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  Celebrating 30 Years Of Service To Music Lovers



And Finally, Some Letters...

From: BRUE <dbruce@bank-banque-canada.ca>

Hi! My name is David.

Your site is quite something. A lot of useful info. resides within and I
like the monkey.

From: "Ken Mersereau" <kmersereau@baughpdx.com>

Subject: hi-fi advice

Hi Steve,

Just read your Assemblage DAC2 review/column in the new Positive
Feedback. Sounds like a great product and bang for the buck...

Keep up the great work - I look forward to all your contributions to
all the e-zines and PF.

Thanks Again,

Ken Mersereau

From: "Kevin" <magic@ssimicro.com>

Subject: Cheap tweak for a room

...Great web site, very good presentation


From: (deleted by me because if his boss sees this post... Read on please.)

My name is (deleted), and i'm a very bad boy. i'm at work and should be
doing mind-numbing data entry, but my employers fail to realize how
tempting internet access is with a t-1 connection:-) through my wanderings
i happened across your site from a link on the Visions in Audio website,
and i love it!...

After reading about your system and your tastes in music i would
absolutely love to hear the likes of rage, snapcase, nofx, on vinyl through
a system like yours. I would also like to "humbly suggest" the new
weezer album PINKERTON. it is nothing short of amazing in my humble
opinion (i don't know if its available on vinyl).

(Deleted Signature File)

Subject: Help

From: Cheng Sim <chs@hooked.net>

I really appreciate your trouble for following up on the book for me.
It's refreshing to have someone as helpful as you are over the net. My
sincere thanks to you.

Steve sez: What Cheng is referring to is a book that shows pictures and descriptions of yummy tube units like that on my Tube Lust Page. On the phone with Kelly at The Audio Amateur. Usually don't directly suggest folks to a business per se on my www site, but the book is out of print and therefor may be hard to find :-{(+ . The English version is $59.95 and it's part number BKA02. Japanese Version is also available for $59.95 and it's part number is BKA01 . Not including shipping of course. To order the book you can email them at:


visa/mc accepted

ALWAYS glad to be of service. Take care my friend
and as ALWAYS...

Enjoy the music,


From: "Jay B. Haider" <citroen.jaybh@worldnet.att.net>

Subject: Accolades and (mild) criticism from a fellow Rush fan


Every time I go to your page, it improves. From the braided
interconnect instruction section, to the lyrics of The World's Best Ever
Song ("Natural Science") on the front of the page. It truly IS the page
my mother warned me about, literally; she warned me (to no avail, I
might add...) to NEVER try to make my own interconnects. Well, thanks
Steve and sorry mum...

Flaws: Well, nothing from the remaster Rush canon is on your
recommended list, and none of their MoFi stuff, either! That's about it!

PS: My sig might look a bit familiar 8)
Jay B. Haider
Class of 2001, Sam Nunn School of International Affairs (Georgia Tech)
"Science, like Nature, must also be tamed
With a view towards its preservation.
Given the same state of integrity,
It will surely serve us well" -Neil Peart

Steve apologizes: Dude, you're 100% corright. If ya look you'll see i just added killer Rush on my humbly Recommended Recordings Page. i repent! i repent! "You can be the Captain, i will draw the chart. Sailing into destiny closer to the heart."

From: "Alan Graham" <agram@goodnet.com>

Subject: Great web site

I have been following your website for the past few months and I think
it's terrific!

You have a great sense of humor: It is obvious that you truly "enjoy
the music."...

I wish you could be doing a column or two for Stereophile. (Just my
opinion, they need to lighten up a lot!)

Many thanks for the tweaks. They have helped. Keep them coming!!!!!

Alan T. Graham

Steve sez: A most humble thanks. As for Stereophile... Simply send a letter to John Atkinson by clicking here and see what happens. You can see my writings in new 'high-end' magazine called Ultimate Audio. Thanks again!

From: "sean bennett" <any1thr@wco.com>

Subject: I can't stand it !!!

Hey! ...Cool site.


From: "Michael J. Herring" <nikonf@earthlink.net>

Subject: Great Web Site!!!

I very much enjoyed your site. I think your "Tube Amps to Lust For"
concept is very cool!

P.S. What equipment are you using for your scans? I think the quality is

Many thanks,

Mike Herring

Mike, a most humble thanks. i use a high quality HP scanner and three different image manipulation programs. Like great music, with great photography there's no substitute for high quality source material. Also, my dad owns quite a few Leica cameras so you could say i grew up with high quality photography.

From: "Theresa Sharkey" <8taco@msn.com>


Your site reminds me why I got hooked on this vice/love affair with music and
equipment. It kicks. Thank you for many well spent hours.

Sincerely Shark.

From: AtkinsonRR@aol.com

Subject: Thanks

Thanks for the tips on AC power. Finally someone who answers e-mail and
really seems to care!
--Robert in Alaska

Steve sez: Always glad to be of service. i answer my e-mail usually within 24-48 hours (unless my gal's got me tied up :-{)+ ).

From: "John Soucie" <soucie@nortel.ca>


I have been looking at your pages of tweaks(good job BTW) and it seems
you have more than a passing fancy with vinyl...


John Soucie

Steve sez: A most humble thanks. If it reproduces music we're, like, there dude!

From: Leon Pleasant <102653.332@compuserve.com>

Subject: Magazines Etc.


