Audiolics Anonymous Chapter 35
Polluted Electricity... Again
Article by Bill Gaw
I’m back to one of my favorite topics again: the junk electricity we are
paying big bucks for from your good old electrical company. I have written about
this several times before, and I will ask you to go back into my previous
articles for my thoughts on the subject (Chapter
3, Chapter 10, and Chapter
The electricity coming into my abode I would liken to swamp
water. Happily for some of you out there, yours is possibly a little better, but
I’ll bet you still have plenty of garbage floating along with that once upon a
time pure 60 Hz. sine wave. How can you tell? Very easily. Listen to your system
early to mid evening, playing a CD, then put it on pause, go do something else
until 11:00pm to 12:00pm at night... then turn it on again. Big difference in
the sound? That’s the loss of some junk that travels through the electrical
grid all across the spectrum from below 1Hz right up to the GHz range. Just
think of the grid as one big antenna sucking in every radio wave out there.
Plus, the good old electrical company, to increase profits, sends along it own
radio waves riding on the 60 Hz one. Then, every piece of electrical equipment
between the station and your house is adding to the junk.
Unhappily, that is only part of the story. Some of that junk could be
screened out by the electrical company by using decent isolation transformers
along the way. But they cost money, so guess what? They put cheap as small as
possible ones out on your pole, which do very little isolation. To make matters
worse, sometimes clip the wave giving nasty harmonics, then attach several
houses to one, thus allowing your neighbors to further add junk and clipping to
your power.
While this is not a problem for most of your appliances, the more high end
your audio and video system is the more purity the equipment needs to work at
its full potential. Also, unhappily, digital seems to be more susceptible to
this problem than analog. Which brings me to the equipment for review today.
First up is an improvement on a tweak (I love using that term for this product
as it drives the developer, James Weil, crazy.) Back in Chapter
25 I gave the Sound Application CF-XE-12 AC Noise Reduction Unit Product
of the Year Award. Well, James called me a couple of months ago to
let me know that he had changed the cabinet and some of the internal working
parts and thought I might have a listen to his new XE-12. I was reluctant for
two reasons.
First, his previous units had cleaned up my electricity to the point where my
system sounded and looked great 90% of the time and superb the other 10%, as
compared to my normally opposite situation of 10/90 using everything from high
end power cords, magic bricks, uninterruptible power supplies, AC generators,
etc. So how could there be a further improvement. Second, I was afraid they
would work as claimed and I would not be able to send them back and thus have to
hide another mega-buck purchase from my wife. Then I thought, how could what I
have with his other units be improved upon. Besides, he guaranteed he would take
the new ones back and give me a generous trade-in on my old units.
Dumb move on my part. Its amazing that we do not know there can be an
improvement in the sound of our systems until one experiences it. I first put
the two new units in place of the previous two I had and again, further veils of
electrical grunge were lifted. The noise floor dropped another couple of dB’s,
and the stage deepened and widened a smidgen more. Everything became clearer,
including the image from my front video projection unit.
I couldn’t believe it . I should have stopped there, made out a
check for the difference between the cost of the old and new units and shipped
the old ones back to California. But no! Stupid me, I decided to experiment
further and use all four units, the two new ones for the front channels, and
analog and digital audio equipment, one of the originals for the rear speakers
and subwoofers, and the other original for the video equipment. Did the four
units make an improvement over the two new ones? Unhappily, Yes. Isolating the
video from the audio again dropped the noise floor, tightened the imaging for
the audio, and increased the saturation and resolution of the video. Not
by a huge amount, like adding the original units months ago, but enough that I
can not take them out of my system. I was just getting my charge cards paid off.
Now I have to go into hock again.
How much do they cost? Only $4,200
a piece with their own cord. But for that you do get twelve outlets of the most pure
power I’ve gotten with much more expensive AC paraphernalia in my system. So
what do I have for my $8,800. Money well spent I’m afraid. The improvement is
certainly much more than can be obtained from adding any other piece of
equipment to your system as long as the stuff you already have is good. Do you
need to get four of them? Probably not. Even big recording studios use only one
or two, so I guess I am into overkill. And don’t try daisy chaining them.
Best is to isolate right from left, or analog from digital. (Actually read on as
to how to do both.)
