August 2014

Bryston Branded System Review
The most natural, and musical, sounding combination I have heard.
Enjoy the's takes a closer look at the Bryston BDP-2 digital player, BDA-2 external DAC, B135
SST2 integrated amplifier and BHA-1 balanced headphone amplifier.
Review By
Rick LaFaver
be fair I have always had a bit of a bias against branded systems. It is very
rare for one company to be able to produce a source, DAC, and AMP all reference
quality, all under one roof, if any company in this industry could do it though
it would be Bryston. Bryston has been long renowned as one of the top amplifier
manufacturers in the industry and has been generating a lot of buzz around their
new Digital Source the BDP-2 I had to hear what a single solution would sound
like. Bryston's full digital end to end solution goes as such: The BDP-2 is a
world class digital player based on an Intel Atom board, it reads network
content while also allowing for a local drive (Note that the BDP-2 received a
significant, significant being an understatement firmware update right as this
review was being finished,) the BDP-2 feeds into the BDA-2 via a balanced S/PDIF
connection, for the amp Bryston provides the B135 SST2 Integrated amp, available
in multiple iterations should you choose to combine the DAC or a phono-amplifier
into this setup along with this there is the BHA-1 which is very good quality
professional style headphone amp with balanced or unbalanced inputs and outputs.
From there you could go to one of Bryston's new loudspeaker designs derived from
a strategic alliance with Axiom to help Bryston build a lineup of world class
speakers or any other headphones or speakers of your choice. For this review I
used my daily drivers Beyerdynamics DT-990 Pro 250 Ohm and my reference speakers
Vapor Audio's Cirrus REV 2. Forgive me if this review becomes disjointed, but
there are a lot of bases to cover.
And Impressions
system came nicely packed and with both paper guides USB instruction manuals and
USB drivers pre-loaded onto some clever and really cool looking Bryston branded
USB sticks. The sticks do exactly as expected and make the system plug and play
with any Windows system, (I was running windows 7 and 8 on the boxes I tested
with) Bryston also provided very high quality HD tracks preloaded on a USB stick
to plug into the BDP-2 so you can really run the system through its paces right
out of the box. I hooked the system up using the balanced audio connectors (why
doesn't everyone use these yet) this system allows you to go from source (BDP-2)
to amplifier (B135-SST2) using balanced connectors. This makes set up
a breeze one type of connector, which easily connects and locks all connections
with little concern. I used Bryston's recommendation of the branded BNC
connector to go from BDP-2 to BDA-2 and used StraightWire's balanced cables
throughout the rest of the chain. All things considered, connecting the system
and installing drivers and such was a breeze.
system came to me with little or no break in and as I like to do for future
comparisons I listened to the system with little or no time on it and scribbled
down some initial impressions only to compare with after the system had 100 or
so hours on it to see there was any significant break in effects. Overall the
system was a little more congested right out of the box but this all seemed to
clear after only a few hours as treble clarity and tonality improved over time
reaching their potential after only about 20-25 hours. At no point was the
system offensive by any means but it certainly improved over time.
I just saw Ray LaMontagne In June at one of my favorite venues (The Fabulous
Fox) in St. Louis, I had a theme to my review music. Not to say I didn't put the
system to the usual paces and my usual review tracks ranging from Dub Step to
Classical but you may see a certain troubadour theme to the tracks I mention
Trapper – Gone Again – Away We Go
CD is really a hidden treasure for those who haven't heard of Chris Trapper his
only real claim to fame so far are as lead man for the Pushstars
writing so tracks for August Rush
and Me Myself and Irene. I have heard him a few times live and
originally discovered him with my wife about 7 years ago. Chris Trapper is great
songwriter with some really personal lyrics and this CD exemplifies his style
and his ear for good talent. This whole CD includes accompaniment by the equally
talented Wolverine Quartet from Boston, each of the songs was recorded live with
only studio mixing but they must have had a wizard on the board because the
tracks all have great sound stage, a consistent intimate feel, and phenomenal
nuance and detail, things you don't normally get on a CD. Every time I listen to
it I feel like sitting on a rocking chair on the veranda with a mint julep, if
you haven't had the delight of hearing this CD go pick it up from Christ Trapper's
website. So many good tracks on this album to put a system through its paces but
I think Away We Go is probably my favorite with bassoon, saxophone, banjo,
piano, and some very intimately recorded electric guitar. On the Bryston system
this track shone as most did, it allowed the intimate nature of the whole set to
shine through. Never did any of the elements come forward of the speaker or
become shrill in any way. The Piano sat slightly back and left on the soundstage
as it should and the pacing and tone across the whole track were as they should
be. At several different levels of amplitude the dynamics remained consistent
showing the quality of build of the B135 SST2. The stage was sharp and it was
easy to place instruments and musicians throughout the sound field. The BDP-2
does exactly what it should in this presentation and draws no attention to
itself for this track I was listening off my NAS and with no fan or drive noise
and apparently some good memory buffering on the BDP-2 there was no buffering or
hiccups in the playback.
