Letters Kids.
Yup, We Get A Few.

Subject: tube lust
From: Bradley McIntosh <brad@iinet.net.au>
May I recommend you consider the phenomenal Marantz tube amp/s which
they introduced a year or two back. I don't have a photo, but if you haven't seen it (at
which I'd be most surprised) just wait 'til you do.
The site gets better and better etc etc
Steve sez: Brad, GREAT suggestion! Called Marantz and all
i got was their literture which doesn't have a clean, clear shot of their tube yummies
:-{(+ . Anyone reading this have a great shot of the 8B?

Subject: linked up
From: rjsalvi@calcube.com
Hi Steven,
Just added a link to your site. I went to your site yesterday and
checked it out; cool! I see your also into skateboarding of the
extreme nature. It's too bad you don't live around these parts or I'd
introduce you to a long time friend of mine. He designs decks, nice
ones. The name of the boards is; My Woody Products. Anyway, take care.
Robert J. Salvi, Ambiance Acoustics
California Cube Loudspeaker System

Subject: from Germany..
From: patrickscorner@t-online.de (uitz patrick)
Wonderful LINK Page, BRAVO!

Subject: re tube lust
From: Jujueye <Jujueye@aol.com>
wow. Its 2 am. I'm beat, my eyes hurt. But your page after page of hot tube
gear is keeping me up. GREAT SITE!!!
Ill be back after I get some rest!
ken micalef

Subject: Frequency chart
From: Michael Seldin mseldin@pipeline.com
Followed your post on CI$ to the splfreq.gif here on your page.
I've been looking for something just like that for a while now.
Couldn't wait to print it out and really go over it. That's the good
news... Anyway, still love the page -- even with the ads. Over the years, you
have definitely help me to . . . ENJOY THE MUSIC (Arturo Sandoval and
the Latin Train right now. great stuff. Check it out!)
Michael Seldin

Subject: Cool home page!
From: Jerry Gilmore <jgilmore@monad.net>
Wow, what a nice home page!

From: buffstereo@aol.com (Buffstereo)
Hello Steven,
I love your site! ...Keep up the good work! Robert

Subject: Site Visit
From: Jon Gale <jtgale@ic.net>
Nice page dude!
Found your page through a SoundStage! link...
Jon T. Gale

Subject: Z-systems review...
From: Rich Harkness <harkshep@netcom.ca>
Hi. Thanks for the great web site. I seem to remember your posting on
one of the audio newsgroups that you would be reviewing the Z-Systems
RDP-1 digital pre-amp. I am very curious about this product, and since
there are no dealers carrying it here in Toronto it will be very
Steve sez: First, a most humble thanks. As for the
Z-Systems review, it will be out in the April '98 (or so) edition of Ultimate Audio magaine.

Subject: About your website:
From: (a fake address which i did reply to)
How quickly a little greed will overtake you!
You, who have been beating your chest as a "non-commercial" site have
now become what you rail against!
We are laughing our asses off!!!
Steve sez: Funny how you faked a perfectly good e-mail
address to hide behind. Oh, by the way, everyone
except you actually wanted me to
take advertising. As folks have seen in the last week or so, the extra fundage has gone
directly to this web site with many visual and operative improvements which in the end
benefit the readership. The person whose e-mail you faked was really pissed off and
notified your REAL service provider and also, strange as it all happened, he wants to
advertise on this humble web site. No kidding! So thanks for faking the
address because you gave the readers here another advertiser whom they can support and
also, in turn, help improve this web site even more. Please keep 'em comin'!
We need more guys like you. Thanks again.

Subject: So comfortable site ...
From: <quercyj@magic.fr>

Subject: Canadian misadventure
From: (removed by me to protect the innocent)
Hey cool dude!
Just popped by your webpage, caught the really cool photo of you and your
boards. Noticed that you had quite some trouble getting into Canada, well
I've been discriminated too, but that's in another country, and another
You're definitely welcome here in sunny Singapore, that's if you can take
the squeaky clean society,... and a somewhat restricted internet access via
All the best, and stay cool, cool dude,...
Steve sez: Well, it seems there have been more e-mails about my
Canadian situation then almost any other article on this humble web site in the past 2
months! Bottom line, virtually everyone
hates the border patrol and customs.

