Dude, I just love yer turntable lust section. You have the most
beautiful works of art I have ever seen! I would like to make a suggestion....Maybe a
tribute to past lusted designs, like the Linn lp12, or a more recent one like the Rega
planar 3 or 9, since they are fine looking tables, and most web visitors would probably
get the analog bug, owing to the lower price of these.
Thanx, Dude
Marc P. from Joysey
Steve sez: Great idea!

I love your website. I am sorry to read that you brother passed.
My best friend and listening buddy just passed 3 weeks ago. I am still trying to
deal with the empty seat in my listening room.
Your site is a wonderful remembrance for your brother. Thanks again for a way cool site
(VPI, Souther, Koetsu, Martin-Logan, Pass and Kimber) sorry no CDs.

Hey, I just stumbled on your site through
another link and it's great, right down my path of interests! Lookin' at it now
and enjoying. I hope to return another e-mail to comment more. For interest sake, I am
from Australia and also have a large LP collection, hence the reason I checked out your
site in the first place.

I guess I don't get it. You don't have very
much on the channel as opposed to the website. But why would you? What is so
good about the channel that you can't do on your original website? Twice the
work? Like I said, I guess I don't get it.
Steve sez: You are 100%
right. twice the work for me and fewer folks can see the channel. it's been a
nightmare. Just might call the whole thing off.

Congratulations! You have the best audio
site on the web. I travel extensively and I purchase French, Italian, German, Canadian and
Hong Kong' audio magazines. Looking at equipment that is not available in the USA or UK is
a mouth watering experience.
I found your site via the Manley page and
it fits perfectly with my audio tastes. I don't mind admitting that even though I have to
watch my budget, the equipment on your Tube Lust page is precisely the equipment that I
purchase. At the moment I am listening to an Audio Valve integrated amplifier through
Posselt Albatross 'speakers, both imported into the USA. The loudspeakers are Danish and
have two Scanspeak seven-inch bass midrange units ( a la Wilson WATT) and a Morel
tweeter in each unit. 92db efficient, extremely transparent and beautiful to look at in a
six feet by ten inch tapered column with a marble base. If you get to Europe you must
audition a pair. The other piece of imported equipment I have is an Audio Synthesis
Passion passive line controller, which I use when I have a power amp in the system. I have
yet to hear its' equal in transparency.
I must also thank you for the Experience
Electronics address and photograph from Germany. I saw a review in a German magazine about
four years ago, lost the magazine, spotted a distributors address in Florida who never
answered the telephone so I gave up! Now I can contact them - thanks again.
I have gone through all sorts of
audio equipment in the last twenty years. When I lived at home with my folks a headphone
system was necessary. I had Koss ESP-9's, Transcriptors turntable (all glass and brass...)
Carnegie cartridge and an unknown amp. Sound to die for. My next memorable system, after
moving to California from UK in the late 70's was Quad ELS 57's, Bedini 25/25 Class
A amp., Van Alstine pre-amp, Denon turntable and cartridge. I will never forget the sound
of classical piano through this set-up. I have gone through the 200 watt amp syndrome and
can only say that small amps sound better. I can recommend the Pass Aleph 3 (I should
never have sold it but one day...) and the Audion Silver Knight amps from UK. I also have
a Marantz 20b tuner (transistor version of the 10b) which I bought for $100 and a Magnum
Dynalab FT101a. FM radio is the greatest source of free music and is not appreciated by
most audiophiles. US magazines should promote FM and tuners a bit more.
If I come across any more exotic tube
equipment in my travels I will email you.
Best regards,
Victor Savage
New York