LaMontagne – Supernova – Lavender
In an abrupt departure from Ray LaMontagne's already
accomplished career as singer songwriter, Supernova
joins the movement of band like The Alabama Shakes, Jack White, and The Black Keys
in keeping 60s style rock alive. Personally, I have no issue with the change in
style; it is executed quite well with great space and dynamics. I am not a huge
fan of how the acoustic guitar was recorded on the album (a little to much after
effects and digital clean up) but other than that this album features a lot of
really interesting cuts. I picked Lavender mainly because it exemplifies the 60s
style rock that this album is, definitely give this album a listen, don't go in
expecting the intimate one on one feel of Til
the Sun Turns Black but it stands on its own merits. Lavender has ethereal
open field vocal with a strong resounding acoustic guitar and organ chorus. With
all that was going on, the system never sounded congested, however compared to
some other amp and DACs I have heard this track on, the track lacked a little
bit of warmth but that is comparing this system to much higher end tubed
components. The B135 SST2 had plenty of oomph to keep control of the low end of
the Cirrus and really made for a great almost live feeling from the track, it
really held itself together even at very high volumes higher than most people
would listen to in a room. At the show in St. Louis there was an appropriate
kaleidoscope playing on the screen behind the band when this song came on, I
felt overdressed for occasion having taken a shower.
Sexton – Fall Like Rain – For What Its Worth
The five song EP Fall
Like Rain is again an album of very 60s style activist tracks made most
evident by Martin's cover of Buffalo Springfield's track For What Its Worth, Martin plays the track in much more of scat
style man and his guitar presentation and is appropriately recorded live with a
what sounds like an omni-mic. It creates a great sense of passion and when
properly reproduced the song sounds like you are listening in the venue. Martin
really shows of his skills with the acoustic guitar on this track, I saw him
perform it live in Little Rock Arkansas with just me and maybe 20 other folks
that made the trek to hear him play in a dingy bar on a Sunday night with snow
storm rolling in the next day, but we were all very rewarded as he pulled out
that omni and played a barely amplified version of this song with even better
flourishes than the ones that made it to the album, it was really one of my
greatest concert experiences. The Bryston system is very capable of keeping up
with the live sound of an acoustic guitar and silky smooth voice of Sexton and
accurately reproduced the sense of the space this recording was captured in. It
allows the clean sustain and murky black sound stage of this track, it is really
evident that all of these components were voiced together and designed to be
used as a system.
BDP-2 is among many new entrants into the audio world; it is essentially a
headless media server with high grade audiophile construction and
considerations. One of the key features that differentiate it from some of its
competitors is the balanced S-PDIF output and the phenomenal case work and the
surprisingly functional LED display on the front. I have heard several ATOM
board implementations and this is certainly among the best sonically. The kernel
installed is capable of handling almost every format I could through at it (does
not support DSD [With Manic Moose firmware update the BDP-2 now supports DSD
over USB to enabled DACs]) and was stable and without hiccups in decoding. There
was no playback delay and you could clearly identify the difference between a
high bit rate high resolution file and a good quality MP3 (as you should.)
Sonically I was tickled, although for the price point ($3000), I would expect a
little more polished user interface, Wi-Fi integration, and a more resilient
external hard drive solution [The USB bus has been remapped in Manic Moose and
now runs flawlessly]. The user interface is a little clunky from a laptop when
setting up a DLNA or NAS drive but the app works very well for navigating your
music library and is very quick and smooth to jump from album to album, track to
track. For a device that can be controlled via iPad, iPhone, or laptop an
integrated B/G/N wireless adapter really should have come standard or at least
upgradeable via dongle, few people have and few companies make a good quality
wireless access point.
happened to have a Cisco access point laying around and once integrated the WiFi
functionality is very good for both control and wireless networking (should you
choose to go wireless) although if Bryston integrated a high quality wireless
solution they could be assured customers would have a more consistent user
experience for a very low overhead cost. The USB bus the BDP-2 uses has some
issues with higher power draw USB 2.0 devices such as external drives with more
than a 500 GB capacity this creates an issue when it is very difficult to find
an external drive with smaller than a 500GB capacity, my 640 GB external drive
was unreadable via any of the USB inputs [this has been corrected with the new
Manic Moose firmware], the internal SATA bay has no such issues. Bryston
continues to release firmware revisions for the BDP-2 and the user interface has
been improved over time with new firmware releases.
