December 2021 The Audio Analyst Episode 61
Greg Weaver's The Audio Analyst first appeared during 1988 as the title of a small, high-end audio publication that he founded that same year. Through the years, Greg has maintained and used the name on many of his writings for Positive Feedback, starting in 1996. As many Enjoy the Music.com readers know, Greg Weaver has been involved within the high-performance audio industry for more than five decades. As an Audio Industry veteran, he's had an interesting trip; from hobbyist, to the sales floor, to managing hi-fi shops and chains, repairing and designing home and commercial electronics, and even developing new exotic audio products for manufacturers.
Supertramp Crime of the
Century Please go easy on this episode's production values... My editor's computer was on the fritz, and this entire episode was edited on a cell phone!
Listen to Qobuz's Supertramp Crime of the Century Fortieth Anniversary Remaster in 24-bit/192kHz.
The Audio Analyst