The Six Steps To A Successful Online Strategy
Although you'll find plenty of detailed information about most aspects of your online promotion in the latest edition of my Social Media Promotion For Musicians book, here are the six basic steps you'll need to take in order to prepare for a successful online strategy.
1. Make your website your main online focal point. Make sure that all your important information is curated there and is easy for a site visitor to find. Chapter 4 will describe what a modern artist website needs to look like and how it should function.
2. Create accounts on the "Big 3" social networks (Facebook, Instagram and YouTube). You can't be everywhere at once. Even if you could it would take so much time that you'd never have any time to make music, which is what we're trying to avoid. That said, in order to get the most out of social media promotion, you need the following:
3. Use a social media broadcast app for all your updates. An app like Buffer or Hootsuite is one of the keys to streamlining the process that saves time and makes what you do online more efficient. We'll discuss these and other similar apps throughout the book.
4. Develop your social media sites so they all feed viewers into your main site. The key is to make sure that any viewer on any site is aware that you have a website and knows that it's the main repository of information about you.
5. Be sure that email list subscribers from all sites go to same master list provider. Different mailing lists don't do you much good if you have to create a separate newsletter blast for each one. We'll look at mailing lists, list providers, and newsletters in Chapter 5.
6. Get third party help when you get to the point where you're overwhelmed. If your popularity as an artist is growing, at some point social-media management gets too complex to maintain and third-party help is needed. This is usually a good thing, since that means you've progressed to where things are so massive that you can't keep up. Furthermore, a company that specializes in social-media management can keep you current with new tools and techniques that you might not be aware of. Even when outside help arrives, remember that you're still the one that drives the bus. Be sure to take part in all strategy discussions, but leave the actual facilitation to the company or person that you've hired.
Having a sound online strategy is the key to successful promotion. The upcoming chapters of this book will examine each of the above points in much more detail as you learn the ins and outs of how this is accomplished.
TIP: The order of importance of your online components is (1) website, (2) mailing list, (3) Facebook, (4) YouTube, (5) Instagram, (6) blog. The order of importance of numbers 3 to 6 may change, but your website and mailing list will always be the most important.
You can read more from Social Media Promotion For Musicians Third Edition and my other books on the excerpt section of BobbyOwsinski.com.