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Also in the Synchotape room was a complete TAG McLaren audio system.
Strange, i rarely hear much concerning the TAG McLaren line...

Lastly, and focusing on surround sound, is the Lexicon DC2
(top) while we see the front of the MC-12 Digital Controller and their LX-7 multi-channel power amplifier.

Synchrotape was very proud of their super high-end surround sound system with Revel Ultima Studio main loudspeaker and Voice center channel all with Mark Levinson
No434 monoblock amplifiers.

Mark Levinson No40 Media Console. The entire system had amazing integration with both LCD touch panels and Barco 9" projector.
The Media Console unit has very intricate digital signal processing that
employs four SHARC DSP chips. With 32-bit fixed-point, 32-bit and 40-bit floating-point
processing and other technologies, this unit easily decodes Dolby Digital,
DTS, MPEG, Dolby Pro-Logic II and much more.

Those looking for a more "lifestyle" loudspeaker might choose the Loudy flat panel, designer product. At 46cm wide, 50cm high and only 10cm deep, there are many different colorful graphics to choose
from as seen below.

Airon specializes in stands as we see their Rack Y-104/4 (left) that can easily accommodate four components. The triangular structure also features ball bearing-type vibration isolation. To the right are just two of their many different CD/DVD racks. They also manufacture loudspeaker and other storage devices.

Brazilian loudspeaker company Lando was proudly playing their new Classic line model 503 stand-mounted loudspeaker that has a 19mm dome tweeter and 150mm woofer. With a sensitivity of 86dB/W/m and handling upwards of 150 watts,
and the frequency response is 38Hz to 22kHz (-3dB).

Lando also has their new Classic 502, 501 bookshelf models, and 511 center channel loudspeaker. All three employ the same 19mm silk soft dome tweeter while the midrange and woofer are 125mm, 100mm and 100mm respectively.

Audio Uno, distributors in Brazil, imports various products from Hungary. The Etalon Acoustics' Kreaton CD player has a separate grounding post and analog right/left outputs, but no digital output. Their top-range wood fronted
Examplíssimo pre-amplifier is offered in Beech, Cherry, Walnut, Ash, Rosewood, Oak and others.

Seen above are the Etalon Acoustics loudspeakers ET-1 and mounted and ET-2 floorstanding. Both use the same 10cm ilk soft dome tweeter and 5" paper come midrange/woofer. The ET-2 adds a second midrange/woofer driver.
The system Ecosse cables connected the entire system.
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