The BDA-2 is a very high quality DAC and very
competitive at its saturated price point ($2,395.) The integration of
oversampling, balanced input and output, and discrete analog and digital signal
paths are not standard features in a sub $3k DAC. This along with the optional
rack mount integration and high quality case work make the BDA-2 a very
versatile player. The sonic execution is masterful, this is among the top DACs I
have heard at this price point that along with the features it possesses makes
the BDA-2 one of my favorite DACs. It maintains a super clean noise floor and
snappy treble with a tight and accurate if not a slightly center focused
soundstage without any of the digititus that plagues some poorly executed DACs.
The BDA-2 is the brightest spot of this system.
BDA-2 delivers spot on imaging and tonality and is very and I mean very stable.
I tried connecting it to the BDP-2 as well as connecting it directly to my media
PC as well as connecting it to my laptop through Bryston's USB converter the
BUC-1. The BDA-2 handled all sources with aplomb and didn't hiccup or choke once
on any of the content I threw at it in various formats at various bitrates. I
really like the sound that comes out of this thing regardless of what is
upstream from it but it sounds particularly good downstream from the BDP-2, as
if they were developed to deliver a particular coherent sound together. The DAC
hasn't dethroned my favorite DACs, but it certainly outperforms everything I
have heard in its price range by leaps and bounds.
amplification really gives a system a lot of versatility and makes the concept
of a dedicated 2 channel system a more feasible possibility for those who do not
have the space or the funds to build a dedicated system for a dedicated
listening room. The B-135 SST2 provides a good balance of utility and
refinement to be able to perform double duty as a "receiver" to enhance the
sound in a multipurpose media room while still providing the clean power with
great separation and imaging of a dedicated two channel amplifier. The small
footprint and conservative cosmetics do not hamper the amplifier's sonics at
all. Bryston was smart with this one, rather than trying to cram everything
under the sun into an integrated and compromising performance for form factor;
they provided a great quality basic platform for 2 channel audio with plenty of
inputs and great quality amplifier section ($4695) and then allowed the customer
to decide whether they wanted to integrate the DAC to save space (+$1395) or
integrate a phono section (+$600). This allows Bryston to provide a very good
quality platform with plenty of power and versatility for your average
multi-purpose media room or even a medium size listening room, so long as your
speakers present a moderate load. The B-135 never missed a beat with the 87Db
efficient Cirrus even at quite loud volumes and I was unable to drive the amp to
clipping at reasonable volume levels with an 8 ohm load. The amplifier is very
well made and should you have issues Bryston backs all of their analog
electronics with a 20 year warranty and the digital device are covered for 5
years! This could easily be the last amp you ever own, even if you use it every
BHA-1 mimics the cosmetics of the DAC and digital player; it is professionally
finished and polished and could easily fit in with a modern aesthetic. The BHA-1
really impressed me with its versatility, most amps that try to do too much let
you down sonically but the BHA-1 certainly doesn't disappoint. Ron Nagle goes
into much greater detail in his
review of the BHA-1 in his full write up of the BHA-1 found here.
a suite of electronic components the Bryston system is rivaled by few (I don't
think there are many companies that can produce a system in this price range
with this kind of pedigree), the source and DAC are world class and would be
rivaled by few components at any price point. The integrated amp doesn't have
quite as much separation as some dedicated stereo rigs or monoblock set ups but
provides plenty of clean dynamics and headroom for a small to medium sized room
or even larger with more efficient speakers. The strongest point in the system
is certainly the DAC, I think the BDA-2 would be tough to match in its price
point and I would say it is probably my new reference for a DAC in the sub $3000
BDP-2 and BDA-2 together are one of the most natural and musical sounding
combinations of digital source and decoding I have recently heard and B135 sst2
provides a versatile platform to produce high quality audio. Bryston really does
have the pedigree and the chops to produce a one stop show for source
components. The pieces naturally fit together both stylistically and sonically
and have a very small and easy to place footprint without sacrificing in
performance at all. I would highly recommend any of this suite of electronics on
their own, and as a system they truly shine.
