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Did i Mention
We get lottsa letters?

Thank you! Great site.

Brian Smith


Thank you so much for the very kind words concerning our "smallest child", the Pipedreams Model 15 loudspeaker.

If you'd like to learn more about the Pipedreams, please call us at 615-371-6699.

Best regards,

Craig Clark, M.D.
Nearfield Acoustics, Inc.
Nashville, TN

Steve sez (in humor):  Gentlemen?  Hmm, maybe i should take this guy sk8boarding with me one day?


I surfed up lately for some ultra-hifi components that I lust and been  reading from Stereophile and other audio magazines. I surfed up to their  manufacturer's pages to come see for myself and a-las!! Found your page.

Thanks for not giving me the trouble of going to other sites for picture  downloads; and, congratulations for maintaining such a site.

There is a request that I would make if you please....

1. I'm trying to look for Audio Note's Gaku-on amp and M10 pre-amp. 2. A good picture of Wilson Audio's all out reference WAMM VII (their site  at www.wilsonaudio.com don't provide better pics).

Looking forward for this pictures on your lust pages.

Thanks and more power!!


Steve sez: A most humble thanks.  As for the photos you desire, i will do my best to get photos of all the above you mentioned.

Hi Steve,

Wow, your site has grown since last I checked it out. Pretty cool...

Thank you for your coverage, much appreciated.

Take care... Joe

Hi Steve, it was great to finally meet the guy behind the website. Thanks for the great coverage.


Hi Steven,

Thanks for the great product review and coverage of the show. It was a pleasure seeing you at the show.

I wish I could sell the line stage for $365. :-) You might want to fix that when you get some time. It's $3,650.00.



Steve sez:  DOH!  i fixed it.  Alas, my typing fingers need a good tune up.  Many thanks for letting me know about the needed correction.   All help is always appreciated.

    Just hopped around your show coverage. Good job for a Lonely Guy with a 'puter'an'camera.


Steve sez:  A most humble thanks.  Thank you for writing about the NY Noise show in Stereophile.  Us D.I.Y. guys need love too :-{) .

Man, your pics are *smoking* SoundStage! (That's my exclamation point, not theirs!) The quality is *so* good. Your SACD article was great, too -- keep up the good work!



I love your site and have made a screen saver out of my favorite pics from the "lust" pages...


Hi Steve,

I enjoyed the new look to your web page and I especially
like your turntable lust section. There are two more that
I know about the you might want to add to your awesome
web site.  The first is the laser turntable that started out as the  Finale before it was sold to this Japanese company. Go to: http://www.elpj.com/

Another very cool turntable is an Italian one called VYGER
(remember Star Trek) and it has a web site at:


Tom Fornof


Love your site! Especially your various rants and raves--I'm a lifetime music lover who has only recently been dabbling at the fringes of the audiophile world, and what a strange world it is--I recently went to a private shmooze party one of the big dealers in LA threw after winning best "room" at a tradeshow, the showrooms were packed with hundred-thousand dollar plus systems and what astounded me most were the music choices being made to show off the systems--lackluster if not downright mediocre performances in classical and jazz, and I mean that not in a finicky way but truly, remarkably undistinguished playing--my friend and I spent most of the evening people- watching in horrified fascination, coming face-to-face with the inescapable living proof that there is an entire subspecies of music-listener who views music as basically a trivial but necessary signal to initiate the all-important signal-processing process. Your descriptions of people who can't get through a single track without stopping and fiddling was wonderfully creepy and certainly jibes with what

I saw that night, along with some seriously macho squaring-off. Anyway, I hope you'll take these unsolicited ramblings as a tribute to the enthusiasm and zeal which comes through so well on your site--it's nice to see someone who isn't trying to play it ultracool--a nice antidote to some of the scrupulously bloodless tones on some of the audio-sites and boards, although I would hasten to say that there are also plenty of people out there who obviously do love music in major major way and some gadget freaks who are also very wry about their own obsessions.

I especially love your tube lust section--what great photos! I pulled up your site the other night when some friends were over and had them ogling the pics--the Italian stuff went over especially well (surprise surprise)....

Anyway, hope this conveys how much fun I have on your site, and by all means KEEP IT UP!



I visited your site tonight for the second time. The second was indeed as good as the first. I tried to peruse everything but got pleasantly bogged down in your ramblings -- it's after midnight and my eyelids are starting to droop. Given your verbosity, speed reading was even out of the question.

