May 2021 Videos: Audiophiles KILLED High-End Audio
Note: The below videos have been making the rounds with quite a few music lovers, fans of high-end audio, and various friends within the industry. Enjoy the Music.com simply wants to share a variety of viewpoints... and keep the discussion going. We're not trying to tell you what to think, we're just trying to get you to think. As always, in the end what really matters is that you... enjoy the music.
Audiophiles KILLED High End Audio
Young Audiophiles Answer 10 Hi-Fi Questions
Instead of Enjoy the Music.com adding more commentary here, best bet is to watch the video below... and you may learn something about the younger generation of music enthusiasts. See more videos from The Next Best Thing Studio at this link. As always, in the end what really matters is that you... enjoy the music.