We get lottsa letters!

Thank you for having a "Best at Show" section for Montreal. One question though. Am I remembering correctly when I thought I read on your site that you
wouldn't be doing "Best at Show" at this years CES because the rooms don't really give you a good indication of the equipment? How is Montreal different?
Steve sez: Thanks for your excellent question! During the
huge CES event there simply was no time to truly listen to the many
systems and come to a proper conclusion. Because the Montreal show is about
100x smaller than the CES, its small size made it very easy for our
writers to audition systems and compare notes. This way a truly fair
and just "Best Sound" could be determined. Thanks for keeping an
eagle eye on us.

Thanks very much for the most enjoyable coverage of the show. We always enjoy Ian's
wonderful way with words. Not to disappoint the analogue fans I still do turn tables and love the sound, but I have waited for years to hear this level of reproduction from a cd player. We feel very
privileged to represent a product like Audio Aero, and we appreciate the fact that others have found this product as seductively musical as we have. We also have to thank Elvis Presley for making the show enjoyable for all the ladies who came to our room (I would sell body parts to have that effect on women, the only problem is my wife would select the parts).
Thanks again and above all enjoy the music.
Matthew Brazeau
Jody Hickson

I love the site, the tube lusts and the speaker lusts are very cooool, to bad you
can't do a DRUM lusts on the site, that would be awesome. Keep up the great work .
Greg G.
Steve sez: While i would love to do a Drum Lust page, i
lust for too many drums and would not know here to begin... or end.

Hi Steve.
I found your site today and have spent several hours reading your pages, and learned a lot.
Best regards,
John C.L.

Many thanks for the most welcome prize of records received yesterday. I did not get a chance last evening to play them but I will and soon! Congratulations are due to the people who put together the prompt mailing system. I received my prize as quickly as if I had won it in Dublin, Ireland and not on your side of the pond!
Again many thanks and keep up the good work on your Website.
Looking forward to 'Enjoying the Music',
Tom F.
Steve sez: Glad the Analog Production direct to disc
vinyl reached your shores in a timely manner. Congratulations and as
always... Enjoy the Music.

Great web site!!
Neil R.

Congratulations! I'm impressed with what you've been doing man. Rock On!
Greg Weaver

It took me about thirty minutes to make the (Max Rochlin Memorial) cable mostly because I kept reading the instructions just to make sure I was doing it right. It was really very easy to do. I ended up putting
shrink wrap on the entire length of the cable-it's bright yellow. That won't change the sound quality will it? I first impressions are that the cable really opened up the sound. The mid and high frequencies are much clearer. There seems to be more space around instruments than before. At first I thought there was less bass. But after listening for a while I realize
it's just less fullness. For me that's not a bad thing because I like my bass tight and precise. What changes in sound quality should I expect as the cable
breaks in? Considering I got the Belden cable and the Canare's for free this has been a VERY worthwhile project! Thanks!!!!!!!
Hey is Max dancin' yet???? Music Baby It's The Best!!!!! Yeah! Baby!
Steve sez: Chris, please give the cable about 100-200
hours to break in and settle. Enjoy!

Kevin: I just wanted to say I love the design of the Max Rochlin Memorial Cable and I totally agree wit you on the BNC issue, maybe someday the
manufacturers will see the error in their ways...
Steven sez: We can always hope, but it seems the lowly RCA jack will be with us for
many years to come :-(
Kevin: ...couple of quick questions if I may.
1) Canare RCA RCAP-C4F connector I like it but I was wondering if there was something a little more.... uh pretty if you will like on the lines
of the Kimber but still in the crimp style that you knew of.
Steven sez: Alas, we must remember the Canare is a 75ohm RCA and
that is very important. If you want really do it right, remove the female RCA from your
DAC/Transport and get the Canare female 75ohm BNC connectors.
Kevin:2)Pardon my ignorance but I can use these for Audio and Video Right?
Steve sez: Yes. Digital audio and video cables are 75ohm spec as well. There ARE a few guys who have been telling me it makes a great ANALOG audio cable as well(!)
Kevin: Thanks for your help and the awesome cable design I cant wait to try
Kevin I.
Steve sez: ALWAYS glad to be of service. In the end what REALLY matters is that
YOU... Enjoy the Music.

