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And Yet More Letters...

Thanks for helping me to "enjoy the music" much more with your excellent 300B
shootout. I am the proud new owner of a year old pair of Cardinals which came equipped
with Sovteks. Searching out info on what 300B's might better these I was naturally tickled
to find your review using my new amp as your reference!
I ordered up a pr of these and oh my, my. Belinda Carlisle was right;
"Heaven" is a place on earth. In fact "I get weak" just listening to
her on this new rig. Well, gotta go go, just wanted to say a sincere thanks.
Greg Melvin
btw, I visit your sponsors!!

...I liked your site, especially the ramblings....good stuff. I'm trying to get back to
enjoying the music, but right now I'm finding myself kind of caught up in getting my new
gear to sound right. I look forward to just relaxing and listening to the music as I did
in the old days with Realistic set up.

...Checked out your website, nice and different, and passed the link on to a couple of
other audio nuts. How sick is it to download a picture of a turntable versus a woman
anyway? I'll ask my therapist.
Steve sez: Dude, you are far gone. Forget the therapist and go to the funny farm
%-{) :-{)

BTW, thanks for posting the cartridge alignment protractor on your page--very useful,
and it helped me to "Enjoy the Music" more.
I wish you all the best. Keep up the good work.

Just wanted to tell you that I enjoyed your coverage of the NY noise show. (Uhhh how
did you get it on so fast?)
p.s. I am sure you will be closer to attaining "god" status if you had
schematics for the amps linked....(just dreaming...)
Steve sez: Be careful what you wish for... :-{)

RE: NY Noise Show
Hi Steve:
great show! i was the tall blond guy who you spoke with when i tried to take a photo of
Arthur Loesch with JC against the windows and who hung over your lap top too often during
the show.
I am a friend of Larry Moore and thought you may like to have a little more info on his
amps. The circuit design is as you stated is: 10Y (directly heated high Z transmitting/power
triode) Interstage Transformer (Tango NC-14) 10Y Nature Sound NS-70SE (permalloy) output
transformer. The point was to demonstrate the true sound of a power tube by using the same
tube as a input/driver stage.
The novel idea of the project was the use of a solid state current sourced, shunt
regulated power supply on a separate chassis (not in the photo). This is a new thing for
power amps and may really take off because of the absolute lack of noise and the excellent
control of the various stages of the amp. Also the amp used current regulated filament
supplies which really eliminate the hum and do not kill the magic like straight AC
filament supplies can.
I was happy with the sound; however, there was no slam like at home! The amp was
designed for use with a active linestage delivering up to 8 volts (like your typical tube
preamp or linestage) and for use with Altec VOT speakers (>100 db and an easy load) So
what you heard direct from the CD player only gave a fraction of a watt! you can expect up
to 3 watts with the linestage.
Sincerely, Rimmer

the pages look great!
I just wanted to drop you a note to give you a little more info on what I was trying to
say at the NY noise show... I guess I am not the greatest public speaker...
Those amps were indeed a work in progress and a product of the internet... where
else can you gain access to so many different viewpoints, and decide
for yourself the path you want to take.
I would like to mention two things.
The outputs were designed by a German engineer, Michael Ulbrich mul_NOSPAM@bauer.pl
who is not a winder by trade (I guess hobbyist was a poor choice of words). He set out to
build a better mousetrap, and
IMO succeeded. These outputs are in the same class with the Tango, and Tamura nickel and
amorphous core outputs, and represent the cutting edge of
extreme audio.
As for the mercury vapor thyratrons, If I had listened to any of the 6 or so well
respected people who said they will not work, and had no use what-so-ever for audio... I
would have made a huge mistake!
the setup I played did indeed break a lot of the "traditional" rules, and go
against much of the traditional thinking out there, but remember almost all of that
thinking is driven by people with commercial interests... a point JC, blackie, and the
rest of the NY group are trying to change.
thanks for all the cool coverage, and helping to keep the dark lantern glowing.

hi steve,
it was great to finally meet you in person. thanks for the nice write-up on my
"darling" amps. too bad you couldn't hang around 'til the end of the show.
we actually got to put on another one of my amps.
-a SE300B *driven* by a 1626.... ;)
having twenty times the power really helped in that BIG room!!! we also went out
for dinner at "arthurs"...great steak. too bad you missed it!
btw: my web address is:
...yes i'm _that_ bob.d (a lot of folks miss that connection) maybe you want to
add a hyper-link to my name in the write-up... i'll keep you posted on my car amp
talk to you soon!
Steve sez: Folks, this guy has a tube car amp. i LOVE THIS GUY!!!

