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HiFi Media
July / August / September 2016
From The Editor... The Step
Editorial By Andrija Curkovic


HiFi Media Issue 99 July / August / September 2016


  We are only one step away from the magical number 100. Its appearance in the Western cultures, ever since the antic Greece, and the traditional connection with the beauty of living and the perfection of creation has remained the same until today.

Only one step until reaching this big milestone evokes in us, the colleagues and associates of the magazine, one of a kind, higher emotional level when we look at the journey we had to take in order to get to where we are now.

We do not want to over exaggerate with the comparison, but only for a moment it looks to us like we are standing on the last step of the lunar module Eagle from the Apollo 11 mission, which Neil Armstrong used to step on the Moon's surface and said a historic phrase: "That's one small step for man, but giant leap for mankind."



We believe that our loyal readers, who have been with us since the day 1, understand our excitement because, sometimes, even we do not understand how we managed to get our 'lunar module Eagle' one step away from the 'numeric perfection'.

In order to remind not only ourselves, but all of you as well, about this journey, we announce that we will, not only bring you new tests and articles, but also give a reflection on our beginning and the whole journey to this 100th number.

However, we will leave that for the next number, and until then, we will let you enjoy in the pages you are currently holding in your hands. 


--- Andrija Curkovic


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