From: "B F Uhlir" <moose@datasync.com>
Just finished giving your site a first glace (got some work to finish before
I can "play") - But what I saw so far made mme bookmark to return later.
KEWL! Thx again for the info...people like you seem to be getting more rare
on the NET.
Brian F. Uhlir --- aka Brian T
Musician - Songwriter - Graphic Design Artist
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dream...'
- Willy Wonka

From: "Tony Bombera" <tbombera@pathcom.com>
I really like your page! Audio should be fun.
I should introduce myself: I am Tony Bombera, I have been playing with audio for past 25
A few year ago I was bitten by a single-ended tube bug and there seems to be no cure...

From: "agram" <agram@goodnet.com>
Hi Steve,
Just got around to checking out your new site....GREAT JOB...
Keep up the good work+ADs- it's so nice to see a NON commercial site
Alan Graham

Subject: Your site
From: Brent Jessee <brentjes@enteract.com>
Hi Steve,
Your tube lust page is awesome! Words can't describe it, it's pure
Brent Jessee

From: "Greg Fredenickson" <gfredsen@bentonrea.com>
You have a fantastic, outlandish, just plain damn good site. I am stunned and amazed.
Other people should take lessons from you. Keep it up.
I especial like tube and turntable lust. I am starting to salivate, I have to go.

From: "Owen Brown" <owentechworks@toj.com>
Hi Steve,
Thanks for 'Enjoy the Music' web site. It was what my mom warned me about!...

Subject: Turntable Pages
From: "George T. Griswold,Jr." <houndy1@napanet.net>
That was an eyeful! That York dual arm table looks really
incredible---thanks for the site of fun audio stuff. It is really about
the music-- not flame wars over sampling rates.
George Griswold

Subject: Great website Steve!
From: E Billeci <tube@teleport.com>
Hi, Steve! Ed Billeci here,(tube@teleport.com) from the Joe-net.
I was rambling through your very impressive and extensive site, and,
I gotta say, Vinyl is king, and I -really- enjoy the music!
Keep up the great stuff!
(PS, I am still using that protractor you sent me)

Subject: Updated Website
From: Robert Ang <rang@tartarus.uwa.edu.au>
G'day Steve. I'm not sure if I thanked you for putting up photos of my
amp before... if I didn't, then you did me a great service. Thank you.
Thank you for your dedication in providing free (truthful) information
to the audiophile community....

Subject: Great News Man....
Doug Schneider <das@sstage.com>
Great news page man!
Doug Schneider.....

Subject: Picture of the week
From: Grant Porter <astro-man@mindspring.com>
Steve sez: Grant also wanted a full
screen photo of the Pink Floyd Pic. of the Week, so i sent it to him.
"Come in here my boy have a cigar you're gonna go far"

Subject: listening room
From: Leonard Pizzi <hound@eznet.net>
Thanks for all the advice, and wow, that web sight! I'm starting to
figure the stuff out!
Thanks again,
Len in Rochester

Subject: Enjoy the Music© update
From: "Steve Zipser (Sunshine Stereo Inc.)" <zip@sunshinestereo.com>
Organization: http://sunshinestereo.com
Nice site, Steven!
Enjoy the music!

Subject: TNT (Turntable) Lust
From: "Greg Roe" <gregroe@earthlink.net>

Subject: TEAC AGAIN....
From: Dan Mason <masond@BATTELLE.ORG>
...This leads us to my real question. I bought the last TEAC AG-260 last
night which was known to exist still in Ohio. I drove about 1 1/2 hours
one way to get the DEMO model! The display light was burned out, the
paint was chipped and scratched, the volume control had a literal hissy
fit when you touched it, and yet, I had to get it anyway. I got it at
REX Appliance--the only retailer of TEAC in Ohio. The nice guys there
sold it to me for $59 and said I could surely take it back for my money
within 30 days. So, I thought I'd take it home and see how it did and
if satisfied after 30 days, I'll do the Black Gates upgrade attempt
which I asked you about 1 1/2 months ago.
I put the bad little boy in
my system (Rotel 970 CD player, Impact Technology Speakers, Kimber
Kabling throughout, Chang Lightspeed filtering and Deluxe Justaracking)
and was pleasantly surprised to hear a very palatable, somewhat airy
sound coming from this TEAC demo. I liked it and really had no
complaints for the $59 bucks spent and the 150 miles driven to buy it.
The power was better than the 25 Watts rated and the bass was better
than expected, too! Thanks for the discovery, Steve.
-- Bound and Determined to do this Upgrade
(Dan Mason)

