We get lottsa letters!

From: Daniel C. Wiggins
Subject: Your site
Few quick comments:
Love the Pink Floyd selection! "The Final Cut" album is absolutely my
favorite PF album. However, when playing the selection, the background MIDI
file for the page plays at the same time - maybe Syd Barrett still
influences the sound of PF? :)
Anyway, thanks for the good site - most enjoyable!
Steve sez: A most humble thanks. Maybe Sid does??? Roger Waters
solo stuff surly has some Sid in it it seem :-{)+ .

From: Michael Hall
Hello, I really enjoyed your page - great stuff...
Michael J. Hall

From: Kamaruddin Mohamed
Nice Website. Keep up the good work. Very much
One Eye Jack

From: James-E
Subject: The Tweaks!
Hey what's up most funkadelic dude! Like um I tried one
of your tweak suggestions...like zowie bang boom pow even! Being out of warranty
I opened
the case of my SherwoodRV6030R and proceeded to solder the circuit board for the outputs
closed....ya know the one's the little u jumpers occupy. MAAAAANNNN what a fricking
difference!!!!!!!!!! I also happened to have handy some commercial grade 2-16 oxygen free
wire and proceeded to BI-wire my Paradigm MK-3's. they were previously wired with 2-12
monster wire. I used the 2-16 for the tweets. All I have to say is H O L Y
S H - T ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I would have never believed my decent
sounding little system was capable of being sonically three dimensional!!!!!! And
actually sounding GOOD! In a humble Receiver sort of way. I've always known about Bi-wiring i've
just been to lazy to try it. Enough about the successful tweaks...

From: Chris
Subject: article
i just wanted to say that i enjoyed your enthusiasm and run down of your
gear. i guess

Subject: Speaker Placement
From: Grant Porter
Hey Steven,
Thanks for the great tweaks page...
I enjoy your web pages and also enjoy some of the banter on the AA list
(although sometimes I haven't the slightest clue what you guys are
talking about... but I'm learning)
Steve sez: The more i feel i know
about, the greater the unknown.

Awesome pages I'll be back

Subject: great redux
From: Duensing, Keith
The new page setup is great! Keep on smoking the competition!!!...

Subject: Hey Dude!
From: drlarry
I played the Astaire and the Hooker stuff on your page. Cool beans man!
What was the source for this stuff. I'm especially a sucker for
Astaire..an' the backup instrumentals were cool too.
warm regards,
Steve sez: Ummm, i use either vinyl or CD (use it as a "stereo
master") and re-engineer it using a few 32-bit floating point studio-quality software
programs with ActiveX plug-ins. Then i specially re-engineer them again to
optimize for RealAudio files. Maybe i'm in the wrong line of work as a writer? Maybe i
oughtta be a studio engineer again? Oooh, the memories of those 20+ hours studio-fests
years ago...

Subject: Great Web Page!
From: Jeff Day
I just saw your web site for the first time and it is terrific! Thanks for
going to all the effort ... tubes ... single ended triode ... efficient
speakers ... drool ... thanks!

Subject: Walker Proscenium Gold....
Hi Steve,
My friend Lloyd Walker makes a gorgeous table for about 14 G's that got a
very good review in TAS. Why not give him a call and get him to send some
photos? Tell 'im Frank Alles sen'cha. His phone is (610) 666-6087.
Party-on bro',
Steve sez: It's, like, now there dude.
Yo check it!

From: Dan Mason
I just wanted to send an email to let you know that I think you've got
one of the most BITCHIN SITES in audio!!! If you can, update the cheap
tweaks and DIY sections more often--haven't seen anything new for the
last coupla months.
Lil' story to tell ya':
I found the site last December and checked out everything! I even used
the tweaks section to the hilt!! I ordered the PVT tweaks stuff
including the unhappy balls, sticky balls, CAIG, copper

From: Nigel Pond
Steve, once again congratulations on the site...

Subject: Turntable lust
From: Ray Perkins
I enjoyed seeing your site, however the turntable section is a bit
lacking in content. I own an Audiomecca Romance turntable with a Romeo
arm. It is a bitchin' turntable in both design and performance. You
should include their products.
Keep up the enthusiasm!
Steve sez: The Turntable Lust page
just started. Each week another turntable will be added. Ray, like my Tube Lust Page, just
send me a photo and we'll do it :-{)+ .

From: Arnold C. Ebreo
You are cool the dude with the cool Web Site.