"Thanks G ",
I likes yo site. It's all good!


From: Peter Braverman <braverman@earthlink.net>

Subject: Re: Yoo Hoo, Is Anybody?


My previous fun-poking aside (I know you can take it!), I really like the
coverage you're providing on the show, and I can tell you're having fun.
Thanks a lot; your web site stuff is the best thing going! Maybe
Stereophile should take RH's salary and pay you to do a site for them!


Well, now that RH has left Stereophile for Fi ground... Stereophile has promised a www site for over a year now i believe. After a discussion with John Atkinson at the HiFi 97 Show he told me he never realized how much effort it takes to have a functional, up to date, and informative www site. So to all you webmasters out there your efforts are appreciated by me and many, many others. As for me doing the Stereophile site, simply send a letter to John Atkinson by clicking here and let 'em know your feelings.

Subject: Cartridge Alignment template

From: Cheng Sim <chs@hooked.net>

Hi Steve,

I am finally sending off for the free template! I procrastinate quite a
bit. I wanted to let you know that I enjoy your web site a lot. My
favorite is the tube lust page - just incredible array of spectacular
looking gear (not to mention ultra expensive). Is the BAT gear used by
BATman? Nice!

I tried calling Barnes and Nobles about the book - they said it's out of
print. Can you let me know what country is the number you listed for
the Tube Amplifiers by Allegro Verlag? And it would be helpful if you
can give me a ballpark price you paid for your copy.

I also want to mention that your coverage of HiFi 97 is excellent. If I
may ask, do you happen to be the guy running around in shorts with a
digital camera and also a palm size recorder interviewing folks on the
first day (I was there on the first day and was just curious if it was
you that I brushed by). In closing keep up the terrific work and thanks
for sharing so much fascinating information about the high end world (I
can't afford all that but still enjoy it nevertheless).

Take care,

First, a most humble thanks for the compliment. The Tube Amplifiers book by AllegroVerlag which has many tube yummies costs $59.95 + shipping can be purchased from:

Old Colony Sound Labs
Po. Box 243
Department G95
Peterborough, NH 03458
U. S. A.

voice (603) 924-6371
fax (603) 924-9467

The dude your referring to at HiFi 97 in San Francisco was Tyll of Headroom fame. And yes, Batman uses BAT gear :-{)+ . His utility belt is filled with many WE300B, Mullard GZ34, Mullard CV378, and Telefunkin flatplate 12AX7 tubes!

From: Dilip <sathe_dilip@bah.com>

Subject: Zap That Static Clean!

I was visiting your web site and read the "Zap That Static Clean!"
tweaking tip. The idea is good and your precautions about placement of
the gadget should take care of most likely problems. However, I have
worked in production environments and studied some of the commercial
products offered for static protection. The standard practice is to
connect the (antistatic mat/wrist band etc.) grounding wire/conductor to
ground through a 1 Meg Ohm series resister. This ensures dissipation of
any static charges but prevents one from getting a solid ground
connection in case one happens to be touching a live surface at the same
time - thus from getting a shock.

One example is when the ground lead from one of the equipment is not
making a contact. The capacitors in a mains (EMI/RFI) filter could raise
the chassis (if metallic) to half the mains voltage. This could give one a
nasty shock if a good ground connection is made through the body.

I will recommend adding a resistor in series as mentioned to make your
device safer. Hope this helps. By the way I enjoyed going through the
tips. I haven't checked out all the stuff yet but I plan on visiting



Steve sez: Dilip, the correction/addition in the article has been made. Thanks! All help is always appreciated.

From: Michael Mitchell <crose@ns.net>

Subject: Logos

Greetings, Steve. Saw your web page on logos and salivated greatly.
Perhaps it's in bad taste, but can I use them on our site? I'll give you
credit and a link to "Enjoy The Music"! Which is a fabulous place
indeed. Really enjoyed the tweak articles.

Michael Mitchell
Audiophile International, USA


Steve sez: Sure, please use the vinyl logos. Always glad to be of service!

From: Mario Diaz <mdiaz@thenet.net>

...Keep up the good work with your web page. It is one of the
most entertaining of all the audio related pages on the net!


From: JT <japson@tm.net.my>

Dig your update especially on vinyl releases and sources. Far Out!

As always, you're dishing out cool and great stuff. HI FI 97 is

As Always,

From: "Phase Shift" <phase@negia.net>

Subject: You 'got two coconuts 'an 'yer banging 'em togather!


I have not e-mailed you in quite some time, and will get right to the
point. Would you mind if I had our webmaster add a link to your site to
our page? I really would like for some of our customers to be exposed to
your page. Perhaps they can learn to be open minded and not take this
hobby so seriously..... Not that you don't take your page seriously, it is
just that looking at it you can see that it says "hey we are here for fun".
And lets face it, we are not in the pacemaker business here, it is audio,
and it should be fun. :)

Thank you for your time, and I think you are doing a great job on your
page. I am about to begin the learning process hat will allow me to
construct a page as well. I don't think it will be quite as vast as yours

Phil Bunch
Esoteric Audio USA
Research & Development


From: alan <alan@thehub.com.au>

Subject: lyrics

hi steve

when my earthly trials are over
cast my body out in the sea
save all the undertakers bills
let the mermaids flirt with me

mississippi john hurt

wonderful. sublime, even.
great page

From: John Ewart <jewart@oncomdis.on.ca>

Subject: Re Web Page


I visited your webpage for the first time and just wanted to write to
say that I think it is great. I will certainly visit on regular basis.