My company
http://www.birdland.com exhibited for the
first time at HiFi'98 and I remember seeing you in our room taking pictures. I don't want
to influence your review but rather make sure you remembered our room and have all the
information you need to mention it. To refresh your memory, we were room #643 exhibiting
our brand new 24bits/96kHz external DAC, our new patent pending amp, co-exhibiting with
VerteVarius cables and we had selected the Avantgarde acoustic Duo horns as speakers.
Our setup was:
- Birdland Audio's Odéon-m1 24 bit DAC (96k) ($3500)
- Birdland Audio's Pleyel 250 (2x50W amplifier) ($3850)
- VerteVarius interconnect and speaker cables ($290 .. $3290)
- Avantgarde acoustic Duo horn speakers ($14500)
- Theta Digital DaViD transport ($4500)
Please let me know if I can be of any help. Thank you for stopping by our room.
Gilles Gameiro.
Steve sez: Yes, i do remember and it was very
impressive stuff too! i am sooo far behind in my webwork here it's not even funny
:-{(+ . Please folks, visit these guys website. Very good stuff and the
room sounded very nice too in my humble opinion.

Your Site
Really dig your site. The tribunal to your brother is very touching!...
Stay cool!
Ted's, Audible Difference, CT. -
"Bringing Music To Life"

Nice page with some simple advice far removed from the high end gurus
who complicate things with techno-jargon.
Dinald R. Holland Holland

Tube Lust Page
Hi there,
Very impressive site...
Kind regards
Karsten Jensen

Your Website
Fabulous, Fabulous, Fablulous!!!! I've already spent half the night
viewing the damn thing. Glad to see Atma-Sphere in the tube lust section. I own the MA-1's
updated to MKII status with cusom gold anodized front panel (like the older units on their
web page-absolutely lust producing). Just lucky, I guess. Thanks for all your work. I'll
be back.
Travis & Carolyn Franklin

Your Site Rules!
Just visited your site again. Man, Its always evolving for the better.
Chris Zack

Philly Tube Show - April '98
Thanks for the report on the Philly tube show which
took place in April. I enjoyed the show, and the opportunity to meet guys like Herb
Reichert and JC Morrison, whom I've been reading for years in Sound Practices, etc. I do
have one beef to get off my chest, though - after driving for 2 1/2 hours to get there, it
was DAMN FRUSTRATING to have to try to listen over the blathering of all the
self-important idiots who just couldn't wait to expound on their personal theories of the
audio universe. This situation was doubly shocking to me given that it was a "tube
crowd", presumably those sensitive souls who care more about musical satisfaction
than specs and the high end orthodoxy... obviously, I was quite wrong about this! I was
embarrassed for the group and could only imagine the frustration of the exhibitors, many
of whom came great distances to play their creations only to be ignored by certain members
of the crowd who must have wandered in from a monster truck show or something, judging by
their extreme rudeness. Peter Breuniger, the host, tried several times to no avail to get
people to SHUT UP AND LISTEN... remember, all you 'philes, the next time you're at a show
or concert, the golden rule: while music is being performed or reproduced publicly, you
will speak only to request an ambulance. If you're bored or possessed of a coughing fit,
simply leave.
Jim Wiberg, api@alliancepartners.com

Subject: Groovy site, man
From: "Causey, James F" <jcausey@exchange.ucs.indiana.edu>
I was just cruisin' the net, and I thought I'd check on your site
(haven't been there in ages) now that I'm one of the happy SoundStage!
crew, and I have to say that I love it! Good, easy-to-read graphic
design, and tons of great stuff to read (lots more than I had time for)
Anyway, I totally dug it, and intend to go back. Good reading for a
surgical recovery :)
Anyway, groove on...

Subject: Nice Site!!!
From: "Jerry G." <jerryg@total.net>
You have a great site! I enjoyed it, and will be back to see more stuff...
Keep it up... I wish you success!

