June 2023 Video: Valve Amplification Company Factory Tour
Valve Amplification Company (VAC) was launched by chief designer Kevin Hayes with a passion about music realism so it sounds like the real thing within your home. With many awards and positive reviews globally in many publications, VAC products are considered masterpieces as they not only sound incredible, they also look the part too.
According to VAC, "The difference between a good amplifier and a great amplifier resides in the details, and in the passion of the designer. One of the reasons for superiority of VAC equipment is that VAC uses vacuum tube technology almost exclusively. After almost 100 years since its invention, the triode vacuum tube remains the most linear (accurate) amplifying element known producing superior sonic performance."
"A tube amplifier, properly designed, preserves far more of the vitality of the original performance," says VAC. "Tubes simply bring the music back alive. This is why the world’s foremost guitarists use tube amplifiers, and why vacuum tube microphones and processors are highly prized by the world’s best recording studios. Tubes do have a sound that is different from solid state amplifiers, and one that happens to make amplified music sound better to the human ears and brain."
Having personally visited Valve Amplification Company only a handful of weeks ago, I can personally attest to the great care given to producing their incredible audio gear. With multiple audio systems within their factory, great care is given to 'voicing' through the ability to select each part within every amplifier. This includes small changes in the physical arrangement of the parts, plus different types of capacitors and wires are auditioned too.
VAC goes as far as to consider various chassis materials. Of course within the factor is an abundance of test equipment as well, to ensure the very best products are not only created, they are each tested before they are shipped out of the factory. As VAC says, "Listen and let the sound be your guide!"
Learn More About VAC And Jay's
Audio Lab Voice: (941) 952-9695
Jay's Audio Lab