Thanks for your efforts


From: "Nicholas F. Streit" <nstreit@binc.net>

Subject: Great web page Steve!


Nick from

Always glad to be of service. And when ya have a finalized product please send it my way.

From: Lee Meador <rtbs@onramp.net>

Subject: lyric

Well, I was reading your lyrics and one just popped into my head. It
seems to apply to many aspects of "high-end" audio.

"You can't fool them with no golden idol. No, you can't fool them with
no golden idol." - The Golden Gate Gospel Quartet.

The song is "Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo".

Why did I think you might want to know this?

-- Lee Meador

Why did you think i might wanna know this. Maybe it's because i'm inta freedom, self reliance, self confidence... After all, to Thy own self be true.

From: "Phil" <techboys@mindspring.com>

Subject: Your web page

Hi, How are you?

A web friend of mine (phase shift) sent me a link to your page. It is
pretty cool, and very big for a personal site I might add. A lot of
people who think they have a good page should stop by your "pad" and see a
real setup!!! I can see that you are into tube amplification and turntables. I would
have to guess that you probably prefer a single ended and fully discrete
designs. Cool.

I will be honest and say that I don't share your feelings on this topic,
but I will not say that you are stupid and must also believe the earth is
flat. In fact you would seem to be a well educated and fairly hip dude!
Well I just wanted to drop in and check out your site, 'gotta run...

Phil B
Esoteric Audio USA
Research & Development
Esoteric Audio / StreetWires / Tiff Electronics / GoldQuest / QuickCar

(Said with humor) Huh? The earth isn't flat??? MAN-O-MAN, ya learn sumptin' new everyday!

From: "Hansen" <hyperion@wtouch.com.ph>

Subject: to one of the coolest websites right now

Hi Steven.

Just have to tell ya what a smokin' website you've got.
Nice attitude about life and music, too!

Hey - how 'bout sharing a thing or two about your Audio Note goodies . . .

Bravissimo! Keep 'em comin!

best regards,
Hansen Dy

A most humble thanks. If ya wanna learn more about my Audio Note yummies ya might wanna checkout Positive Feedback magazine (Volume 7 number 1) where i did a review of my Ongaku.

From: BobM <bobm@zipcon.net>

Subject: Greetings

Just wanted to say that you have a great website. Nice to see an audiophile who is into Ren & Stimpy!


From: chrisy@webtv.net (Christina Yuin)

Subject: Hi Fi '97 Pix

Love your show report, especially Len and Fremer in drag!

From: dB <dougbbn@frontiernet.net>

Subject: show report

Yo, Steve... just stopped in to see your show pics and commentary -
first time at your site, too much to read can't get to it all now, gotta
go cut the grass 'cause after the trip to SF and 2 days of rain, it
looks like an abandoned house. I will return, however, to see what kind
of subterfuge you are up to!

BTW... your provider sets the record for cookies, musta sent 70 or 80
just during the time it took to get from the main page to the 2 text
parts and the 'people' part of the show report. Of course I'm set not
to accept them so it may have been just obstinately persistent, but no
other site tries sending cookies repeatedly like that, they give up
after 2 tries or 3 at the most. Later...

To all who have had this same problem, it's my bloody server. It's faster then my old one, yet this cookie thing is driving me NUTS!!! Look, i don't have a www counter and do not send spam mail nor sell any address', etc. My server's gotta be stopped. Please e-mail them from their homepage at http://www.monad.net and tell them to please stoppit!!!! A most humble thanks.

From: (withheld address)

Subject: Show pictures
X-URL: http://top.monad.net/~enjoythemusic/hifi97show.htm

Is JA's picture just a good one, or did he lose weight? Usually you
see him wearing a sport jacket with his gut hanging out and a double
chin. In your picture, he looks like he just had a makeover with a tan
and decent muscle tone, cooler looking clothes, and hair/mustache

Name withheld by me

Well, since i STINK as a photographer...

Maybe he's livin' the good life? Rumor has it he's been skateboardin' and can do an awesome front side olly :-{)+ .

From: Mario Diaz <mdiaz@thenet.net>

Hi Steve! In reply to your question, I enjoy the reviews for music and
equipment but what I enjoy the most are tweak articles that teach how to
change things and make them sound better. Thanks for your web page. It's


From: ChiunKhiong Voon <ChiunKhiong_Voon@notes.seagate.com>

Hello Steven,

Thanks for the info. to your website. You have done a great job!
Thanks also for sharing your opinion with us music lovers! I have not
through with all the articles yet but will...

Best regards,

From: "Sellek, Grant" <Grant.Sellek@roads.sa.gov.au>
Subject: Your tweaks page

Hey Steve,

Just had a look at your home page (in part) - really cool, much appreciated...



From: "Simon Chambers" <simonc@globalnet.co.uk>
Subject: Cartridge protractor

Hi Steven,

Good to have you back. Just to say I received my FREE cartridge
protractor today and to thank you very much. You are indeed truly
barking mad (in the nicest possible sense, of course!)


