We proudly present to you the true genius behind the TNT website, Lucio Cadeddu.
Click here to see his great website and
their show
report in Italian!

Clearaudio's new Exact cartridge downforce measuring tool is accurate to within
0.1 grams and always recalibrates itself upon turn on. You simply put the needle
on the top left flap and read the weight on the digital readout. Simple, easy,
and almost as much fun as a barrel of homeys.

While it seems the print magazine people can never be friends, online magazines
are refreshingly different. Seen here is Steven R. Rochlin of Enjoy
the Music.com (left) with the owner of Soundstage!,
Doug Schneider. Do we web guys have the print 'zines beaten in a very timely manner or
what? Ok, i admit i tried to get them
drunk one night but they didn't fall for it (bummer deal huh?).

The man keeping Linn on lips of reviewers in Italy is none other than all around
great guy Antonio Trebbi. He has
been with Linn Italia since before the days of the original LP12! Always helpful
when questions arise, Antonio is one of the best manufacture's representatives i
know of. Hey Linn, give this guy a raise!