I think you guys are off to a great start with this site... It looks great! I really like the tube and speaker "Lust Pages". They let me see a bunch of awesome designs I would never know anything about. Keep it up...
Anthony K.

Keep going, excellent information.
B. Donoughue
Steve sez: Ok, we will be like the Energizer Bunny my

Just visited your website - simply fantastic, love the tweak section!!!
Gee, I wish I could have my very own 'space heater'. The Premier 8 with all 16 6550As would probably put out more heat, but compared to the purity of an Ongaku???
Another thing - I thought I would never meet another serious music lover with a KEF speaker system. I've been using the 107/2 and been loving it (hard wired point-to-point with Cardas wires). But I've noticed that KEF is sorta frown upon by most people in the hi-end mags and even amongst most 'music-lovers' here. Everyone seem to gotta have a pair of Wilson or Grand Utopia, or somewhere along those lines
I'm using them without the Kube and find the sound much cleaner.
I still have my first pair of 101 series 3 from 20 years ago...must have changed drivers abt 3-4 times since...
I'm surprised that the Ongaku is capable of powering the 104s! Then again, I'm also using a pair of Audion Silver Nites 300Bs on my Totem One. Coloured speaker, but great for those less-than-perfect recordings.
Hope to have more exchanges with you...
Best regards,
Chen Chong (CWChen, Singapore - not Chen of Malaysia!)
Steve sez: Chen, i love my KEF 104/2 loudspeakers. Even
after almost a decade i still find them highly musically
enjoyable ...and that is what it is all about... Enjoy(ing) the
Music :-{)

Thanks for putting together such great CES coverage. It rocks. In the pre-show coverage you mentioned the new dCS products.
I was wondering if dCS did indeed show these new products and if so how did they sound. I own the Purcel and the Delius and am
curious about the new products. I would love to get my analog rig back in working order so I can get some vinyl back into the system.
Keep up the great work - it's much appreciated,
Dan Cook
Steve sez: Dan, alas, the G-ds were not smiling upon me and
there simply was not enough time to visit their room. My humble apologies.

Another year...another great show report!
Since us "low powered" guys have achieved sonic nirvana there's not much reason to go the show [with reports like yours].
Your reports are the best.
Peter Breuninger

Great show coverage! The best on the web, easily. thanks.
-- David
Steve sez: A most humble thanks.

I read the report on your website and truly enjoyed it.

Thank you for the great web site. I'm new to the high-end of audio. I spent all day Monday at the Alexis
Park. Where do i start for just a modest high end system? With so much going on i was getting a little
confused. Maybe no such thing as a modest high end lives.
Thank You

HI Steve: I greatly enjoy your site and your comments
elsewhere. You have also advised me (via e-mail) in the past. I hope you continue to be one of the more reliable and honest people in the audio press.
--Richard Gordin
Steve sez: Always glad to be of service my friend.
In the end what really matters is that you.... Enjoy the Music
:-{) .

Keep up the good work Steve!!!!
You are a man with passion!

I printed the protractor from www.enjoythemusic.com... and the scale if a tiny bit off. When I line up a ruler and compare
inch sizes, the protractor's inch is ever so slightly bigger than a ruler inch. The web site mentioned something about adjusting the scale, but I don't know how to do that. Can you help?
Chris R. Stallings
Steve sez: Chris, this is a known problem which is why we
offer the free cartridge alignment tool for free from our worldwide
distributors. For those technically minded, we have just added a Microsoft
Excel program so you can compute and make your very own customized protractor.
Please see our Free Stuff Page for more

YOU amaze me...
Your site is FIRST RATE all the way. The data is sensational... the photography is luscious.
I'm amazed at your energy and the vigor displayed in this work. This is really great stuff...
All the best,
Mark L. Schifter
Perpetual Technologies

here for more letters.