From: David Suess <ds10760@doc.medtronic.com>
Subject: Thanks for the protractor

Got my cardboard protractor with the "Personally Punched Spindle Hole"
last weekend. Finally got around to trying it out last night.

It's amazing how much things can drift out of alignment over time...

I re-aligned the cartridge, which was off by a bit, re-balanced the
arm, set the tracking force and anti-skate -- made a big difference!
My Rega3 has never sounded so good.

Thanks Steven R. for making these available, and thanks Matthew T. for
sending it to me.

David Suess

From: Jen&David <jvicker2@mustang.uwo.ca>
Subject: Alignment tool


I received my free alignment tool the other day along with the free issue of
"Primyl Vinyl". I just wanted to say thanks for making these things up for
us; I really appreciate it.

Bon chance,

Steve sez: When i got Primyl Vinyl i loved it! So much so that i sent the head dude hundreds of free 2 point protractors to give away to his loyal readers and even new subscribers for free. Of course you can simply get the free protractor from one of my worldwide distributors which are listen on my Free Stuff Page. For those interested in gettin' Primyl Vinyl, simply send e-mail to Bruce at pvx@ultranet.com. Please tell 'em Steve sent cha.

From: Richard Stevens <RSTEVENS@vcomadm.telstra.com.au>


Great Page - keep it up!!


From: "Ken Mersereau" <kmersereau@baughpdx.com>
Subject: DIY Mod's

Dear Steven,

I just recently discovered your web site. Great job. I have not
gotten all the way through it yet, but will. I thoroughly enjoy your
outlook and attitude...

Thank You

Ken Mersereau

From: Greg Smith <gsmith@westnet.com>
Subject: Enjoyed the Writing

Just read through most of "Enjoy the Music". It's not often I visit one
place with articles about the top dollar stuff from Audio Note mixed with
dirt cheap tweaks and speakers. Quite the contrast. Interesting overlap
between our respective tastes in music and gear...

Greg Smith

Chris Glanton 103266.66@compuserve.com


I visited your web site and was impressed as usual...nice graphics now. But anyway, I found the article on silver interconnects...I may give it a try, sounds fun. I have everything I need exc. the silver obv., and the "special" solder!<gg>>



From: Fernando Garcia 75603.2037@compuserve.com


Unless you are Stephen King. Hey, how 'bout a short story "the amp from hell", or "tales from the speaker graveyard"?

Take care dude, your web page is cool.

The Vapors "turning Japanese" right now:

Iain was one of the winners of the Free Vinyl/Ferrari contest.

Here's what this cool dude's gotta say about his prize and stuff like that.

From: Iain A F Fleming <iainf@bristol.st.com>
Subject: Wow!


Got home last night from work to find your package on my dinning room table.

When I opened it, well, WOW! was all I could say - a Seven Arts Live Dead!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Anyway, I spent the rest of the night playing the LPs, and I have to say, they
make the UK pressings look like, well, AM radio! I'm hearing things I never
heard before - and I can hear Phil's BASS clearly! Man, I love that bass!
One day, I may be as good as that if I keep practicing!

Anyway, you are One Way Cool Dude, who is guaranteed a welcome in the UK.

And I'm gonna have to take a big suitcase when I go over to Las Vegas in June,
to haul back lots and lots of US vinyl.

Iain - Enjoying The Music on his walk man + HD580 'phones -
Richard Thompson "Across a Crowded Room" right now

From: grobinso@esoc.esa.de
Subject: Enjoy the music- Great web site

Just wanted to say I enjoyed your site and appreciate many of the things
you have to say, particularly about paying ridiculous prices for cable
etc. Particularly enjoy the tweaks page. As an electronics technician,
with my understanding of digital electronics, I am now almost prepared to
believe anything will work with regard to CD's. So far I've tried the
cleaning method, to get the solvent off, the Bedini clarifier- god knows
what that does -but it works and last night in a moment of pure skepticism
I tried the green pen (an overhead projector foil)pen from work and my god
it works too

Anyway, keep it up and if I find out anything new I'll mail you


Graham Robinson

From: Steve Jones <Steve_Jones@hp-vcd.vcd.hp.com>
Subject: Silver Foil Resistors?

Hi Steve,

Hey, do you know a source for these resistors?

Steve sez: Dude, try http://www.angela.com

BTW, just when Stereophile flushed the majority of SE DHT amps from
their 'Recommended Components List' and the 'Me too' mania of going SE has
died down a little (and prices are settling down on the NOS tubes), here
you come with this cool man website and stir up the publics' conscience


-Steve Jones

From: Monir Hossain <monirhossain@iaccess.com.au>

Thanks for providing such an informative page on Audio. I have learnt a
great deal from your home page...

From: Grant Kornberg <kornberg@mindinmotion.com>

Terrific site. Among the most enjoyable audio pit stops on the net.
Keep up the wonderful work!

--Grant Kornberg


From: frodo <dcarter4@ix.netcom.com>

Hey Steve...

I stumbles upon your web site, while gathering info on how to
acoustically set-up my basement Home Theatre.


It's on my weekly "Check It Out!" list!!

I'm enjoyin' the Music (in my mind...I'm at work)

It's Oasis, now....

Subject: Re: Protracter

From: mdpn@musica.mcgill.ca


Thanks a lot for your help. I am impressed with your kindness.

John Penrod

From: "Richard Thompson" <RicThomp@msn.com>

Subject: Thanks...

for taking the time to work on this great site!