However, I will be back when I have time and I can more fully "enjoythereading". For me it has always been the music. My system was just the conduit. Prior to a few years ago, I was stuck in the mid-fi world (i.e., Phase Linear, ESS Heil etc.). I then purchased Apogee speakers and a couple weeks later, Aragon electronics. Upon the connection of same, I was moved to tears by experiencing performances rather than hearing just hearing music. Since then, I've replaced the Apogees with Martin Logans and moved from a Sony front end to Meridian -- the sound improved, performances did also, but not to the degree first experienced, although sufficient to rationalize the expense -- long live high end.

While today's recordings are truly amazing, I'm still awed by performances recorded 50-40 years ago -- Glen Miller, Everly Brothers respectively and yes, even Elvis Presley (especially his earliest). Less was perhaps better, certainly I feel these recordings exhibited more the performer rather than the recording, especially in the case of Miller because by today's standards, the recording is so bad, one is forced to listen to the performance. In any case, suffice it to say that I agree with your enjoying the music assessment.

Tweaks and new equipment are fun, but if listening to recorded music results in a constant search for the Holy Grail or the Golden Fleece of components, and not just plain enjoyment of the performances and music, what's the point? To quote Madonna's award speech, "it's the music, it was always the music........."

Keep up the good work on your web site. Isn't the web amazing. While enjoying your writing, I couldn't help but be moved by the web availing you the ability to affect so many folks without the "help" of an editor or worrying about publication costs -- what a great informational vehicle!


Hi Steve!!

... and best wishes from Rovaniemi, the little town in Lapland, Northern Finland, in the neighbour of the Santa Claus.

I have - with the great pleasure - been reading for your articles and reviews. IMHO they present the best part of website oriented hifi. I do really enjoy (not only the music!) your c-o-o-l writingstyle and fabulous pictures, too.  (Partly) beacuse of your articles, I've just bought the Voyd Turntable, equipped with Siltech-silverwired Rega RB300. Voyd is manufactured in 1988 and I think it's the only one here in Finland. It was tested same year in finnish magazine "Musiikin Ääni" (= Music´s Voice). If you want, I can scan the test and email it to you. I think you mentioned somewhere, that Voyd hasn't been rewieved in the States. In brittish magazine "What Hifi" (clown-mag, ah!) Audionote TT3 (Voyd) was tested in the number 8/97.

I would be very pleased if you could find some time to tell about your Voyd-experiences (tweakings etc.)!

- Jukka Alatervo -

Rovaniemi, Finland

Steve sez: Glad you are enjoying the music.  Many of my experiences can be found on the extensive Tweaks Pages within this website.


The quality of those clips is wonderful--especially the Ella/Sarah Vaughan vocals.   Is this a different encoder from RealNetworks?

Joe Parsons

Steve sez:  A most humble thanks for the compliment.  i use the G2 encoder BUT the secret is in the mastering i do here.  Like any mastering engineer, you must make the music sound the best you can given the end format it will appear within.


  I wish I still had the Caddy that we used to have the Mignon installed in. My father sold the car around 76 when Mom died as she used the car when he upgraded to a Continental. Back in the 60's used amaze friends by playing record on it. I remember it was installed by the place where my Dad (and later me) used to buy our stereo equipment. The place was called HI-FI Center and was in Hawthorne, CA. I believe it went out of business as after I saw your photo the other day I tried to locate it and could not find it in the phone book.

Chris Walsh

Steve sez: Yeah. i am still looking for one of those great car 45rpm vinyl Mignon players as seen on the Turntable Lust pages myself.

Hi I like your site. I read on rec.audio.tubes that you have a phono  cartridge alignment protractor on your site, but I could not find it. Can you help me?



Steve sez: Doug, please see http://www.enjoythemusic.com/freestuff.htm


Thanks! Been to your site before, just never made it past the "lust" bit. Must be a guy thing. The DIY cleaner is perfect for me - I'm getting some GREAT vinyl at goodwill; not beat, but in need of a really good cleaning. Should help a lot. Thanks again!

Kevin McDonald


Keep up the good work. Gotta love any high resolution pictures of low powered amps not to mention turntables... Thanks and keep up the good work.



........just wanted to let you know you helped me a whole bunch......your website and your e-mail.

My warmest regards to you (and Billie)

Pat B.

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