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Guerrilla Tactics For The Audiophile Home
The first time you find him in the kitchen wearing your frilly apron and baking a newly spray-painted amp chassis in the oven you think it's kind of cute. You keep an open mind despite the fumes and try to sympathize with his need for a hammered metal look finish. Then on a dark night you stub your toes on that same chassis lying in the middle of the living room floor and you think, not so cute. Might as well face the truth. For every audiophile in the world, there's an afflicted spouse, housemate or friend. And, sooner or later, we all must learn the guerrilla tactics necessary for survival in the audiophile home.
Be Quick On The Offensive
She: "I want my sewing scissors back now." Place hands on hips and sigh deeply. He: "What sewing scissors!" (puzzled look) She: "Those sewing scissors." Point in general direction of work bench. He: "Oh, those scissors. You know what those are great for?" (sheepish grin)
Never mind. Grab those scissors and head for the door.
Never Call A Part By Its Name
She: "What's that transformer doing in the bathroom sink!" He: (With a superior smile) "That's not a transformer, that's a high-voltage 6B7 for my 12K9."
Keep 'em On Their Toes
This is your moment. She: "What's that humming sound!" He: "Huh? What humming? You hear a hum?" She: "Well, I'm not sure, but just then when I walked past that speaker I thought I might have heard something like a hum."