May 2022 Video: Stereo Wars!
One of our 'next door neighbors' tipped us off to this excellent video featuring the stereo wars of the 1970s. According to Lenny Florentine of Just Audio, "Join us for our adventure into the past when we visit the Receiver Wars of the 1970s. See how stereo brands competed with each other to be the biggest and the best!"
"We did our best to get you the most accurate information possible. Forgive any mistakes :). We also ask for your opinions and thoughts on the war and what your favorite vintage stereo's were! Enjoy!"
Thanks to all of our sources of information and pictures including...
Lenny provides us all a wonderful overview to the great stereo wars of the 1970s, where ever-higher power output ratings were also met with using ever-higher negative feedback and other circuit techniques to reduce distortion to 'vanishing' levels (dare we add, perhaps, at the expensive of sound quality?). The video below is excellent and we're sure you'll enjoy it.
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