July 2016
Whilst we all digest Brexit, there is no doubt Europe has received attention about the benefits of working together as a team versus each individual country being on its own. A commitment and dedication to being part of a group also works with high-end audio. Just as Enjoy the Music.com partners with other magazines, it elevates not just their readership, it elevates the presence of our industry as a whole. This has been one of the core philosophies I have strived to expand upon within this site. This is nothing new as we've been partners with some for nearly 15 years! Colour me truly humbled that this site is official Internet partners with print magazines The Absolute Sound, Australian Hi-Fi, CANADA HiFi, Hi-Fi+, Hi-Fi Media, Hi-Fi World, and HIFICRITIC plus vintage magazines Sound Practices and VALVE. We recognize there are other English language print magazines, and rest assured we have offered them partnership, yet to date, like Brexit, they have decided to go about it on their own after repeated offerings.
It is glorious to join the passion and provide our ever-expanding exposure that high-end audio receives via shows and events. Unless you've been a bit late to the party, am sure our longtime loyal readers are aware of our media partnership with virtually every North American audiophile show. Imagine, for a dreaded moment, if someone held a large audio show yet no one attended and there was no press coverage? Imagine if audiophile magazines had no readers? We're already seeing the absence of audio-related magazines on major newsstands at airports and other venues where, years ago, there were perhaps two or three. What changed? Why? Please allow me to share with you a story, or fable if you will. It goes a little something like this: A certain Father had a family of Sons, who were forever quarreling among themselves. No words he could say did the least good, so he cast about in his mind for some very striking example that should make them see that discord would lead them to misfortune. One day when the quarreling had been much more violent than usual and each of the Sons was moping in a surly manner, he asked one of them to bring him a bundle of sticks. Then handing the bundle to each of his Sons in turn he told them to try to break it. But although each one tried his best, none was able to do so. The Father then untied the bundle and gave the sticks to his Sons to break one by one. This they did very easily.
"My Sons," said the Father, "do you not see how certain it is that if you agree with each other and help each other, it will be impossible for your enemies to injure you? But if you are divided among yourselves, you will be no stronger than a single stick in that bundle."
Let this article be (yet another) open arms offering for major print magazines to join us as we transform the industry to provide it great exposure. It benefits us all if we are able to educate the world about the joyous benefits of music via high-end audio equipment. With that said, please visit our partner magazine sites and if you love what you see, then subscribe to their magazine. The same feeling pertains to audiophile events, as we welcome you attending and supporting the many exhibitors who have taken great care to showcase their products. In addition, share your love of music with friends, post on your social media page about these magazines and shows, and of course some of your fave tunes too. As always, in the end what really matters is that you…
PS: For the record, we've never asked for (or desired) a single Dollar, Pound Sterling, Euro, etc from other print magazines to be partners with Enjoy the Music.com and none of our videos within the YouTube channel receive ad revenue.