Subject: Max
From: (Name Withheld by me)
Hi Steve
Just vivited your web site (again) and read up on the 75 ohm cable. I
totally agree about RCA connectors, it would be great (and amazing) if
manufacturers took up the challenge! Interesting to note that a really
professional company (Neutrik) who make great and bullsh*t-claim free RCA
plugs don't make RCA sockets. They obviously regard them as a form of evil
and make plugs for those who have to use them but don't want to encourage
their use!
Very sorry to hear about Max
Keep it up

Subject: plastic mesh
From: "Paul Kubicz" <pkube@umich.edu>
I read your cable post with interest. I noticed that the mesh you used gives
an effect much like the ends of the megabuck Kimber Bifocal speaker cable.
Does this mesh shrink, like heat shrink tubing, or is it stable? What is its
intended function (other than looking cool)? Can you buy it other places, or
must you get it from HAVE?
Steve sez: It just looks cool. It doesn't shrink per se.
Kinda like a Chinese finger toy. If you pull it outward it shrinks, push the
ends together and it gets bigger. Other then lookin; cool, it serves no real

Subject: Philly Show Note
From: ted <tkurtz@villagenet.com>
Dear Steve,
Enjoyed your site- glad I found it!
I too was at the Philly Triode show. I drove down in the rain from Long
Island since I had never had the opportunity to hear single ended
amps. Having heard so much about them, I was pretty curious.
I was kind of disappointed in the show conditions. The main problem was
the constant chattering of so many people in the audience. I was
standing in the back and many of the people carried on loud conversations
which made it difficult to hear the music being played.
The room was also somewhat problematic as well. But the show organizers
tried their best with the audience but without too much success.
Surprisingly, Harvey Rosenberg was one of the big offenders. He kept
having loud conversations as he circled the sides and back of the room.
So I did not get a good audition or feel for all of the single ended
amps (not withstanding Komoro's pp 845).
In a way I was kind of relieved. I'm running Quad esl 63's with
quicksilver M135's and could not easily use low powered single ended
amps with the quads since the sensitivity of the quads is only about
86db's. And at this point, I don't think I want to give up the quads.
I very much agree with your take on Don Garber of Fi. I recently got his
preamplifier and, in part, went down to the show because Don was there.
In my dealings with him, he is just a wonderful person who could not be
more knowledgeable, helpful and generous. And, as you probably know, the
fi preamp is just delicious.
I'm also glad to see your emphasis on vinyl. I've been buying a lot of
vinyl at tag and garage sales and have found some good unusual stuff
that will probably never make it to CD. And my Rega 3 does just fine.
I'm trying to get off of the upgrade wagon and just have a good time
letting the music wash over me and let the tensions of the day ooze out
a bit.
Again, thanks for your site and I'm glad I came upon it.
Ted Kurtz

Subject: Your "May" Page
From: Jim Saxon <sonaxj@sol.racsa.co.cr>
Hi Steven,
Finally, finished a three-hour journey through your May page--amazing
stuff! The Philly Show report is terrific and highly, but highly,
informative of the latest in SET amplification. As a grateful reader,
may I say Thank You?
Jim Saxon
Steve sez (in Madonna-style humor): Please don't thank me, spank me.

Subject: Philly show
From: daveslagle <dslagle@earthlink.net>
great report, but you left out steve berger of aprilsounds amps.. if
you want an image of them i can send you one (the same as the cover of
SP-13 with some beauuuuteeful mesh plate 50's
unlike the other amps, the schematic of this amp is also available on
the net at steves webpage...
Steve sez: Dave, you're 100% correct! i went out for a cigarette
and started to schmooze for a bit. Therefor i blew it on Steve at April Sound's demo
:-{(+ .

Subject: Nice Page
From: "Ernst C.Land, Jr." <a6mech@flash.net>
I'll be back, that's for sure.

