February 2010
Enter Klipsch. Renown for the baddest, biggest ole horns on the block, I was loaned a pair of their $129 Custom-1 ear buds when I reviewed their newest flagship Palladium P39F loudspeaker. ‘But don't review those,' their rep said, ‘those are discontinued; we will send you something better!' Indeed they did. The new Image S2 buds retail for $50. Both models have a variety of slightly different size driver tubes, not much thicker than a pencil, which plug into your ear canal. Soft translucent white gels, shaped like jellyfish mantles, cap the tubes. The gels fill the ear canal snugly like the parachute on a dragster. They slow outside noise from racing down the canal. The gels feel like a gentle pencil easer in your ear. Once you used to that though, both models are light enough and comfortable enough to "fogettabatta" them. The gels are replaceable and Klipsch provides several sizes. The Image buds include airplane and 0.25-inch jack adapters. The new S2s are half the price of the old Custom-1 buds.
Obvious Differences
Listening Tests On Dire Straits' incomparable classic, Brothers In Arms, when Mark Knopfler sang "Now that ain't working, that's the way you do it," I knew exactly what he meant! Listening to the S2 buds is like the song says. "money for nothing." I was quite surprised and impressed how good these tiny tubes sound when stuck in my ears. There is much better texture to the opening riffs on "So Far Away From Me" than the other two buds. The bass vibrates the ears, though the high-end is still too sharp. Yet, the new S2s are much better buds than the C-1s. In fact, in many respects, they almost equaled the far more expensive and bulky ATH-700 cans! They get most of the bass, convey some impact, have a good amount of texture and detail in the mid-range and don't render highs like knifes. Backhanded compliments, I know, but we are tiny buds compared to full-size cans with drivers as large as your palm; something has to give. Klipsch though, has given up very little with these buds. On The Best of Crow and other discs, the S2 buds again were closer to the ATH-700 sonics than other two buds. On Jack Johnson's In Between Dreams, the S2s were definitely smoother than the others, with more detailed high-end, and generally easy to enjoy the music. On Tutti's Orchestral Sampler, the S2s show good separation between the instruments, making background doo-dads stand out. You don't miss any sonic effects. They were gentler throughout than the Sony and C-1 buds. In a previous article, Tyll (pronounced "Tile") Hertsens, founder of Internet headphone marketer, HeadRoom, says "in ear monitors do a bit better job getting a linear bass response because they seal the ear canal tightly and can compress the volume better without losses." The Klipsch S2s certainly make his point. My first choice for
headphone listening? Well, it would have to be
the Oppo player of course. And while the Money no object; the 650s with the amazing Benchmark DAC amplifier would have to be every tweaking audiophile's first choice headphone and amplifier combination. A close runner–up though would be the more practical value; the ATH-700s with the Micro DAC. In fact, this set-up shares my PC space. Ditch the ungainly Gazoo cans though and the convenient, the
portable, the "what's happening now" choice has to be the Image S2s.
Though 50 somalians seems steep compared to the cost of the Sonys, the extra
money is well spent. The S2s have good sound quality, very good 2-year warranty
with comfort and isolation above what I expected. I had no trouble rocking,
grooving and wearing the Klipsch Image S2s in-ear buds for extended periods.
With Dire Straights and Sheryl Crow, it did get BTW, while the Klipsch rep said the C-1s are "$39.99 on Amazon and $103.99 at the Crutchfield outlet store," they are too awkward, expensive and crude by comparison to the S2s. And the Sonys don't cut it at all, except for small children, who are just going to break them soon anyway.
Blue Note Scores
Company Information Website: www.klipsch.com