Enjoying the music,


From: "Scott E. Buwalda" <pro150@sprynet.com>

Subject: Cool homepage

Hi there:

Just wanted to say that you did a great job covering the MES. It's
kinda neat seeing all of the cars there.....great job!!

Anyway, thanx for the great coverage!!


From: David Bardes <dbardes@zd.com>

Subject: Tweak tips

Just a note to thank you for posting those tweak ideas. I now have
unhappy balls under my CD player (I used 18 cent washers to keep the cd
player from rolling off the stand, and icky balls under my amp. I
expected improved imaging but I am very happy with increased dynamics and
a noticeable improvement in bass output!

Hooray for cheap tweaks!

Kind regards,

David Bardes

Subject: Thank you, thank you, thank you....

From: wallman@execpc.com (Charles Wallman)

Dear Steve:

1. A while back I stumbled into the purchase of a pair of Reference 3a
RMC speakers. Had never seen a review of them, or even seen a picture
of them. I wanted a pair of small efficient speakers and these seemed
to fit the bill. My net search turned up a couple of favorable
comments on them, including a few by you, and these made the decision
to buy much easier. Got 'em and I love 'em.

Thank you.

2. Some time later I stumble into a pair of Wavelength Cardinals. Same
story, but by now I've got the reviews from TAS, and a favorable
comment or two from something you'd posted. Love these too.

Thank you.

3. By this time I've spent a fair amount of money on my system and I'm
truly pleased. Great sound. Far better than anything I'd ever been
exposed to. But the speakers never disappeared and I was never moved
the way the reviewers were moved. I'm rather new to this audio stuff
so I started to wonder if it was a scam. Lots of fiddling, but no
breakthroughs. Until yesterday.

While visiting your web site for instructions on using the Caig stuff
I noticed the repost from George Cardas' site. Copied it and tried it
at home.

Holy mother of G-d and all the saints this was what I was looking for!
I spent five minutes placing the speakers as suggested, and the rest
of the evening entranced by the sound from my stereo. Just about
everything I put on was a revelation. Half of the discs made me jump for
joy and the other half took me to the verge of tears. The speakers
disappeared and I finally "got it".


This is cool. And I AM enjoying the musing.

Steve Wallman

From: options@datastar.net (Diversified Options)

Hi Steven,

Just wanted to say hi and that I love reading your page...
See Ya,

Dean Cacioppo

From: Robert Dunn <RGDunn@aol.com>

Been enjoying your site, especially the tweaks section - I've
already ordered my Am Science and Surplus catalogue...


From: MEDPHYDIA@aol.com
Subject: Re: Very good site


Excellent choice for music. Time Out is one of my favorites from Brubeck. I
am interested in seeing your increase section of your recommended music. May
be a section of your components and why you choose them. Please keep up the
good work.



From: Michael Seldin <mseldin@pipeline.com>
Subject: Wow (no flutter)

Hi Steve,

After all these many months of enjoying your ramblings and rantings over
on CEAUDIO on CI$, I finally made it here to check out your home page.
WOW! Great job, dude! I bookmarked it immediately and have come back a
few times now. So? Where do you find the time? Do you sleep? Did you
get yourself cloned before Da Prez made it illegal? Given the frequency
of the updates to this space, it could be a full time job just to run
this page.

Anyway, thanks for all the free info and fun. (particularly the fun).
You really do help me to . . .

ENJOY THE MUSIC! (Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong right now --
Stars Fell on Alambama)


Michael Seldin

Comments by Steve: Always glad to be of service.


Just a note to say what a great music site you have. I wish the other ones
are not so dull.

(name withheld)

From: Andrew Redwood <Andy.Redwood@aspect.com.au>

Subject: Silver Solder

I read your net page(s!!) "50 Ways to Tweak .....". What an interesting
collection of information you have developed.
Re. silver solder, after reading about Angela Instruments, I have ordered
some Audio Note stuff from them.

In case you didn't know about it, I thought I should tell you that Peter
Moncrieff at TRT (408 Mason, Vista, CA 92084) has 'Wondersolder' which
some people swear by.

Regards - and keep up the good work,


Steve's reply: A most humble thanks for the compliment my friend. Yes, Wondersolder is also quite good. Odds are the Audio Note (my fave) or the wondersolder will serve you well.

Fred Manteghian <fredmant@mail1.nai.net>

What a great page!


Audio Adventure Magazine

Doug Forbes <av599@lafn.org>


Thanks for the great site and your excellent coverage of the WCES.
Really a fabulous job !

Doug Forbes

Cheng Sim <chs@hooked.net>

Hi Steven,

I came across your post regarding the above and was getting ready to
send a self stamped addressed envelope but do not know what size
envelope is required not the amount of postage. Can you please let me
know the size and approximate weight (oh, I live in the United States by
the way).

Thank you for doing what you did in helping people enjoy the music more
w/o having to pay for every thing, very commendable of you.

Take care,

Sim, a standard envelope 4 inches or more high and over 7 inches wide will do nicely. Always glad to be of service!

Hey, Steven:

I've been meaning to write a thank you note to you.

I enjoy your pages and the openness of your soul...



Explore the Wonders of

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The society of audiophiles
enjoying music through the Sakuma System

Peter Drake <peterd@dmv.co.uk>


Checked out the WCES report, great stuff.



