Senseless Rambling
First off, this is a Senseless Rambling article so you know the shit is about to get real as I see it. I have to also add this undesirable legal disclaimer that any likeness to the below situation(s), people, or places is merely a coincidence and is not based on any facts. Any relation to any events real or imaged is pure coincidence. Odds are everyone reading this article will be emotionally angry, feeling unfulfilled that their point of view is not as 'valued' as others. Perception plays a key role in how the human species experiences life.
And So... Are you with me so far? Remember, this is a nightmare scenario based on a bad dream. This is not based on any 'real-world' facts. A sector of this species loves a variety of sounds they choose to call music. As such, these music lovers seek to 'consume' products that enhance their (living entity) joys. Their society has, in turn, created events where music lovers and manufacturers would all get together at 'hi-fi shows' in hopes to form a mutually beneficial relationship so-as to discover more 'things' they can purchase (consume) to enhance their living conditions. Yet what if this thing we choose to call show(s) was canceled due to 'stay in place' and 'social distancing' in hopes that the species has a higher survival rate from this deadly new virus. Let's take a look at the many factors, cause, and effect, in the event promoter, manufacturer, and consumer side of this equation.
The Show Promoter
Exhibitors who paid thousands of Quatloos to showcase their hi-fi gear at an annual event becomes 'unavailable'. Trapped by outside forces we'll call a Hotel, which is the location of these shows. While the Hotel understands the current virus situation and is sympathetic, they are also holding on to all the Quatloos paid by the show promoter, which they sourced from exhibitors. If exhibitors want their Quatloos back, there is simply no way to do so as the Hotel has them (not the show promoter). The system that handles distributing Quatloos to the species, operated by Disembodied Beings, does not see any value to a Show Promoter as there is no item of value to trade for Quatloos. Thus said Show Promoter discovers that trying to get a loan from these Disembodied Beings who are in charge of distributing Quatloos, is nearly impossible as there's nothing to 'fairly trade' to the providers of Quatloos. The show promoter(s) have nothing of perceived value for much-needed Quatloos to refund show exhibitors. As a saying on this planet goes, "You can't get blood from a stone". Let us also remember that due to these circumstances some Show Promoter employees had to be let go. Anyone who has had the displeasure to 'fire' an employee due to circumstances beyond the company's control knows the pain and angst it brings. This affects not just that employee; it also causes social disorder to their family, which judging from the history of this planet, has shown that being fired during a Quatloo crisis results in higher suicide rates and other detrimental mental health factors to the society as a whole.
Show Exhibitors
For those who remember the movie WarGames, it is akin to the game "Global Thermonuclear War". There are no 'winners' in this scenario.
PHEW! We've Had Enough With The Sci-Fi Speak Steven!!!
Clusterfuck We must remember that the financial system on planet Earth is based on math that can not be 'solved'. At some point, their mathematical fraud becomes obvious. Ask those who remember Germany's currency back in the day, or Zimbabwe, or the first two central banking systems the USA had before this third one called the Federal Reserve. That's right, you didn't think the Federal Reserve was America's first attempt at a central banking system, did you? And so very recent headlines from the news are as follows: Florida Suffers Deadliest Day Yet As Reopening Begins: Live Updates Steven's commentary: Real people... dying. When we start hearing about our friends within the industry passing away... When someone dies, it's like a library just burned down.
ECB decisions on the Public Sector Purchase Programme exceed EU competences Steven's Commentary: Financial fraud is generally rewarded since 2007, provided you're connected in their system and/or too big to fail. Just ask the US Postal Service, or the many on Wall Street who are getting trillions of debt-based Federal Reserve Notes. High-end audio show promoters and manufacturers, not so important to their system it seems.
Politicians Have Destroyed Markets and Ignored Human Rights with Alarming Enthusiasm Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
These 10 retailers and restaurant chains have filed for bankruptcy or liquidation in 2020 Please take a brief moment and think about how many people are getting laid off / fired, and their families who may suffer. The product suppliers who will not be paid, and their employees. Ya know, the whole 'Domino Effect'. Within this current employment landscape, what does their immediate future hold? As I said before, I expect suicide rates to go up.
So, tell me again about your $10,000 that right now is in 'stasis' with a show promoter. Yes, you have a right to be pissed off, I am too big time, yet how about the 'bigger picture'. It's not like they are getting a $50,000,000 Wall Street bonus for buying back stock to prop up the value of their stock, only to come begging for Central Bank handouts the minute the market turns sour instead of selling stock. They should be selling stock and not getting bailouts, yet we don't live within a system based on capitalism. Not for many, many years. Am I pissed off too? Fuck yeah I am, at many things!!! And when my friends, which very much includes many of you who I deeply consider my friends as feel like we 'grew up together' as started Enjoy the Music.com 25 years ago when I was in my late 20s. So if we're going to put the blame somewhere, take a look further out at what entity / entities caused unstable financial situations time and again. And this results in swings with employment too. Simply stated, there has been zero long-term proven financial stability for many decades. Some entity has failed, which in turn has caused society stress, higher suicide rates, mental health issues, etc.
So What Steven. What About Shows? FYI: I gave up doing webmaster work for porn sites waaay back in the day, which would have reaped vast financial rewards. Instead, chose to risk it all for Enjoy the Music.com
My Goal?
Morpheus: I imagine that right now, you're feeling a bit like Alice. Hmm? Tumbling down the rabbit hole? Neo: You could say that. Morpheus: I see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. Ironically, that's not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, Neo? Neo: No. Morpheus: Why not? Neo: Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life. Morpheus: I know exactly what you mean. Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?
The world is a far better place with you in it.
Now that I've written this article and published it, hopefully, my brain will work on other things. There are many tasks to accomplish... and new music to discover and fall in love with.
Added June 11th, 2020 I also feel the need to mention that social order has a way of changing during struggling times. The recent Black Lives Matters and the protests / riots is another recent situation in the past week or two. Am not saying one is directly related to the other, yet we must recognize the real-life struggle happening within the world today.
Added June 15th, 2020
Added August 19th, 2020
Added November 2020
As always, in the end what really matters is that you...