Hey Steve,
Great coverage of the show in NJ at JC Morrisons's place. What a lot of fun and so
inspirational! I think I need to make a 1/2 watt SET amp for a pair of NOS Japanese Calrad
12" 102 db efficient full-range drivers I picked up a while back. I enjoyed meeting
you although you did not get my good side in your crowd shot. I am the guy in black a few
rows back. Later.
Pete Gochman

Great report from NY show!!! More of this stuff, pls. More pictures, insights of
designs, systems setups, designers take on system building, some schematics, philosophy,
tips ets... Keep up great work.
Thanks Sergy

You are one *AWESOME* dude. Thanks !! BTW, do you sleep?
Stevs sez: Glad you liked the NY Noise Show coverage. Sleep is for the
weak-willed. Have laptop computer, will travel.

Hey cool dude,
Looking at the show report right now (this is my home account); looks great and fast,
too (cable modem here)...
I enjoyed the music,

RE: Ny Noise Show Report
Hi Steve,
It was nice to meet you in person yesterday -- putting faces to email addresses was one
of the best parts. GREAT coverage on your website!
...Don't miss the Brazil GP in a few weeks!

Just a little note to let you know that I think the new layout of the site is superb!
It really does look professional now.

Thanks for posting the cartridge alignment protractor on your page--very useful,
and it helped me to "Enjoy the Music" more. I wish you all the best. Keep
up the good work.

Hi Steve,
Liked your angle on the WCES show. Some really nice pictures.
Pity everything hi end seems to be getting soooooo expensive. I guess even in your dollars
it is, but try changing it to Aussie currency and it just becomes fantasy stuff! Your
"special" section especially really good! I will see if our editor will include
these kinds of photos in our next magazine.
Peter Hüttemeier
President Melbourne Audio Club Inc

Your man Richard certainly put himself out on behalf of us plain down under folks. Kind
of opens the eyes. Then shuts them again... ocular self-preservation.
Peter Allen: editor, Melbourne Audio Club News

Your show report just rocks. I've read it 6 times and I think
that you did a great job. I just saw the "people" page and I've been rolling on
the floor for twenty minutes. The girl near the end on the left side, who
"seated" you is just so fucking hot. She looks so dirty. Nina, she ain't...but
she's very cute.

Hi Steven,
I just wanted to drop you a quick note and tell you I
appreciate you. You publish some very enjoyable pics and articles that are very helpful
too. Plus-and this is my favorite-you always respond so graciously to posts on SoundStage.
You're one cool dude and your presence is appreciated. I believe that your brother Max is
quite proud of you!

I read your MRM Cable description and needed a longer digital
cable anyway, so I tried it. I went down to Akihabara, Tokyo's famous electronics
bazaar. I
found a guy in a little (really little, like 5x5ft) stall with Belden cable. I bought some
1694A because that's what he had and it is pretty close. (The cost was $11 per meter, but
this is Japan and middle men must eat too.) Next door I found some shrink tube and the
fishnet sheathing (cool stuff). Around the corner I snagged some quality crimp RCA
connectors and all was set.
Man, I've swapped my share of cables in my life, but nothing prepared me for this. The
cable runs between the Rotel transport and a Musical Fidelity DAC-10. Five minutes after I
finished them and with zero break-in my system is totally transformed. The sound is so
smooth, so dimensional, so right I cannot conceive of anything better (this week anyway).
I was going to upgrade my speakers, now I'm not so sure. It sounds so good.
Jeff Canaday
Tokyo Japan