Very fancy - what's happened to all the <center> tags, now the page has some form,

and text alongside images? On Steve's page? YES!!! This is bigger news than

OJ Simpson marrying Marsha Clarke. :) It certainly looks better dude,

you are partway along the pathway to becoming a www page Jedi...

Take care,

Stuart M. Robinson
'Home Cinema Choice' and 'Widescreen Review'

100432.144@compuserve.com wrote:

Hi Steven
gratuliere !
The best Webpage i have ever seen.
Mirko Kubala

 From: frits@dutlhs1.lr.tudelft.nl (Frits Donker Duyvis)
 Subject: Enjoying your home page and more audio...

 Hi Steven,

      Via the r.a.h.e newsgroup I got to your home page and I have 
 to say I think it's one of the best internet sites I surfed along in the 
 last months! And I will visit more often too.

      I am a audiophile too. I listen to all kinds of music but most of
 all I like Pink Floyd and Roger Waters. Nice to find some references
 to Floyd/Waters in your net pages:)...

      Some of the text (and picture:) I found on your page reminds me 
 of one of the nicest books I read last year: The Search for 
 Musical Ecstasy by Harvey Rosenberg. (part one: In the Home) 
 Do you know if this book has already a follow-up (or should I send 
 Harvey a letter first:-). I will have to call the Dutch Audio Note 
 importer maybe, that's were I got the first book from, I think at 
 least a year ago...
 I play The Wall either from Japanese Vinyl or from MOFI Gold 
 and I like both :-)
 Happy to share some hobbies with you. Enjoy the music!

 "A fatal attraction is holding me fast, How
  Can I escape this irresistible grasp?"        (Pink Floyd)

 Sender: paulw@mail.europa.com
 Subject: Alignment protractor

      Beautiful job on this. Spindle hole is perfect size. I 
 found that my alignment was almost exact to your protractor 
 set up using my db systems plastic jobbie.

     Paul Woloshin

 From: FurmanSnd@aol.com

 Dear Steven Rochlin,

      I did finally visit your Web site, and, as promised, it's a 
  wild and wooly place. It definitely has personality.

      Your comments on our Balanced Power Isolation 
 Transformers are much appreciated, as is the link 
 to our web  site...

      I enjoyed browsing through all the other... STUFF 
 in Enjoy The Music.  Keep doing it, clearly it's a labor 
 of love.

 Best wishes,
 Jim "SHAFT" Furman
 Head cool dude

 Sender: mstanton@netdepot.com
 Subject: Re: padded cell


      ...I've got to tell you I love your attitude!...


 (Snail mail from Singapore!)

 Hi Steven!

      You just be one of the nicest and craziest people on the
 planet Earth.  Are you sure you're giving cartridge alignment 
 tool away for free?  Nothing?  Zip?  Wow!  You're amazing!
 I'm lost for words!  Are you sure you don't want anything for 
 it?  Nothing at all?...

      Anyway, on behalf of the many many mortals who will
 benefit from your offer, I would like to say thank you very
 much.  I really appreciate what you're doing...

     My humble thanks!

     Warmest regards!

     I love this guy!!!

     Gerald Chia

(Blushing) A most humble thanks my friend. My feelings are that it's the least i can do because, as you know, resizing the image from my www protractor page can be tiresome. This way everyone can bask in the glory of a precisely aligned cartridge for free. ALWAYS glad to be of service my friend. After all, what REALLY matters to me is that YOU...

Enjoy the Music.

 (Snail mail from Canada)

 Dear Steven,

      (Referring to my free protractor offer) Thanks for the
 very generous offer.  We are lucky to have a guy like
 you on the list.



 From: "Lee M. Wetzler" <lwetzler@bu.edu>

      Loved your page, it is really wonderful to have 
 a site like this.

 From: Joosten Kuypers <joosten@celefex.com>

 Dear Steve,

      Congrads on your outstanding homepage.  I have it 
 bookmarked, and I've told my audio-freakazoid friends 
 about it too.  You Rock!...

     Yours Truly,

     Joosten Kuypers


      Thanks for your protractor offer!  Every time I'm 
 enjoying my aligned Merrill/Ittok/Benz and enjoying 
 the music I'll hoist a beer in tribute to you!

      John Bracco

 From: Samuel M LeBlanc <smlblnc@mta.ca>
 Subject: Re: FREE STUFF



      I got the wires and just set them up a couple of 
 days ago.  I like to listen to loud music at times, but it 
 often sounded screechy in the upper range 
 (y'know - ear bleed).  Those wires you sent me that 
 hair raising occurance to a substantially lower level.

 Again, thank you very much for the wires.  
 It was just in time for the holidays.



From: Donald Klinestiver <dklinest@concentric.net>
Subject: Music rules

      Just to let you know that I really enjoyed your home 
 page. Have you tried out the Alice in Chains Unplugged 
 CD yet? I thought it was pretty good. Have you thought 
 about a links page to other high end audio sites? 
 Thanks again for the cool stuff and I really like the view 
 from your house.

A most humble thanks for your comments. Yeah, we just added a few more links to other sites :-{)+ . Hmmm, Alice in Chains you say? Gotta look for it next time i'm CD shopping. As we say, 'MUSIC RULES!!!"

 From: Scott Grammer <gesic@cdc.net>
 Subject: Neat Site!

