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Letters Kids.
We get lottsa letters!

Below are a few of the letters we receive. We regret that there is simply not enough space for every letter we receive (over fifty a day!). These are actual letters from actual viewers. You write 'em, we post 'em.



I found your web-page on how to build the Max Rochlin Memorial Cable and I've tried it out. It works really good. I made a web-page about it myself at www.skip.informatik.gu.se...

Just wanted you to know.

Best regards,


Thanks for your e-mail and wonderful web page. It is great to know that you find the cable, and variants thereof easy to build and that they sound great. In the end what REALLY matters is that YOU...

Enjoy the Music,

Steven R. Rochlin



First off, let me say that enjoy the music is a wonderful site, and i've spent much much time there. nice work.

however, i have a question for you regarding the Max Rochlin Memorial Cable, the crimping of it to be exact. basically, what did you use to crimp the sleeve on? it doesn't appear from the picture that you used the "Canare-approved" crimpers which i have no desire to drop multiple hundred on (they're crimpers for god's sake, yet they won't tell me what size their dies are, so i can't use anything else at the moment that isn't purely trial and error either). if you could let me know what you used for this, how it worked out for you, and where you got it/can get it, i would be extremely grateful to you. thanks. 

Jesse R. Parker


Thanks for the compliment and glad you are enjoying the website. You are right in that i chose not to drop a bundle on the Canare crimpers... especially when the upper line crimping tool from Radio Shack/Tandy are very good and much less expensive. In the USA, Home Depot also sells some very good crimping tools as well. Always glad to be of service.

Enjoy the Music,

Steven R. Rochlin



  This is a great new site but can you change the colours on your search page from blue on back to something more readable.

Best wishes and regards,

Steve Houghton


Your wish is my command. We have changed our Search Engine to standard black text on white background. Always glad to be of service.

Enjoy the Music,

Steven R. Rochlin


Hi Steve,

Congratulations on your website and obtaining The Absolute Sound as well!

Best regards,

David Magnan
Magnan Cables, Inc.


Dear Steve,

All of us at Red Trumpet are impressed with the energy, enthusiasm, and good vibes you bring to music and the High End. You already know that your site reaches people worldwide, but I want to say how much fun and great information you are able to generate for our hobby and industry. Continued success in everything you do!

John Miller
Red Trumpet



Even tired as I was I went to your website after writing you - man how can you be so fast! Great nyNOISE show report you wrote and your pictures show experience! Thanks from all of us. Made it much easier to relate the whole story to my family and friends.

Herbert Jeschke


Hi Steve, 

Just a note to say thank you for the excellent daily coverage you gave to our Show on www.EnjoyTheMusic.com. It was much appreciated.

John Atkinson
Editor, Stereophile


Good job Steve! Excellent photos and good descriptions... Loved the photos of Kessler and Atkinson... Flattering...

--Michael Fremer


Hello Steve,

I just spent an afternoon reading your tweak suggestions and I am inspired. I just picked up a pair of really cheap speakers, gorgeous Michaura M55s (made by Axiom in Canada). I was shocked that they sound so very good, but don't want to leave good enough alone. These speakers have a pair of 5.25" woofers and a .75" tweeter. The cross over has a fuse, a Polypropylene capacitor - 3.3uF (200v) and a 2.7 ohm (7v>) ceramic resistor.

The highs are very open and pure. The mids a bit laid back. I've never tweaked a speaker but I'm willing to take a chance. What do you suggest?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards
Philip Levy


Thanks for your e-mail and glad you enjoy our Tweaks page. Most of the tweaks are there, though using Dynamat on the driver baskets (metal holders) help to reduce the resonant of it. Also, upgrading the parts quality of the crossover to Audio Note silver foil or Hovland caps may help as well. ALWAYS glad to help.

Enjoy the Music,

Steven R. Rochlin



I just received your free protractor. Thank you very much and more power! I can now enjoy more the music.





...I enjoy your website.






Steve sez: Wow, thanks... and mad shout outs to all that make this website possible.


Hi Steve,

First, I thoroughly enjoy all your efforts for our Hi-Fi community. Your
associates are appreciated too. You referenced Ultimate Audio in one of your reviews. I really enjoyed that Mag. Is it gone?


Chris Keating

Steve sez: Alas, it seems UA magazine is no longer publishing new issues. Check back with our website as we wil have news coming shortly.



This is the first time I have seen your site, and I think it is excellent. I'm an electronics engineer and have been stumbling around to design and build a high end set of speakers and the speaker lust page has inspired me.


Carl Ishmael



I just received your free protractor. Thank you very much and more power! I can now enjoy more the music.



Dear Steve,

I was going to order WE 300B but eventually choose KR Enterprises 300 BXLS tube in regards to your tube comparisons at your site 

If this tube does not behave differently in different amps, I thing you have forgotten to add a detail about it, upper frequencies.

As you say, I am very pleased with midrange liquidly and naturalness, powerful and deep bass authority, 3D and good soundstage and cool, liquid sound of the tube. There is no harshness or glare in anywhere with this tube. Everything is so natural.

Even it's power is much higher which can handle 18Watts, so it does not break at the highest volumes especially by the music with lots of deep bass.

But unfortunately the upper frequencies are not crystal clear in comparison with the other tubes. Upper frequencies are little bit edgy and covered. My tube just burned for 50 hours but as far as I concern, burn in smoothes the things but not increase frequencies, so it is typical.

For your kind info
Ozhan Atalay



Really enjoyed your website. I am so glad that you left your protract.jpg (cartridge alignment tool photo) up on your site. I downloaded it and printed it out. The first attempts were a little short, but I adjusted it until the rule was just right. No problem doing it as you suggested. I then printed it again on card stock. I tried it out on my turntable and it worked just fine. I had previously adjusted the azimuth but had missed the overhang by about 1/8 inch. So I lined up the cartridge on the card and made a few adjustments and I know that I am better off than before. 

Thanks again for leaving your jpg up on your site and have a good Easter Weekend.

David Kohli


Thank you for your site. Feedback on Max Rochlin Memorial Cable I made it per your instructions and can't believe the difference it made only installed for three days and it does seem to get better as time goes on. If it does get even better I don't think I can stand it!! Sincere appreciation for you sharing this with everyone....




Killer pictures of the NY Noise! Gosh...I would have been right at Home!!! Will definitely try to make the next year...Plan on it... OOOOOOOhhhhhh Wish I could have made the NY Noise....Looked great!

Warm regards as always...

Bill Roberts



Great NY Noise Festival 2001 show report man!!

Anthony Hardwick


Hi Steve,

I'm watching NY NOISE 2001 over the internet right now. Thank you very much for your efforts and the very nice coverage you put together. I wondered if you might feature a webcam but this doesn't seem to be the case. Either way, it's allot of fun watching my friends at NY Noise. I hope i see some of them at Arhus Triode Festival in summer again. :-) . And we'll probably have a webcam there.. :-)

Timo Christ


Click here for more letters.








































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