From: Earl Dunbar
Subject: Cool Dude's WCES reports
A B...I...G hats off to our resident cool (Enjoy The Music) dude
Steven R. Rochlin for the smash-a-riffic job he's doing on covering the
'98 WCES!!!! Read all the goodies by clicking here, folks. The New
Hampshire Dudeness is scooping everyone.
Hey, does this guy EVER sleep????
Steve sez: Sleep is for the weak.
Enjoy the Music: Where the party's always a-rockin'!

From: Greg Leary
Steven, your site is super! I hope others check it out.
Greg Leary

Subject: The best service on this earth
From: Hans Froling
Hello Steve!
It's a real funny feeling to get instant reports from WCES direct to my
kitchen table! I love your homepage!
/Hans F
Sweden (30 inches of snow)

Subject: My reaction to the site
From: Marty Breslow
I enjoyed the news. Everything was very informative. I found the
coverage of CES98 very informative on the 24bit/96hz goings on
informative but most of the equipment reviews were too high-end...
Oh thanks for that audio.
Overall a very well designed site that provides information not found
elsewhere. "I'll be back".
Marty Brelow (Marty B on audioreview)

Subject: Thanks
From: Brian Drought
Thanks for the WCES coverage... been i'll over the last 2 days and
has made good reading....
and yep, I am enjoying the music!
love the sstage stuff..,. keep it up.

Subject: Harry's Super Disc List
From: David Goodman
What a neat site you have! :)
Somewhere or other on your site I read that Primyl Vinyl is just about the
only source for Harry Pearson's Super Disc List. In fact, it's available
now at TAS's website. You can send 'em to http://www.theabsolutesound.com/
and tell 'em to click on the link labeled "super disc list" (that is, it's
in lower-case type). NOTE, TOO, that the list is given twice, and that the
first presentation is a more recent re-do.
Now, let me get back to exploring your site! And you'll be glad to know
that I almost always ENJOY THE MUSIC!
Subject: RCA, Vinyl
From: Yuan Bo
Nice to visit your site. As a newbie, I'd like to see the "RCA" and
entries on your Terminology Page.
Steve sez: Agreed, i'll add 'em ASAP.
Thanks for the help. ALL help is ALWAYS appreciated

From: johnws@cp-tel.net (John W. Sturman)
Subject: Home and web pages
It's kind of nice to see a web page with some content for a change. Nice
stuff. I can't find your name. That's kind of amazing too (it's probably
there somewhere, i'm just missing it. Keeping the advertising of your
ego off the page. Impressive.)
Again, interesting stuff. I checked you out to find the alignment
protractor and found other good stuff as well. It's hard not to like any
of your musical choices, although they are pretty middle of the road for
my tastes. Everyone should be aware of all of these people in my
estimation. (My only addition to your choices would be to say that if
you love Billie Holiday, the Verve recordings while being of very good
sound quality don't even come close to her Columbia titles. The

From: Ditt navn her
Subject: greetings from Norway
Shangra la!!!
Your web site was really good. Very good work, I must say! Keep up the
good work!
Greetings from Norway.
Olav Roger Laugen

From: Mike Ladra
Dear Steve:
I enjoy your web site very much...
Best regards,
mike ladra

From: Jim Saxon
Subject: Bitchin' Website
Hi Steven,
Finally dialed up the 'site and must admit to being overwhelmed by the
useful information and commentary available from the "soul" provider.
Keep up the good work and see you at CES.
Jim Saxon

From: Ken Mersereau
Subject: Your Web Site
Just read your updated ramblings section. Thought I would
share my two cents. I think your $2k 'real world' killer
system is desperately needed. Picking good bang-for-the-buck
stuff (i.e. A. Alchemy, Rotel, NAD, NHT...) or even high end
used gear and updating/upgrading parts is a great way to get a
large taste of hi-fi heaven.
How about a d-i-y feature on speaker and/or interconnects made
from speaker foil inductor material?
I'm continually surprised & frustrated with what passes for
"good" stereo systems by "joe public". The majority are
brainwashed in to "they all sound the same" or "isn't Sony and
Bose the best there is?" AAARRRGGHH! Or thinking audiophiles
are some lunatic fringe...well maybe there is some truth here??
Please keep fighting the good fight. You are very much
Ken Mersereau
Steve sez: Ken, just for you i've
recently added an article about a book which teaches you to make your own interconnect
cables. Please see my

From: SamKC4HMK
Subject: Who R U!!!???
I don't even know your name, but you have the "most fun" hi-fi website I've
ever encountered!! Now, don't get an enlarged cranium as the kudos I'm
sending to you begin to sink in. I'm not related with any HI-FI company...
My craft is electrician...for about 32 years...yep, I'm 50 years old...or
young...or whatever. Being an electrician has helped me avoid most of the
"snake oil" out there in Audiophile Land. You have some neat and reasonable
tips on your site....