Start off with one, but do not call James to let him know what you think of
them or he’ll tempt you with an offer of another one to trial, with money back
if unsatisfied, of course. Each is rated for at least 20 Amps, and the harder
you push them the better they work. He actually recommends breaking them in by
attaching them to a high amperage table saw and letting it cook for a couple of
weeks. Yes, there is even a breaking in period with these... probably due to the
capacitors in the units. Trouble is, the money won’t be coming back as you
will not be parting with the second unit. Enough said.
The second mistake made this past couple of months was to accept a phone
call from Brian Ackerman of Artistic Audio in California, who asked if
I would like to do a review of some of his AC products from Ensemble Audio of
Aesch, Switzerland. Well he was very convincing. Then told him I would have a listen, but in
my system, with four of James’ units, I doubted any difference would be
That is when he threw the bomb. He is a dealer for the Sound Application units,
and has found the Ensemble Isolink Transformers and Powerflux and Megaflux
Power Cords to work synergistically with the others, especially with digital
The Isolink units are either single (UNO) or dual (DUO) isolation
transformers with both 240 and 120 volt inputs for both European 240, and
American single ended 120 or dual 240 volt systems. Output can be either 240 or
120 volts, but they are built for primarily isolation of digital and analog
source equipment, with a maximum of draw of two to three Amps each, so no amplifiers
need be attached. At $2,680 for the Duo, they are certainly not a steal, but the
cabinets are made to superb standards as are the electronics and isolation
He sent along four of his Megaflux FSF power cords. Two 1 meter, one 1.5 meter, and one 2 meter, at $440, $560 and
$680 respectively, to use on the ins
and out of the Isolink. Compared to some other high end AC cables, these appear
to be built to the typical high Swiss watch standards, are a glossy black,
easily bendable for their 0.5 inch diameter, have two shields around the entire
cord, and a third shield on each wire , internal damping to minimize changes in
capacitance and inductance, and low dielectric absorption to minimize echoes of
the AC wave.

Unhappily for my bank account again, at least in my system, they work as
described. Digital source components sound more analog, with a smoothness
that allows 16-bit/44kHz CDs to come closer to SACD and analog in sound quality.
Even with my $1,000 Pioneer 47A DVD-A, CD, SACD player, which sounded
horrible when first hooked up in my system and is now maturing into a giant
killer. CD sounds almost as good as with the best 16-bit/44kHz equipment I have
had in my room. The biggest surprise came when listening to analog on my Walker
Proscenium turntable. Up till now, I have had to shut off all digital equipment
while playing records, as they imparted a grunge to the sound. No More. I could
hear no difference in analog whether the digital equipment was on or off when
they were connected to the Duo. To make sure I was not hearing things, I
connected the digital stuff back into the CF-12 directly and the mild grunge
was back. So indeed the Sound Application and Ensemble equipment do work
synergistically. If two outlets are not enough and you have a couple of pieces
of analog or digital, you can add an external dual AC outlet for both. They do
suggest not going over the rated wattage, but I have been running my new Home
Theater Computer with a 400 watt power supply off of the 250 watt outlet with no
damage to the unit, but do not call me if you plug in 600 watts worth of
equipment and a mushroom cloud appears over the unit.
So is the Ensemble stuff worth the price. I would have to say a resounding
yes for the power cords. They are nice looking, easily bendable so easy to run,
and sound as good as my top of the line NBS cords at 1/5 the price! They do beat
out all of my Electraglide cords... at least when run through the CF-12. While
these are three to six years old and may have been superseded by better (have heard good
things about the new ones from David Elrod, an ex-partner of Electraglide). You
could not do much better for any way near the cost. As for the Isolink, it
definitely is worth it for anybody running digital equipment. This is especially
true if analog is also on the system. While the price is steep, you do get what
you pay for in build quality, looks, and sound improvement. I have purchased mine and plan on doing further experimentation with it. Mr.
Ackerman has suggested trying it with the motor drive of my Walker Proscenium. Stay tuned.
Finally today, I have been testing some new isolation feet from Jef Culhane
of the Ganymusic Company in Minnesota. He sent
me three sets of his Ganymede v.c.s rollerball isolation feet. I have discussed
how different types of feet work to improve on sound in AA
12, so I will not go into that here.