Although out of the box the BDP-2 had certain clunkyness and issues with USB
drives running the stock firmware (Looney Loon) all new versions of the unit
will be shipped with a much more resilient firmware (Manic Moose) which corrects
these issues. I doubt many if any companies in the hi-fi market would issue as
significant of a firmware release to a media player as what Manic Moose provides
for the BDP-2, for most companies the features introduced and the bugs worked
out would have been enough to warrant the release of a new unit as a BDP-3
rather than a free firmware upgrade available to all customers and easy to
BDP-2 Digital source
Inputs: 6x USB 2.0, 1x eSATA, 2x Gigabit Ethernet (RJ-45)
Control: 2x RS-232 (DB9)
Audio Formats: AIFF, FLAC, WAV, MP3, M4A, OGG
Playback from USB flash drives, as well as USB and eSATA hard disk drives (HDD)
Custom Intel Atom Powered Motherboard
Eight times more system memory then the BDP-1.
Improved power supply delivering over 5 amps.
Multiple control options (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android OS, and PC)
User upgradeable firmware
NAS Connectivity supported
UPnP/DNLA Server supported
Requires external DAC
RS-232 serial data port for remote control via Crestron, AMX or similar control systems
Available with silver or black faceplate
17" or 19" faceplate available (non-rack mountable)
Price: $2995
Inputs: USB Class 2, four S/PDIF (two BNC and two RCA), two Optical TosLink, AES/EBU on XLR
Outputs: RCA single ended, XLR balanced, S/PDIF Bypass (RCA unaltered from original source)
Dual 32-Bit AKM DACs
Discrete Class A analog output stage
Independent dual power supplies
Synchronous Upsampling (176.4/192k)
Oversampling: 14 to 24 bit, 44.1, 48, 88, 96, 176, 192 kHz sampling PCM via USB
Available with silver or black faceplate
17"or 19" faceplate available
Rack mountable option available (1U)
Dimensions: 2.75" x 17" x 11.5" (HxWxD)
Weight: 12.5 Ibs.
Price: $2395
B135 Integrated Amplifier
Inputs: Six RCA Single Ended Pairs, Two RCA Single Ended Pairs (Record In, Power Amp In), two Optical (TosLink), two S/PDIF via RCA
Outputs: Two RCA Single Ended Pairs (Record Out, Preamp Out), Speaker Terminals,
0.25" Headphone Jack
Control: RS-232 (DB9), AUX IR, 2x 12V Output Triggers
Power Output: 135W into 8 Ohms (180W into 4 Ohms)
Chassis: Convection cooled and housed in a fully aluminum chassis
Control: RS-232 serial data port for remote control via Crestron, AMX or similar control systems
Available with silver or black faceplate
17" or 19" faceplate available (non-rack mountable)
Optional internal DAC or internal MM phono (see Accessories in Other
Price: $4695
BHA-1 Headphone Amplifier
2 Ohms output impedance for each Op-Amp driver.
Load @ 300 Ohms (Tested at 250 Ohms)
Hi - 10.8 V Out @ 001% Power 390 mW
Lo - 5.40 V Out @ 001% Power 50 mW
Lo - 1.79 V Out @ 001% Power 10 mW
Lo - 583 mV Out @ 001%¹ Power 1 mW
Balanced outputs
Balanced dual mono circuitry
Left/Right balance control
Six fully discrete Class A Bryston operational amplifiers
14dB or 20dB gain
10k input impedance
High quality noble stereo volume control (laser trimmed)
Gold plated input and output connectors
Multiple headphone drive capability
Dimensions: 2.75" x 17" x 12.25" (HxWxD)
Weight: 13.25 Ibs.
Price: $1395
Beyerdynamics DT 990 Pro 250 Ohm
Frequency response 5 Hz to 35 kHz
THD: <0.2%
Impedance: 250 Ohm
Nominal SPL: 96 dB
Circumaural Design
Dynamic Transducer
Price: $299
Company Information
Bryston LTD
P.O. Box 2170
677 Neal Drive
Peterborough, Ontario
Canada K9J 7Y4
Voice: (705) 742-5325
Fax: (705) 742-0882