August 2012
First A Little History
high prices McIntosh products bring on the used market are a direct reflection
of their ability to last throughout the years. Quality and reliability are two
words synonymous with McIntosh audio equipment. McIntosh Labs still produces
many high quality products with designs that are eye candy for audiophiles and
with sonic capabilities to match. It would take too long to go into all the
various legendary products McIntosh has sold throughout the years or are
currently offering today. If you look at their web-site you will see they
manufacturer power amplifiers, preamplifiers, integrated amplifiers,
loudspeakers, a high performance lifestyle audio system, multi-channel
processors, CD players, DACs, a room sound correction system, power conditioner,
AM/FM tuner, a McIntosh App (available for purchase at the Apple store) as well
as various audio cables. For your car they offer loudspeakers, amplifiers and an
FM/CD player. Gee did I forget to mention they also design a belt-driven
turntable complete with tone -arm and cartridge. As you can see an entire system
from beginning to end could be purchased with just one visit to your local
McIntosh dealer. Spend some time reading over product details on their web-site
then head on down to your local dealer and treat yourself to a day of fun and
excitement as you experience these products first hand.
Look At The MC452: Physically & Technically
around towards the rear of the unit are inputs/outputs for XLR or RCA cables, a
connection for a remote power control, fuse holder and various loudspeaker cable
connections. Of course there is also an IEC outlet to the delight of those with
high performance power cables. The back of the unit is as attractive to see as
is the front with the RCA output/input connectors and custom output taps of 2,
4, or 8 Ohms for loudspeaker cables all with very attractive gold-plating. It
would seem that the designers at McIntosh Labs rightly assumed most owners would
want their MC452 openly displayed front and rear rather than left behind closed
audio cabinet doors. Located directly behind that beautiful front panel are two
Autoformers and in between them one very large thirty pound output transformer.
You also have ample cooling fins which McIntosh lists at being more than 2800
square inches worth. These fins are to help keep your 452 from overheating
without using large fans and that familiar accompanying fan noise found on some
amplifiers. Close by and hidden from view are four rather large main filter
capacitors rated for storing over 200 Joules of energy.
As for internal designs this one has plenty. Taking a quote from the MC452’s owner’s manual is the following description of its Quad Balanced Design. "Double Balanced Push-Pull design is used from input to output. Each half of the amplifier contains complimentary balanced circuitry. The resulting Quad Balanced configuration cancels even order distortion." The 452 also sports the Exclusive McIntosh Power Assurance System which is a collection of technologies used to protect loudspeakers and amplifier as well as enhancing audio performance. There is the McIntosh’s Power Guard system which continually monitors both input and output signals to adjust input levels to avoid clipping and assure a clean clear signal being sent to your loudspeakers. Its Sentry Monitor system is a short-circuit protection device, no fuses needed, to disengage the output stage before damage can be done. This system continually monitors both voltage and current at the output stage keeping it within safe limits and will afterward automatically resets itself. The McIntosh’s Output Autoformer system allows you to use the MC452’s full rated power into loudspeaker impedances of 2, 4 or 8 Ohms while still retaining its lowest distortion rating. Enough of this though for all we really need to know is how does it sound? So let us move forward now and experience all the MC452 has to offer in a real world environment.
to Sit Back and Enjoy the Music Speaking of being fans we also love Whitney
Houston. Her first album simply entitled Whitney Houston was just
spectacular. Not only did the 452 provide me with the needed power to project
her voice in a manner commensurate with all that energy she brings to a song but
also retained its magical tonal qualities as well. Here the 452 threw out a very
large deep and wide soundscape enveloping me with music as it filled all corners
of my room. Playing music for hours on end did nothing to make me think I was
taxing this amplifier as it barely got warm to the touch even when driven hard
for extended periods of time. Even with all that power music was never a forward
in your face sound but rather one that let you enjoy each performance from a
more natural setting just slightly back of seventh row center. Ah but could the
452 produce quality music during those late night sessions when one must keep it
relatively quiet for your sleeping loved ones as you listen to music throughout
the wee hours of the night and into the next morning? Well yes it could but the temptation to turn it
up got me in trouble more than once, my fault not the amplifiers, it just
sounded so good it was hard not to keep sneaking that volume knob to the right
just a little bit more each time. Where other amplifiers might reach their
limits causing the soundscape to collapse and sound congested the 452 kept
pushing through to levels I dared not go beyond within my particular room and
with associated gear. "Corcovado (Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars)" from The Oscar
Peterson Trio We Get Requests [LIM
Records B002HTWYZ6] CD showed off this amplifiers speed with very quick attack
transients from Oscar Petersons piano keys while displaying an equally
formidable layering of musicians on a nice wide spacious soundscape. While able
to produce a solid base foundation the 452 never threw this bass in your face
but was rather more laid back in its approach. If called upon like in James
Taylors "Gaia" from the SACD Hourglass [Columbia CS 67912] would produce tight thunderous
bass from my VR-35’s that rocked my room to my great delight. Otherwise bass
response was kept at a distance so as not to distract from the music without any
overbearing unnatural presence. It was like a sleeping giant, formidable if
awakened otherwise lying peacefully in the background waiting for the time it
was needed.