From: William Killeffer
Subject: Hello
Hello from a first-time visitor to your page. It is well set up and
full of useful information...
-William Killeffer

From: David S. Lane
Thanks Steven,
I've had the occasion to visit your website before. I especially
the "12 step" program. I got quite the chuckle! I even printed it....

From: Nathan Tinnin
Hello. Great page.

From: DAlderman
...Great Tweak sites, by the way!!!!!
Doug Alderman

From: WillUX
Subject: Your Web Page
Thanks for putting the web page together. I really enjoyed it and I needed
to tell you so. I always particularly like to hear what other folks like to
hear. You have some favorites

From: David Goodwi
Subject: How?
Wow, cool site! How did you set this up with Real Audio to stream
audio? Was this expensive, free, what? Any info. would be appreciated.
Also, I was moved by the fact that this site was created for your
brother. I am very sorry for your loss but I'm sure I'm not the only
one who would like to know more about him. What happened? What do you
feel? This, in my opinion, is what makes something you read great.
When it makes you feel what the person writing it feels. Just a
Steve sez: A most humble thanks for
the compliment. David, your best bet is seein'

From: David Brook
Subject: Labor of Love
Thanks for your effort, and the site is fun and informative, too.
Joel Brook

From: Doug Schneider
Subject: Great Page!
Steve....totally dig what you did with the page!

From: JSG
Subject: Nice web page!!!
I enjoyed your web page and I wanted to let you know that I was happy to
see a spot for the Offspring and other alternative music. Often in the
'Phile and other mags they disregard the sound of
Thanks again for the much needed audio fixing.

Subject: Re: Pictures of Tasty Tube Amps
From: mbale
Truly tasty.

Subject: Re: Pictures of Tasty Tube Amps
From: John Beach
>>> It's the www site your mother warned you about :-{)+ <<<
Boy, you can say that again. I really enjoyed the visit.
John Beach

From: David Bardes
Subject: Re: Another Tweak?
Hi Steve,
Just implemented my putty tweak, and it works like a charm!
Happy Tweaking!!

From: Leonardo Raibin
Subject: The Best Music Site
Hello there!
I'm writing for two reasons, first, Your site RULES!!!
Yes, for some unknown reason, I have noticed your site is the bookmark I
most return to. But then, when you look at it, It's pretty simple. This
is the best site on the Internet!!! Bold statement, I know, but I just
look at the facts.
a) There's no other site around that I so eagerly wait to be updated.
b) I can't find better vibes anywhere else on the net, this site just
makes me feel happier!!! (saves me money on shrinks!)
c) Where else can we drool over those ultracool Tube amps?
Anyway, its hard to believe this site is for real, congratulations!!!
Second, after the compliments, is:
I'm a new believer! Yes, I can't stand CD's anymore! I want my vinyls
As you can see I've been through a no-end of hassles to have a good
sounding CD front end, put on black boxes, gone bonkers and went for
Transport / DAC setups, been through 2 transports and 3
converters and still, something was amiss.
Now, as my new groove-guru, please tell me, what should I do? As much as
I appreciated your last review on buying a new arm for your turntable, I
really cannot afford to drop so much money on this (I'd rather buy a new
I turn to your wisdom and ask: Where should I start looking? What should
I do with all that ugly, cold digital equipment? And do you think Brazil
does have a chance in the World Cup in France'98?
I seek your word, O mighty groove-guru!
Yours truly,
Leonardo Raibin
Steve sez: A most humble thanks for the compliment.
No 'Guru' here. Just tryin' to help and share my experiences with others. If anyone
reading this can help this cool dude out please do so.

From: Foesenek
Subject: Great Site
I really enjoyed your site.

From: VinylRules
Subject: Greetings once again from Gainesville!
I thought I'd send you another e-mail to let you know
how much I enjoy your website.
Oswaldo Martinez
Ultimate VDO Productions

From: andys audio

Subject: ACE Audio Award
Your site has been nominated for, and I have decided to award it with, an ACE Award for
Car Audio Website Excellence. Congratulations!
With your permission I'd like to post this piece of information on RAC, and
include a link to your site on my web page of winners...
Thanks and congratulations!

From: Kevin Lee
Thanks for the web site!! I also cruised around your home page and
links. I'll have to come back since I really should be working now.
It's very cool though.
Thanks again.

From: MANE1022
Subject: music definition page(s)
Great job. you really know your stuff. Thanks a lot for the detailed work
you've done.

From: Fernendo Lezama
Nice look of your new WWW site!
Keep up the excellent work you have done...
Congrats... Fernando
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