January 2019
Celebrating Issue 235 Of Our Monthly
Review Magazine
Welcome to a bright and shiny new 2019! Usually an editorial is about informing you of reviews and think pieces within that issue. We could go all click-batey with some proprietary and unnecessary lossy compressed scheme that claims to be Hi-Res. Ok, it is Hi-Res kinda sorta, ummmm... and mp3PRO was just like CD only compressed for more efficient 56kbs internet streaming. But let's not get mired down with such click-batey things as Enjoy the Music.com rises above that sort of rubbish during 2019. There shall be no discussion about lossy compressed music here! With Qobuz's true lossless music streaming service, Sony launching a lossless streaming music service in Japan just a weeks ago, and an abundance of places to buy lossless music online... For me this issue is about change. Was recently chatting with a friend about consumer electronics retail; we have both been within this industry for many decades. It's interesting as the hot ticket items back then were a new CD player. Perhaps you wanted a compact Hi8 camcorder? Dare we admit to having a huge big box 40" Mitsubishi or Hitachi rear screen projection TV? Of course there was eventually laserdiscs to bring video into the digital disc age (not counting that ancient video LP playback system by RCA (or was it Magnavox?). It's akin to car engines, where high-performance 200HP/TQ output from a 1980's Ferrari or Porsche is what today's grocery-getter Honda engine produces in 2019. No one is surprised. What the consumer electronics industry advertised and touted as 'high resolution' and 'Digital Ready' during the 1980's is today's format / marketing phrase road kill. So what else shall we discuss? Hmmm...
Personal Audio Gear 24 bits at 44.1 kHz, bitrate = 2,116 kbps 24 bits at 48 kHz, bitrate = 2,304 kbps 24 bits at 88.2 kHz, bitrate = 4,233 kbps 24 bits at 96 kHz, bitrate = 4,608 kbps 24 bits at 176.4 kHz, bitrate = 8,467 kbps 24 bits at 192 kHz, bitrate = 9,216 kbps
And thus there is zero need what-so-ever for any compression for 24-bit/96kHz, which should at least be 'sufficient' for most music streamers. So yes, 2019 is the year of bandwidth, and of true lossless music streaming. Internet speeds will only get faster from here my friends. Video geeks know HDMI 2.1 offers upwards of 48Gbps speeds to transmit uncompressed 8K audio/video. Again, obviously there's absolutely, positively, most assuredly no need for lossy compressed audio in 2019 and beyond. There, that proverbial 'lossy compressed music horse' has been beaten.
Site Layout
Previous Issues 2018 January/February March/April May/June July/August September/October November/December
2017 January/February March/April May/June July/August September/October November/December
So, the new layout looks the same, kinda sorta. We've all learned from app developers who change their layout so drastically that it frustrates users. Worse still, a new unloved layout slows things down during web surfing. We shall have none of that kind sir! Basically(!), the top navigation has been better unified across the site, pages are laid out slightly differently in hopes the shorter width text 'frame' is easier to follow, plus the new font is a bit larger and better spaced... basically. Sure call it slow progress, yet a lot of small changes do add up to your experience and we hope you enjoy the new layout.
A Secret www.EnjoyTheMusic.com/magazine/equipment/MoYr/ www.EnjoyTheMusic.com/magazine/equipment/0109/
Sure the vintage layout is wonky on these old pages, go ahead and LOL and if you go all 'old school' to January 2000 (0100), you'll see links to our review of the old Avantgarde Acoustics Uno hornspeakers, Dick Olsher's follow-up of the AH! Tjoeb '99 CD player (remember those?), Klipsch Reference RP-5 speakers, Lydian Beta phono cartridge... and one about getting naked(!) and yes another strange article about me living within a padded cell(!). On the plus side, I also got to play around with " " "lasers" " " . So now you know the secret to see each and every issue of our Review Magazine. Starting this month we'll be offering hyperlinks to previous monthly issues at the bottom of the current Review Magazine homepage.
Bonus Secret! www.EnjoyTheMusic.com/news/MoYr www.EnjoyTheMusic.com/news/0109/
The Industry Is Growing!
We look forward to attending the many shows during 2019 as once again Enjoy the Music.com is sponsoring the Thursday night industry/press party for AXPONA and RMAF plus both event's seminars. We're doing our part to spread the good word of music via high-end audio for 235 Review Magazine issues during the past 23 years.
Everyone at Enjoy the Music.com hopes you love what we have to offer within our January 2019 issue. We very much appreciate you reading Enjoy the Music.com, joining our social media pages, and of course recommending us to your music loving friends. As always, in the end what really matters is that you...