March 2019
There's no doubt i tend to laugh at inventors who are solving outdated problems today. Unless you're into steampunk or some other fun hobby / fetish... would you design a new 8-Track tape player today? Hmm, maybe you would, yet personally 8-Track is... so don't expect the market to reach mega-million status. What about streaming music? With bandwidth now solved and making its way into your home, cell phone, car, etc this year, obviously even the current Wi-Fi 5 and 4G LTE works just fine for streaming true lossless 24-bit/192kHz music.
We may want to thank 4k video streaming for making this happen, plus the many IoT devices. We all know 4k video eats up far more bandwidth than whatever spec the music industry's BUSINESS SIDE has decided is Hi-Res Audio / Music. The real question is, why design a proprietary audio format solving yesterday's problems that costs manufacturers, music labels, etc more to use than FLAC, etc? Think of 2019 as a first start, with 2020 onward providing all the bandwidth your heart desires. Why do we need a lossy compressed audio format in 2020 and beyond is, frankly, beyond my comprehension given the facts on the ground today. Such proprietary schemes could be considered a step backwards in the true evolution and future of music enjoyment.
No one wants to go back to SVHS video... or Elcaset LOL!!!
Bottom line, if you're going to invent / solve the future needs of consumers, you need to have something that 'challenges' the technology available today. Please very carefully consider the music service, cell phones, and other hardware that can take advantage of these 2017/2018 technologies coming to market in 2019, which in some amount of years will once again be dethroned for ever-higher bandwidth / capabilities. Welcome to 2019, the year lossless 24-bit/192kHz industry widely accepted standard formats (FLAC, etc) came to life within your home, on your cell phone, within your car....
Needed less than 340 words to get my point across. Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
Tired of paying for lossy compressed music, proprietary money-grab schemes that steals from musical artists, or old Napster quality some streaming music services offer? Your music and ears deserve better! Hearing is believing!
Time to... Move On Up! :D
5G UWB (Ultra Wideband) is now available in Chicago just in time for AXPONA 2019.
Here's a few videos about Wi-Fi 6 (a.k.a. 11ax) and 5G UWB.
As we say, "An educated consumer is our best customer." Wiki about 5G and Wiki about Wi-Fi.
As always, in the end what really matters is that you...
How long before I get in? Where to, where do I go? Look up, I look up at night <|º감º|>
How long am I gonna stand All that noise, and all that sound d[-_-]b Ideas that you find ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ
Some things you have to believe