my Von Schweikert VR-35's fared well with but did not require a 450-watt
amplifier to drive them, my Martin Logan Sequel II's are an entirely different
matter. These Electrostatic loudspeakers love pure brute power and the McIntosh
MC452 brought them to life. Hearing String
Quartets [2L71] a beautiful SACD recorded at the Sofienberg Church in
Norway April 2009, was a pure delight. The string instruments sounded as if
actually being performed in the open spacious environment of that church. Four
hundred-fifty watts of power gives one the ability play back recordings thru the
Sequels at high sound levels while making that music sound effortless.
Bows dancing across strings, details of the timbre of musical instruments all
added up to a fine performance in which to lose myself after a hard day’s
work. It was quite easy to just sit back engrossed in this musical environment
and momentarily forget ones troubles. This of course being one reason we seek
out high quality recordings and playback systems. The McIntosh 452 did not
disappoint as performance after performance sprang to life stirring emotions
within me as it revealed subtle nuances of music heard at realistic levels
mimicking the large room it was originally recorded in. To change things up a bit out came the Stevie Ray
Vaughan & Double Trouble CD The Real
Deal: Greatest Hits Volume 2
[Epic/Legacy 88697 22629 2]. Like with Rolling Stones recordings this CD should
be played back loud, no wimpy amplifiers need apply here. Some amplifiers are
slow and plodding not the 452 it had the ability to keep pace with the lightning
fast blues riffs of Stevie Ray Vaughan. On "Love Struck Baby" it was
easy to forget about reviewing and to just listen to the music. Lacking any
discernible flaws it struck me just how good of an amplifier this was. When a
piece of equipment does not call attention to itself but rather gets out of
music’s way to let it express its very nature you know it is on to something
good. Song after song that was how it was with the McIntosh MC452.
And The McIntosh MC452 The Beatles Abbey
Road [Capitol Records reprint C1 0777 7 46446 1 7] was the first LP
chosen. Here with "Come Together", ironically the last song all four
members of the Beatles cut together as a group, the 452 did a great job of
isolating the musical and vocal talents of each of those four young lads. The LP
sounded somewhat better than I had remembered as music’s flow was more
natural, organic if you will, almost as if one was much closer to the sound at
the original recording studio. "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" from the same
LP was a good test of the ability of this amplifiers to recreate a sense of
weight. This could be heard listening to Ringo's drums and George Harrison’s
guitar work. This song is all about raw emotion (a love song from John Lennon to
Yoko Ono) and the 452 takes you there with full force. My recommendation with
this one is to crank up the volume and use the amplifiers four hundred-fifty
watts of power as this song almost demands it. Doing so allows for a spectacular
and moving conclusion as the song goes from featuring three minutes of the
guitar works of John Lennon and George Harrison to a moving very abrupt dead
silence ending.
Trying something a little different we now turn to The Best of Peter, Paul and Mary Ten Years Together [BSK 3105]. Those of my generation (born in 1951) has got to remember and to love their songs for their simple musical purity, vocal talent and universal messages that touched the hearts of us all. "Lemon Tree" is one such song as it showcases the vocal talent of each of the three members of the band separately and then together. Each is heard in their proper space within the soundscape enhanced by a clarity that was stunning. When one took a turn center stage the other two could still be clearly heard performing in the background. On "Leaving on a Jet Plane'" both guitar and vocals were showcased precisely within the soundscape. Displaying the emotional content of a performance is important to me and here the 452 again showed its true colors. It was a combination of a proper balance of detail and spaciousness that gave the 452 its natural sound which impressed me the most, not just its power although there was plenty of that. For power alone does not a high quality amplifier make.
Summation of Events
Listening Environment
Company Information Voice: (607) 723-3512