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Happily for me, but not for poor Steve Rochlin, our illustrious editor who normally attends, they scheduled the show for the same weekend as the New York Stereophile Show, and he couldn't be at both venues. So there we were in beautiful Munich, with my wife, enjoying the sites and the beer, while poor Steve was in the Big Apple in a hotel room with five other Enjoy the reporters.
First, I must thank Renate Paxa and her daughter Anne-Marie for their help throughout the show. They are both, as you can see by their picture, beautiful and lovely individuals and deserve a raise from whatever salary they are earning.
For a new venue, with its break-in problems, the show was very well organized and attended. There were three floors of exhibits, with the first containing the Zoo, with multiple small booths with corridors just wide enough for passage. The second and third floors had very nice sized listening rooms, in which several of the demos sounded excellent by show standards. None of them sounded as good as what I've heard in home setups, but that's to be expected as they only have a day to get ready before the press arrives. While not as large as the New York and San Francisco shows, I was surprised at the number of high end audio companies present, both from the US and Europe. Interestingly, there were almost as many American products as European. US Manufacturers included Magnepan, Rowland, Cardas, and CAT, among others.
Click here for page 4
Click here to see
complete listing of show exhibitors.
here to see our previous year's show report.