After being mesmerized by the Kharma Exquisite Reference loudspeakers in Singapore, I was looking forward to this room with Kharma amplifications, the Matrix P1.0 pre amplifier and Matrix MP150 monoblock power amplifiers.

Wilson Benesch loudspeakers with Audionet source and amplifications.

I was really looking forward to this room as I was very eager to find out Crystal Cable's Arabesque speakers which were made of glass panels. Yes, the speakers can look glassy, but they did not sound glassy thin to me.

This was the second pair in the world! Scanspeak Illuminator woofers with exotic Crystal Cable cabling, this was definitely not novelty speakers!

Oh my, I was privileged to hear the latest Audio Research Reference 5 flagship pre amplifier!

Another mind boggling setup with Ayre source, amplifications and Dynaudio loudspeakers.

Dynaudio Consequence Ultimate Edition loudspeakers! I was shocked to have finally witness this masterpiece with my own eyes, it was huge and massive!

Notice how the KX-R pre amplifier was put upside down to show its finely crafted internal and the milled out aluminum chassis?

The Focal Scala Utopia speakers with Simaudio MOON Evolution Series P-7 pre amplifier and W-7M monoblock power amplifiers.

Unison Research P40 integrated amplifier, Gamut CD3 CD player and PS Audio PerfectWave transport and DAC with Thiel CS2.4 and flagship CS3.7 floorstanders.

This was the room with one of my favorite speakers, the Admonitor Preference+ from Audio Transducer Design of Italy. This was the upgraded model with ribbon tweeters.

I have no idea why this speaker was almost non-existent in the audio world other than Taiwan. Hong Kong took a while before bringing it there. I read about the Admonitor many times in Taiwan magazines but heard it the first time in Hong Kong audio exhibition last year. This pair was the upgraded new model with ribbon tweeters and the setup was musical and sweet sounding.

The Blacknote DSS 30 digital media player, the recent rave in audio scene. The DSS 30 featured 2 USB 2.0 ports on the front as well as Ethernet port to integrate the player into home network.

The room featuring full Gryphon setup.

The new Avalon Time speakers driven by Hovland Stratos monoblock power amplifiers.
Click here for page 3.