      Hi! I just wanted to say I like your site. I read 
 about in in the newsgroups... Happy Holidays!

      Scott Grammer

 From: "Christopher J. Zack" <czack@gti.net>
 Subject: Your page man!

      I like your home page.  It's like pretty cool.

 From: Ron Malone <75320.3246@compuserve.com>
 Subject: Comments on the page...


     Your web site just gets better and better.  
 Looking forward to what you  put together with 
 the new server.  Keep it up dude.

      Ron M

 From: <103460.535@compuserve.com>

 Hey Steven,

      Glad you liked my cinderblock speakerstand idea... 
 I dig your musical tastes.  I recently got into 70's 
 funk (in a BIG way) myself recently.  Nothing satisfies 
 quite like JB, P-Funk, War, AWB, Ohio Players, EWF, 
 Sly & the Family Stone, and, dare I say it?  Funk's 
 bastard offspring "disco" can be pretty fun too albeit 
 in smaller doses: Chic, KC & the Sunshine Band, the 
 SNF soundtrack (of course.)  

      Hot Funk Tip: check out "The Best of Kool & 
 the Gang 1969-1976" Mercury P2 14822 (unless 
 you've already got all the great Kool & the Gang 
 albums from the early 70's in which case you are 
 FAR cooler than anybody knew!)  A pound of C-4 
 couldn't blast this one out of my Rotel 955!  And, 
 dude, Kraftwerk kicks!  Man Machine, 
 Computer World, and Electric Cafe are all great 
 but I keep going back to The Mix.  Everyone 
 should own this album!

      For the record: I'm 30 just like you.  I dig tubes 
 just like you (but I can't afford to replace my 
 Adcom gear yet.)  And I dig high-sensitivity 
 speakers just like you.  In fact, tonight, just for 
 kicks, I tried running my 1989 Klipsch Forte' II's 
 off my Adcom GFP-555II preamp.  And you know 
 what?  With the volume control at 12 o'clock, you 
 could actually make out lyrics!  A little eq and a little 
 more gain and it sounded pretty groovy!

      That's sensitivity for you!  When hurricane Iniki 
 knocked out the power in '92, we partied with the 
 Klipsches running off a dinky little battery-powered 
 boombox (.75 watts more or less.)

      Love the web page, and dude, your CEAUDIO 
 posts are the freakiest!

      Catch you later man.

      Kirk Olsen

 From: Leslie_Stanley <stanley@hplabsz.hpl.hp.com>
 Subject: Great Page!

      Just found your page yesterday, and it is, well, 
 uplifting.  Thanks for doing it.  I'm going to buy your 
 $200. recommendations, and tweak both, just for fun...

      I could have sworn yesterday when I looked at 
 your page, there were tweaks recommended for the 
 Teac.  Now I don't find them.  Only tweaks for  the 
 speakers.  Am I going coo-coo?

 (Steve's note: You're 100% right.  Alas, i have 
 "dropped the ball".  So i've updated the
 tweaks for the Teac receiver on my 
 "Under $200" page just for you my friend.  
 Ask and ye shall receive).

 ...Bet you get a ton of e-mail
 --Leslie Stanley

     Steve sez: Well, yeah, but we enjoy helping folks 
 when we can.  Please keep those cards 
 and letter comin'!!!  We even take requests!!!

 Lanny Chambers <creative@inlink.com>,

      Wow! I was tipped to your site by a post in the vinyl 
 newsgroup, and I've just thanked the guy who posted 
 the tip. I *do* like your attitude.

      As a confirmed analog junkie, I've seen or heard of 
 many of your tweaks over the years,now  but it's great 
 to see them all collected in one spot, to which I can 
 refer the uninitiated.

      Great job, and don't bother growing up--it's overrated. 
 I haven't, and at 49, so far I have no regrets.  :-)

  - Lanny Chambers

 ...who loves his tube phono preamp.

 From: Gerald Chia <oblivion@pacific.net.sg>
 Subject: Re: Cartridge Alignment Tool

 Hi Steven!

 Yeah, I've been to your webpage and IT"S GREAT!!!!

 I love it! WOW!

 I've got the protractor, I haven't used it yet but I will, soon......
 I'll let you know soon. Thanks so much!!!! :-)

 JSwauger <swauger@magicnet.net> ,

      Been enjoying your web page over the last few weeks, 
 you've got some neat ramblings and stuff.

 Jeff Swauger - "Hi Fi, Lo Fi, No Fi's just fine with me, and if you 
                  want to give me stereo first give me vitamin E!"


      My first perusal of your web site was an unqualified success!  
 Your work is an important public service which should be 
 permanently established and funded by congressional amendment.
 See you back on good-ol' CEAUDIO!

 Bobby "caught in the web--jeez, lookit the SIZE of that 
 damn spider!" Todd  --- 71322.3511@compuserve.com


      I visited your website this morning at your urging and 
 must say I was informed, amused, entertained and, as usual, 
 not surprised by the creativity and tone of your work.  
 People will pay you to do this you know.   Anyway, I saved 
 some of the entries to read later (off-line) and I thank you 
 for steering me toward your page (we DO need more drivers).  
 Here's to things looking up...

