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Hi-Fi World
November 2012
In This Issue... Chinese Audio
Editorial By Noel Keywood


In This Issue Editorial By Noel Keywood Hi-Fi World Volume 22 Number 9 November 2012  Loudspeakers are never far from the headlines in this magazine and in this issue they illustrate the decline of British audio in the 1970s, as well as the rise of Far East manufacturing today. As countries industrialised around the world in the late twentieth century it was inevitable that competition from what were once low wage economies would rise. But Wharfedale as a brand has value and continues on today much as in the past, creating great new loudspeakers like the Denton 80th Anniversary Edition - see page 50. These days, however, Dentons roll out of a factory in China, rather than one in Bradford. But they remain designed by Brits.

Meanwhile, a few hours flight away in Taiwan the huge Usher factory illustrates just how far audio has progressed in the Far East. With fabulous engineering and auditioning facilities, this company produce loudspeakers incorporating their own unique drive units, now including a laminated diamond tweeter. A unique tweeter, beautiful cabinet work and a price of £3500 add up to one very attractive package - read more about it in our Dancer Mini-Two review on p12.

Where Britain once came under pressure from Japan, now Japan comes under pressure from China, with the help of British engineers! Yes, Audiolab’s 8200AP AV processor is designed in the UK, made in China and looks for a slice of the audiophile AV market pioneered by Sony -- see p16. Sony don’t intend to let their grip on home cinema slip away easily though and in this same issue we feature a new Sony Blu-ray BDP-S790 player that does more than seems possible for just £139. How much? See p64 where Martin Pipe takes a very close look.

While the technologically complex worlds of AV and network audio fight it out for tomorrow, yesterday stays with us in the form of Ortofon’s amazing new MC Anna cartridge, price a mere £5000! See p89. And then we have the beautifully designed, built and finished World Design KT88 valve amplifier on p46, that you can buy built or build yourself. With winter fast approaching, why not? It’s a great way to be entertained and stay warm at the same time!

I hope you enjoy what we have managed to put together for you in this month’s issue. It looks far and wide to cover today’s world of audio.

--- Noel Keywood, editor.


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