From: Peter Farrow <peterf@rumbledene.demon.co.uk>
Very nice pages that I thoroughly enjoyed browsing,

From: chris <cc035672@bcm.tmc.edu>
Hi Steve. I really enjoy your website and contributions to

Subject: Hello. :)
From: David Goodman <sunstar@bigfoot.com>
Hello, Steven. :)
Your web page is one of my favorite, not only because of the wide range of information and
suggestions you include, but because you keep reminding people to "Enjoy the
I confess to being cursed with the proofreader's eye (though, being a professional
psychologist, I know it's nothing but a specialized ability like perfect pitch, and not
very important except to proofreaders and editors! LOL). And when I read your perfectly
delightful paragraphs, I often feel the urge to proofread for you. But then I remember how
I like to go from one new thing to another, and perhaps by God's grace you are spared of
my making the offer. ;)
Since your site by no means presents more errors than most others, it occurs to me that
someone might do well to offer an editing service for webmasters. (Let's see--$500 per
page, 10 pages a day; yeah, I could afford some Audio Note stuff before long! ;) More
seriously, though, does anyone ever comment to you about this issue? Or does everyone
else, like me, just take less-than-perfect spelling, punctuation, and usage in stride,
figuring we'd much rather have the info and dispense with the grades, knowing most of us
couldn't do any better ourselves?
Thanks for a really neat web site, Steven. I hope life is being good to you, and that
you're being good to yourself.
David Goodman
P. S. Oh, yes--enjoy the music! :)
Steve sez: You are 100% right of course. The again i can
mitype at 60 words per minute like the best of 'em! Yes, i know there are some typos
and run on sentences and stuff that just goes on and on without really going anywhere but
it seems the readers don't mind too much because of the somewhat useful information that
they seem to enjoy reading from time to time so, therefore, it seems folks put up with me
even with all my faults and typos and missing words and pgrses in some paragraphs.
Wish i knew how to rite beter :-) .

Subject: bicycle tubes
From: phill howell <phowell@qonline.com.au>
Hi, I have recently discovered what a small wheelbarrow inner tube under
the transport can do can do to improve my systems performance, I have a
very small amount of air pressure in the tube, (blew it up with a few
puffs from my own lungs) I was wondering if anyone has ever played
around with a different type of filling, water or oil has crossed my
Do you know or do you think that there would be any gain in trying
either of these out??
Also it has made my system soooo much better only have one under the
transport, is there anything to gain throwing a couple around under the
other components, converter, pre or power amp
Regards Phill
Phill: If it's cheap enough (and refundable) i try to try anything.
Cheap is the key word of course :-{)+ .

From: GWill53 <GWill53@aol.com>
Just wanted to say a big Thank You for your Enjoy The Music Home Page. I've
learned a lot from it and had a lot of fun too...
Gwyn Williams

Subject: Recommened CD Site
From: Howard Berman <hberman@tiac.net>
I love your site, especially for the recommended CD list and the R2D4 list....
Howard Berman
P.S. Your R2D4 list is current to 2/97. Do you know where a list of the
additions from the 2/98 Stereophile issue can be found online?
Steve sez: Stereophile gives nothing away for free as good service
work it seems. So much for helping others to enjoy the music with good intentions i
guess... and the money/big industry moves on.

Subject: turntables&things
From: RISPULO <RISPULO@aol.com>
Great site oh yes a beautiful turntable is a site to behold... thank you michael

Subject: ETM
From: Mstycraig <Mstycraig@aol.com>
I stumbled across your site tonight and wanted to say "Thank You" for the
tweeks and especially the FREE protractor which I will be sending away for
first thing in the morning!!... I appreciate the coverage on all things vinyl at your site
too. Thanks for the support!! Craig

Subject: Gainesville Green article
From: "Hickbones" <hickbones@email.msn.com>
My name is Jerry and I live in Boston. I was raised in Florida and went
to UF for 6 years before moving up here. This is my first time on your
website and I reallly enjoyed reading your article on vinyl shopping in
Gainesville. I long for news of home! I remember shopping at Babalou's and
Hyde & Zeke's and another cd store across the parking lot from those two
just about every day between classes. Thanks for putting the pictures of
those places on your page. Are you based in the Florida area or was that a
road trip for you?
I hope to hear from you soon!
Steve sez: it was a road trip. Useta live in G'ville for many
years and miss it.

Click here to see the next
page of letters.