From: "Elias J. Grayeb del Alamo"
Dear Friend:
I have had visited your web page many times. I really enjoy it.
It's a good thing to know this kind of non commercial sites. In many ways
is easier to believe in your point of view.
On the other hand, I think it is very well made. The first time I arrived
here I foud your tube amps zone. What a beautiful toys, very nice visual
designs. I cannot say anything about the sound.
But now, on one hand I want to thank you your work, your gifts to ours,
the music lovers (and the audiophiles)....
My best regards
Elías Grayeb

From: "Christopher B. Pigott"
You have a truly remarkable web site, congratulations and thanks for
spending the time and money to help others enjoy the world of hi-fi...
Sincerely, Chris Pigott

Subject: web-site and show reports
From: Bradley McIntosh <brad@iinet.net.au>
GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! site and reports.
Pictures are where it is at, as the saying goes. Let's see Stereothingy
beat this!!!!!!!!!????? (they have lots of words but too few good (!)
pictures and too few (!) pictures of interesting stuff.
Keep up the good work,

Subject: Re: vinyl near neophyte
From: zorf <zorfmania@postoffice.worldnet.att.net>
Great Site! I started surfing several weeks ago when I'm not working 14
hour days. I'm taking a chance here and hope you'll respond to my mere
mortal non-expert questions.
>>> But hey, it's STILL the www site your mother warned you about.<<<
Trust me, my mother never warned me about YOU! She warned me about the
OTHER sites. Wow! Not only did you respond, but quickly, I'm shocked.
Thank you so much. Given the crazy hours I work, I can certainly wait a
while on the turntable (I don't plan on the purchase for at least a few
months). I will be visiting ETM (is that allowed as an acronym?)
regularly. A sincere thank you.

Subject:Turntable lust
From: Doug Asherman <dasherma@us.oracle.com>
I was enjoying your site (as well as the music I was listening to)
and really like your 'Turntable Lust' feature. I have to comment,
though; I think some of the niftiest looking pieces of 'hi-end'
audio are also the simplest. Therefore, I'd like to nominate
my current lust object for your page (if, in fact, you accept
nominations): the Rega Planar 3. Every time I lift the dust
cover on mine and drop the needle, I...nah, you don't want to
hear about that.
Think about...simple is beautiful.
Doug Asherman

From: Greg Leary <greglear@bellsouth.net>
Steven, your site is super! I hope others check it out.
Greg Leary

From: jAgDeEp siNgH <jagdeep@pacific.net.sg>
Subject: Thanks Steve
Hello Steve,
Thanks for the (WCES '98) report. I bet millions of those who cant be there will
appreciate the stuff you are doing...
I like your magazine site! Never knew it existed until you told me.
magazine people usually told me to.."we did a review on sos & so by
whomeveritwas in issue whateveritwas" go read it. Youz the only one who

From: CHRISOD@delphi.com
Subject: Cartridge History
I LOVE your pages.
I'm writing to ask you to things:
1) may I link to your page from my "hot links" section
2) May I , on occasion, re-print some of your articles on my "music
collectibles" pages. Quite frankly, this page doesn't exist right now because
I hadn't found any informative articles on the web, until your page. What I
do is re-print part (or in some cases all) of a page. I then link BACK to the
original page. The author retains full copyright and I include an email link
to the author on the page.
Even if you say "no" to #2, you have a great site and I'ld be honored to link
to it.
Steve sez: A HUGE thanks for the
compliments. First, yes you can add the link. Second thing (question 2), ummm usually i'd
like dettes/dudes to just say somethin' like "see this dudes page by clicking this
URL" or some such. Sometimes reprinting stuff seems to lose the whole
"feel" of my pages :-{(+ . It's funky-liciously weird and, well, there's no
place like home. A HUGE thanks for your understanding. Besides, there might be other stuff
they also (GASP) might like here too. Take care my friend and thanks again.

From: David Allcock <david1@post1.wavenet.co.uk>
Subject: Re: 24-bit 96-kHz stuff
You have no idea how this report (together with the report on your site)
has lifted my spirits on an otherwise ordinary day. I had to pinch
myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming when I read this. Please if you
have the time thank the guys at Classic and Chesky records for me

From: NEIL_LEICHMAN@HP-USA-om13.om.hp.com
Subject: Re: About Goldring's 1042 and AN's rebuild...
Hi Steven,
My name is Neil Leichman. I believe and correct me if I'm wrong that you are the
Steven that offered the cardboard protractors over the internet. If not,
So, thanks once again for the protractor.
Neil P. Leichman

From: "Peter Sisask" <FamSisask@classic.msn.com>
Hi Steven!
Steve sez: Thanks my friend.

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page of letters.