!

Panel speakers by Sonorus were fast and clean ($100,000) but I asked for some
music with deep bass, as they claimed these speakers could produce music below
40 Hz.. and to hear if their claim was true. Alas, all they played was the typical light and airy
choir stuff or some tabla player. Yes, i asked for something more.... you
know. What, no rock and roll in the house? Who would want to listen to Pendulum or King Crimson… or Rush… or the Doors, or Led Zeppelin… or Dream Theater…
or… pipe organ, or dance music or any 'modern' music made after, oh 1955...
But of course there may be plenty of what i call "Gwendolyn DuPree and her Magic Singing
Lute" music. In all fairness -- and thanks for that e-mail -- of course
we each have the right to enjoy whatever genre of music one chooses. Perhaps
it is my desire to modernize and to 'turn on' those under 35 by enjoying music
they can relate to, just as my father did as his children great and exposed
dad to new music. Hey, thank goodness there was no Lady Gaga, yet the fun
modern music Black Eyed Peas were heard in a few rooms too. If high-end audio
wants to bring in 'new blood', odds are their musical preferences are not for Gwendolyn
---> Sunday's show