Subject: TO offspring. LOVE YOUR BIGGEST FAN, Cody
Hi my name is Cody, I am your all time biggest fan
U guys are so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! MY ALL TIME FAVORITE SONG IN THE WORLD IS PRETTY fly....
I love u guys I just want u to know that u
guys are my idol!! well I guess should tell u guys a little about my self I am in
second grade 7 years old, (oh yeah my sister is like in love with u guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she is 6 grade 12 years old, She wanted me to say Hi for her so HI) After
school every day I get online as soon as I get home to look what is new on your web
page, I
have 5 copes of your CD. Well I hate to say it but I have to go my sister and
me are going to go look at your web page so love you guys so much.
P.S I am praying every night to hope that u write back even know I probable now U
guys are to bissy but I just wanted u to now.See you later your BIGGEST FAN CODY
bye guys
Steve sez: DAMN, now i'm getting Offspring's fan mail! The rage
is relentless! Well, either that or i'm attracting young girls.

How's it going big guy? Damn cool report on the WCES, lots of
info and the private dick thing, classic my man. Are you back at home now or still
throwing your money into slots and sluts? I gotta keep MY eye open nowadays, I just found
out this weekend that I'll probably be in a dorm room in a year, so I need to start
changing my system accordingly ;-( no more room to me and my stereo. ;-( i guess it's back
to bookshelf speakers for me, and that NAD all in one CD player/receiver looks promising.
Hey, I wonder if I can have my stereo as my room mate ;-) Okay, okay, I'll settle for
Cameron Diaz...
Meant to ask you, been down to the Salvation Army thrift
store lately? If not, you have to. I found a bunch of cool LPs for 75cents a shot, can't
top that. Good stuff too, Beethoven, Tchykovsky (don't think I spelt that right) got like 4
different versions of my favorite song, 1812 Overture, not to mention Depeche Mode, Tony
Bennet, The Incredible String Band, etc. I'm going to go check out the one here in
Albuquerque next weekend (I was in AZ this weekend).
Well that was about it. Oh one more thing, I got this realy
cool disc by this band called "los fabulosos Cadillacs", an argentinan band. They
really rock, lots of ska, salsa, some punk influences, etc. Check them out if you can find
them, I have a "best of" disk and there isn't a single dud on it.
(currently rockin' to the Aquabats)
Steve sez: Rob, keep kickin' axe you groovy dude!

Hi Steve,
Thanks for your 300B Review; it is the only one I have seen, and was truly helpful in
my decision making process. I ended up with the Cary 300se/lx20 mono amps, which use
the KR 300Btubes. Great amps! Bias on the amps was adjusted to maximize the tubes. They
are driving my Artemos-Eos speakers, which are only 87dB/W/m efficient...

Hey, your article on Gainesville vinyl is great. I hope you don't mind but I added a
link to it at The G-Note. The G-Note is a site dedicated to Gainesville music that I help
maintain. Take a look and let me know what you think :
The G-Note "Gainesville's First & Only Local Music Source" http://gnv.fdt.net/~bsmith
(your link is in the "G'ville" section)
Bob Smith
The G-Note

I read your Max Rochlin Memorial Cable page with great interest. I applaud your work. I
have a rather simple question for you. I assume it is intended for the DVD digital coaxial
connection, but can this cable be used for analog connects also? I want to use this cable
everywhere I can. I'm not sure what the correct impedance should be for analog
My last question is do you have a suggestion for a good crimper for the Canare RCAP-C4F
connector? Their crimpers are industrial strength $100 creations.
Thanks in advance and keep up the great work.
Steve sez: John, glad you love the article! Yes, there are actually a
few people who are using the cable as an analogue interconnect and enjoying it. In
fact Wireworld and Straightwire are coax-type interconnects (to name a few). As for
expensive crimpers, just say no! Simple coax crimpers priced at about $7 USD are
fine for just a few crimps when you need 'em.

here for more letters.
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