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Yikes!  More letters!

Hi Steve,

What a web site! wow - i am floored. that said, (i could on and on!), do you know anything about a british integrated tube amp called the athena? i just heard about one that is available and am trying to get more info on it. please email me at ralfoto@aol.com if you can help.

all the best...keep glowing!

robert lyons

Steve sez: Any know about this amp?  Please help.


Thanks for a great site.  I visit almost daily...



Jim, and I do enjoy the music!!!!


Love your site!

I have to tell ya, I got a chance to hear the Churchills a few weeks back. My brother and I wandered into our favorite audio dealer, the regular Thursday night routine, and there, in the 'dream room' they stood. Absolutely awe inspiring to look at, and then Ralphy got 'em running. He was in the process of bi-amping them when we arrived. EAD Player, SimAudio Celeste Pre, Celeste up high, Bryston down low, cable by kimber. Wow!

These were a pair that were traveling with the Tannoy Rep, so I'm assuming they were well broken in. We just sat there and reveled in the music while Ralphy went through a selection of his favorites. I'm only a rookie when it comes to this stuff, but it was amazing to hear what the realm of possibility is. Never before have I experienced that kind of emotion from a reproduction system. One of those magical moments that I'll remember for quite some time.

I was buzzing for days!

Had to share :)


Steve sez:  Dude, hope that was a legal buzz? :-{)

Hi Steve!

Just wanted to say that your webpage is a wonderful resource for every music connoisseur (especially those, who have to struggle with the machinery for properly reproducing it ;) ).

Greetings from Vienna, Austria


Steve sez: Vienna?  Someone from Vienna loves my website.   WOW!  A huge and most humble thanks.

I've just joined the net and after reading Ken Kessler's piece in HFN & RR,I thought I'd visit your site. At last, a decent combination of good graphics and proper information that I can read without teeny-teeny eyes; thanks!

...I share your enthusiasm for Voyd by the way - though the turntables in "Table Lust" are awe-inspiring in looks, size and (no doubt) price.

Simon Linton

Hi there!

Thank You very much for an incredible site. I've been enjoying all the interesting stuff You've got here. It's good to see that someone really cares about music and what it takes to enjoy such a thing...

Best regards, Svein Otterlei, NORWAY.    


Found you site after the KK article in HFNRR. Love it. Here are my three most effective upgrades to my Linn LP12, EAR, etc system. They each cost 150 quid.

1. Got an electrician to put in a new fuse box and dedicated separate  spur - amazing.

2. Bought reissues of every Hendrix album on Vinyl.

3. Bought a 20 year old Revox A77. Not an upgrade - just love those big  wheels going round!

Cheers. Dave.

Steve sez: Rock on dude!

Hi Steve,

I love your website. And I appreciate your candid opinions. I wonder where near the San Francisco bay area I'd have to go to listen to the Loth-X or other Lowther speaker.


Steve sez: Kurt, a most humble thanks.  As for the awesome Loth speakers, they have no USA distribution yet  :-{(  .  Will see them again during the upcoming audio show so let's hope they get a distributor soon.  Great speakers these Loth-X.

Hello Steve,

I've enjoyed your fine site, (and sense of humor), for some time! It is a source of interesting information, and also sort of an oasis in midst of humdrum, nonaudio activities. I just wanted to thank you for your efforts, and encourage you to keep up the good work. Take care and good luck with your music!

Best Regards,

Robert Thompson


After reading your report on the 300Bs I thought I would throw my 2 cents in the pot.

I have listened to most of the tubes in your report and have found the KR VV32 just kills them all, including the JJ & WE. This is in an amp that is set up for that tube. The JJ & WE sound muted or muffled compared to the KR tube. Nothing, but nothing touches this thing and I and all of the people that have listened to the system think its not even close. Keep up the great web page

Mike Southard

Hi Steve,

First and foremost I've gotta say that U have the best music and audio gear site on the web... The Tube Lust page is just too mouthwatering, I can't even try to imagine how these babies sound like! I'm a classic Valvaholic! By the way, u have the best "vinyl" links I've seen in a single site.. VINYL RULES!!!...