 Ron Malone  75320.3246@compuserve.com

 Bob Trosper wrote:

 Based on my own experience and about 10 years of following audio
 discussion in many forums the following seems to be true :
 1) It is possible to put together a high-end system that makes great
 SOUNDS but doesn't make great music
 2) It is easy to put together a low-end OR high-end component system
 that makes terrible sound and terrible music
 3) A low-end system that makes good sound and good music for a
 large number of listeners can be put together
 4) A low-end system that makes good sound and GREAT music FOR A 
 5) A high-end system that makes GREAT SOUND and GOOD MUSIC
 6) A high-end system that makes GREAT SOUND and GREAT MUSIC
 7) A high-end system that makes COSMICALLY GREAT SOUND and
 8) You can't have GOOD SOUND and GREAT MUSIC in a high-end
 Is there a grand unified theory to explain this mish-mash?  Probably
 not, but that won't keep me from trying :=).
 BE WARNED - the following is NOT a rigid exercise in logic. Those
 searching for a treatise will be disappointed. Those searching for a
 moral will be shot :=).
 I make two assertions :
 1) Hearing sound is not the same as hearing music
 2) Hearing out of balance sound reduces the chance of hearing music
 (and the correlary (or whatever that term is) Hearing balanced sound
 increases the chance of hearing music
 From this and my own experience (as summarized above) I hypothesize
 that the experience of hearing music from low-budget systems which
 objectively, measurably and subjectively do NOT produce great
 SOUND occurs because the sound that IS produced is IN BALANCE.
 Let me talk about what "balance" means here. It seems to me that the
 lower the resolution of a system (ANY system) the easier it is to
 maintain a balance. As a gross analogy, let us consider a bathroom
 scale, accurate to perhaps a pound (ah, the old English system.  God

 bless it, guvnah) and a laboratory scale, accurate to a milligram. 
 I would assert that we will have a MUCH easier time finding two objects
 around the house that balance to within a pound than within a
 milligram. Similarly with low resolution vs. high resolution audio
 systems. It is easier to "balance" a system of low resolution to a
 point where no audible imbalance can be heard than a system of high
 resolution. Not only that, but those elements which are not quite in
 balance are harder to hear.
 In a high resolution system it seems to get harder and harder to
 maintain the balancing act. If you're at the point where you can
 actually HEAR the distinction in shimmer between one cymbal and
 another, the ear/brain seems to demand the same level of achievement
 for every other sound, thus illustrating point 1) above :
 1) It is possible to put together a high-end system that makes great
 SOUNDS but doesn't make great music
 Well, why can't we have GOOD sound and GREAT MUSIC in a high 
 and  system? (point 8).  Because of the balance problem/opportunity. 
 High end systems are like any piece of highly tunable machinery. When
 it's  good it's very, very good and when it's bad it's ... not horrid, but
 it's not GOOD SOUND. It's just sound that draws attention to
 itself. Sound that is ... hi-fi. In sum, we end up listening to the
 SOUND, not the music. I'd rather drive a Dodge Dart that's doing
 everything right, than a Jag XKE with one wheel out of balance.
 Well, then, even if all that's true, what's all that blather up there
 about numbers of people? Let's take the remaining points one at a
 2) It is easy to put together a low-end OR high-end component system
 that makes terrible sound and terrible music
 Obvious. There's so MANY of them that it can't be hard :=).
 3) A low-end system that makes good sound and good music for a 
 large number of listeners can be put together
 We're not asking for a lot here. Given the relatively low resolution of the
 system (hence ease of balance) and the similarly low expectations of 
 most listeners this seems obviously true.
 4) A low-end system that makes good sound and GREAT music FOR A
  CERTAIN NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS can be put together.
 This statement is based on the "car radio" experience.  A certain
 number of people claim to get more involved in the MUSIC from a car
 radio than the music from a high-end system.  I believe them. And I
 believe that what's happening is that the system is balanced (as
 discussed previously) within its parameters and they thus have the
 opportunity AND the willingness AND the ability to hear great music. -
 a condition that does not occur in everyone.
 5) A high-end system that makes GREAT SOUND and GOOD MUSIC
 It seems to me there must be a fair number of combinations of high-end
 components that will produce an ALMOST acceptably balanced sound
 for a large number of people but don't quite ring the bell. In analogy, the
 XKE with one wheel (or more) SLIGHTLY out of balance. The system
 calls enough attention to itself to prevent hearing GREAT MUSIC, but
 does well enough to produce GREAT SOUND over most parameters. 
 If this didn't occur, there would be no high-end industry. This condition
 and that of number 1 (GOOD SOUND, GOOD MUSIC) is probably the
 single largest source of upgrade mania, or "audiophilia nervosa" as it's
 sometimes called.
 6) A high-end system that makes GREAT SOUND and GREAT MUSIC
 In this case, the sound balance is exactly right and the opportunity
 to hear great music exists. Given the difference in tolerations,
 preferences and so on among people, I doubt that any one
 system could do this for a LARGE NUMBER of people.
 7) A high-end system that makes COSMICALLY GREAT SOUND and
 At this point, it's all down to the individual. If your psyche needs
 the Monks of Shun Mook, or pyramids of beer cans in the corners, 
 black velvet or "Ribbon Chairs", the next person's surely won't.
 No  mass market here.
 So - that's my screed, what's yours :=)
 -- Bob Trosper    rtrosper@hpsrjtc.sr.hp.com





















































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