The rollerball type isolate primarily in the transverse plane by allowing the
equipment to float on a ball bearing allowing free movement in the horizontal
plane, while doing very little for the up-down vibrations from the world around
the equipment. From my experience they work best under mechanical equipment such
as turntables, tape decks and digital transports. The rubbery Sorbothane
types isolate primarily in the vertical plane and work well for line type
equipment, and the triangular or cone shaped pointy type (the best being the
Walker Valid Points) work best for the amplification units. Each piece of
equipment will work best with one of these types, and there are variances form
the above rules. Also, some pieces of equipment actually work best with several
of these together. Thus I have all of my equipment air isolated either on
Vibraplane or Arcici platforms, and use both pointy feet and Sorbothane pucks
under some.
All three of the rollerball types have found a place from time to time in my
system, but I must say, I find the Ganymede’s to offer the best value for the
price of $229, with colored one costing $20 more. This is for three units, which
are an ideal number for making a plane if you can remember back to geometry.
Each unit consist of two discs with a hard ball bearing in the middle. Unlike
the other two, where there are three separate pieces which are a pain in the
butt to prevent the loss of the ball bearing, one of which always seems to get
lost when I am moving equipment, the Ganymede have the advantage of being
interlocked, thus no possible loss of the ball. Also, this isolates the ball from
the atmosphere and dust, which can foul the others.

I used the three sets under my Home Theater computer, the Pioneer 47 A SACD,
DVD-A, DVD player and my Walker Proscenium turntable, the latter of which was
not a good idea. At 275 lb., the weight was too much, and no isolation occurred.
I don’t know what the maximum weight is for these things, but most transports,
turntables, etc., will probably be okay.
What does one get for their money. Loss of airborne and horizontal ground
vibration. When set up properly each chassis is free to move in the horizontal
plane. But you might say, I thought movement was bad? Well not all movement,
just sudden jerking and vibration. What these things do is convert sudden
movements into either no movement secondary to inertia of the component, or
slow longer ones, which are less detrimental to the music. What one achieves is
a smoothing of the sound, again, especially the digital, probably secondary to
cutting down on jitter of the transport. Analog gets an opening up of the
soundstage and I think less flutter, although this is tough to determine with my
Walker turntable, which has the lowest wow and flutter measurements of any
Now you notice I said set up properly. First they have to be on a flat
surface, and I mean flat. If the plane they are on is tilted, then the piece of
equipment will move in such a way the ball bearing hits one edge of the cup and therefore
negate the isolation. Also, each has to be placed per the directions, so read
them. I at first, being the typical male, didn’t and tried to put them on
upside down. After fifteen minutes of working and swearing at why the damn
things wouldn’t allow free movement, I grabbed the instructions and found out
the sad fact that the bottom has to be on the bottom. Oh well, I’m not
Is the improvement worth the cost. Well, I don’t think it is as great as
what one can achieve with floatation isolation with air type units, such as the
Vibraplane, Arcici, etc., but it is probably worth it for anybody who doesn’t
want to spend a couple of thousand dollars on isolation. They certainly beat the
other two bearing type feet I’ve had and are much simpler to use. Enough said.
That’s it for today. Adios.
Manufacture Reply
I'd like to thank Enjoy the™, and Mr. Gaw for evaluating my product, the Ganymede
vcs. It's quite an effort to lift a 275 lb. turntable! I've had success isolating as much as 140 lbs. (being hardened steel, more weight won't actually hurt them). While set up does demand flat surfaces, the Ganymede was designed to isolate even when slightly off level, making "lock up" rare, set up easy.
It is flattering to be compared w/ the Vibraplane, and do have some users w/ more expensive isolation for sources, and the Ganymede for their
amp(s). I have no doubt Mr. Gaw gets great results from the cones he uses under amps, but the Ganymede was voiced w/ OTL mono blocks, as well as digital sources. I encourage people to try the Ganymede under amps, and pre-amps as well as source components. Finally, I was happy to hear some else had trouble
with loose balls from other isolators, as there have been two trapped in my cold air return for months!
Jef Culhane, Ganymusic
Company Information
Artistic Audio / Ensemble
Voice: (949) 362-6080
Fax: (949) 362-3933
Gany Music Company
PO Box 14222
St. Paul, MN 55114
Sound Application
P.O. Box 9001
Berkeley, CA 94709
Voice/Fax: (510) 525-1065