Anyways, u'r website is truly a rare find, content and pics are to die for! I agree on most of the stuff u say about music and audio, u'r open-mindedness and non-elitist, non-stuffy attitude is a breath of fresh air. Although sometimes I cringe on the cheesy way u talk about "counterculture" stuff and muzak; when it gets trite and contrived it becomes humorous (u try too hard... hehehe... great vinyl links tho).

Don't get me wrong, I can dig stuff from Olivier Messiaen to Guided by Voices (lo-fi or low-budget!?), or from John Coltrane to Buddy Holly; no pigeonholing here. And truly say that I enjoy the music....

Best Wishes,



...I also wanted to let you know that the Enjoy the Music web site was very informative and I had a great time just reading and lusting over all the nice turntables. Thanks for your time.

Ann Sullivan


     Congratulations for your page! As a collector of old turntables, I've never seen such an interesting site. Thank you for your work. I have a request for help, though. You are extremely knowledgeable, so maybe you could know this large 'Acoustical' 3100 turntable I have in my collection since years. It's a mystery: nobody knows it. It's a professional thing coming, apparently, from the '60s, it is belt driven with a strobe and pitch control. Any idea would be appreciated.....


Stefano stefpas@tin.it

Steve sez: Dunno this turntable.  Anyone know?  Please e-mail this groovy dude.

Dear Sir,

I was reading your web page about the Technics SB-LX10 and the SB-LX30 speakers. Well I have the Technics SB-ST450 3 way speakers (10 in woofer, 4 in midrange, 2 in tweeter). And a while ago I replaced all of the manufactures wires with Monster Cable 14 gauge copper wire. And what a difference! The bass is tight, the treble is clean, and the imaging is superb. I am totally amazed of how they sound. They sound like new speakers. Thank you for the advise.

David Clark

Hi Steve,

     I just started checking some of the audiophile & music sites & kept running across posts of yours. Seemed to often make good sense & I especially liked the inclusion of the music you were listening to. I enjoyed seeing your home page & the description of the Gainesville record stores. Just thought I'd give you the feedback. Me, I've been listening today to Flood: They Might Be Giants, The Domino Club: The Men They Couldn't Hang, & now Songs For Drella: Lou Reed & John Cale again. See ya 'round.

Craig Stephens


Tanks again for the bodacious Eyetalyan and Pap amp pictures. Please keep up the great work! I still can't figure out how you get 100 watts out of 4 EL-34's, but, hey, that's the snot-heads for you. And where did those yewgly knobs come from on the Italian amp. Pee-yew!

Travis Franklin


I truly enjoyed your Milan show report and the link to TNT's show round-up. Your work continues to amaze me. Enjoythemusic is the best audio site on the Internet, in my opinion. If you decide to turn it into a paysite, I'm there.


Jim Saxon


Best work on the HIFI net...

Uitz Patrick


I like your site. I especially like the scanned graphics. Great work on the logos! The RCA Victor explanation of stereo is priceless.

Great job!

Daniel Graham


Just wanted to drop you a quick message and thank you for the Western Electric 300B stickers... Thanks again for the stickers! :-)


Hi Steve,

Nice web site! I just read your 300B review and found it very interesting, and very timely.... Thanks for doing the 300B tube comparison and any tips you can offer!


Hi Steve,

I appreciate very much for your taking time connecting me to your article, this second one works. Many thanks. I was able to buy the Tesla 300B locally from Ned Carlson for only $99 but I decided to wait for your 300B shoot-out to see if the Testa 300B perform well. I also heard some nice words about the JJ 300B before. Though you did conduct direct comparison between these two (this is exactly what I've been waiting for), your results does provide a clue for me. Since JJ is a former Tesla plant, I'd say both should stand similar in terms of sonic quality and build quality. Best wishes to you and your wonderful website.

Best regards,


Was enjoying your site a bunch until I noted the Real
Player icon w/John Lee Hooker's name on it. Way cool
- I got John Lee comin' out of the computer and Muddy on the CD player.

May your home always be heated by the warm glow!

On the CD Player: Muddy Waters - Live (At Mr. Kelley's)


Hi Steve, found your web site today and it is great!...


Scott C.

Yes, the cheap tweak site sounds great, count me in. Ads R OK too. I always enjoy your site the end. I appreciate your hard work and envy your abilities. Keep it up (that's what she said).

