November 2023 The Nagra SN Reel-To-Reel Tape Recorder
I have always been a fan of beautiful engineering. That is one of the primary things that drives me to do the things I do, from writing and typewriter repair to photography. I have dived deeply into those last two things in this blog, primarily my work with typewriter repair.
For as long as I can remember, there has always been this undying curiosity to see how things work. To get an inside look, to examine all these carefully created parts and understand their purpose, and to appreciate the mind that conceived them.
A rather long video about the Nagra SNN, one of the smallest reel to reel tape recorders ever made, and of the highest quality. Had some issues during the making of this video, but whatever. Hope there are moments you find enjoyable! I make no claims of being any sort of audio professional, I just like tape recorders. Finally, my advice for finding an affordable unit, WAIT AND BE VIGILANT. You do not have to pay 3k and up for these, but beware you may have to do repairs.
Note: Video captured on the Sony A7Rii with high-resolution video off the Hasselblad 907x. Audio recorded to the Nagra IS at 3.75ips and the Nagra SN. Microphone was the Shure PGA48. The music within the below video includes Arrival of the Birds - Cinematic Orchestra and The Heart Asks Pleasure First - Michael Nyman.
About In Mechanica Antiqua