Travis Franklin

Howdy. Went through some of you pages. I like the casual mater of fact non uppity tone... I will probably pop for the cable cookbook too. Thanks.



The speaker-lust page is a great idea. May I suggest to add my favorite the Italian "Sonus Faber Guarneri" to this site? I love this speaker and it is IMHO one of the most beautiful speakers around. You will find pictures and

information at http://www.datateam.hu/pages/sf/

Have a nice day


Your cable kicks ass!  I received it today, I'm sure it will continue to improve once it's burned in.  Thank you very much.

dawerner [dawerner@mci2000.com]

Hello there, the Tubelust is really a great site! I browse it from time to time... Keep the site up! Cheers!



Hi Steve,

Thank you for part one of the 300B shoot out. We would like to share some of our experiences with 300B's.

Since a week now we are playing our Meishu (single 6SN7 model, lots of Black Gates etc) with JJ 300B's in stead of the original AN Chinese ones. The difference is astounding. Where we had serious trouble with standing waves (we thought), moving around the speakers and furniture become part of our daily routines. Now with the JJ's this is over; bass depth has increased substantial without the flabbiness. Bass is tight and precise. We guess the thick-glass JJ's have far less microphonics than the AN's.

With the AN's, the speakers needed a toe-in of about 45 degrees, now we can do with aprox 20 degrees. Width and depth of the sound image is much more realistic now. The overall result is that we now can play for hours and hours at a realistic volume level (sorry neighbors!) without fatigue.

The rest of the system is a CEC TL5100, AN DAC 2 with Black Gates and separate power supplies (tubes!) for digital and analogue sides (digital side is under power 24 hours a day, analogue is switchable) and speakers are AN/J-SP.

We ordered the JJ's from Robert Losconi ( www.losconi-tubes.com/losconi ) in Vienna, Austria for $70 a piece in a matched pair. Delivery was within 4 days and OK. The price tag deference between a pair of JJ's and WE's buys you about 25 to 30 CDs....

Another good example of affordable improvement is the puck we use in the CEC. Out of the box the CEC comes with a heavy steel puck with a 2" diameter. When we changed this for the 'ceramic' puck CEC offers, it was as if someone opened the curtains in front of the stage. This ceramic puck, in fact the 'ceramics' is Coran, that kitchen sink stuff, cover the top of the CD completely. This has the effect that the laser beam can not exit from the CD from the top anymore. Compare this to a mirror which has some holes in the silvery layer on the back. Apply a coat of dark paint on it and voila, a new image in the mirror!. Another effect is the flywheel/gyroscope effect which makes the rpm's more stable and thus a more stable stage image.

Next we will experiment with a new puck which will encapsulate the CD at the edge as well. This requires a puck slightly bigger than a CD with an indent the size of a CD. Doing so, we theorize, will also eliminate the loss of light (energy) from the edge of the CD. No more green stuff at the edges or etching the edges. We keep you posted on this one.

Thank you again for the review, and keep up the good work. We like it!

Henk Boot and Marja Vanderloo


This is the best site I've read in quite a while. Your thoughts and comments seem to be supplementing my own belief. You've givin me the excitement in audio I haven't felt in a decade. I thought I was the only nut LOVING tubes and vinyl. I can't afford tubes (except for the preamp section in my Luxman) but you don't see any vulgar CD's in my collection. The only CD's I have are Microsoft labeled. I have spent the major part of the day "enjoying" the Enjoy the Music philosophy and believe me I did while reading. Taj Mahal and never sounded this good.

Love your section on Tubes, Ferraris and Turntables. Now when will a I see a compliment to them: Women!! I like the exotic kind black, Italian, Brazilian... You get the main idea!!...

By the way, this amazes me. How does a pure "Californian American full of adrenaline" subscribes to F1 instead of CART, I do not comprehend. All the glory to you my friend. By the way, as a French Canadian I root for Villeneuve. I Love Ferrari since I can remember and I am still a fan of the machine but Shuey has a black cloud over his head (probably over aggressiveness, remember the incident with Damon) and cannot in any measure be a present fan of the man.

Also, after reading much of your work why do you use i instead of I. Is it fashion, style or ease of typing? It's difficult (not accustomed) to read. Oh I know; it's the Shakespeare (Jacques-Pierre) in you!! You're forgiven!

Best wishes,

Robin Girard

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