In the Brinkmann / Mårten Design room was the Duke satellite
mounted atop the Ellington subwoofer ($18,500). They were being driven by the Brinkmann mono 175-watt power amplifiers ($13,750)
that were sitting on HRS platforms ($1,300). The loudspeakers feature Accuton ceramic drivers while the amplifier is
solid-state with Mosfet devices.
Left to right is the Brinkmann Balanced turntable with their tonearm and EMT cartridge ($21,800). Between the turntables is the Brinkmann Fein phonostage with the company's tubed power supply to drive the motors. To the right is the NHT Thorens 124 with Tritonus tonearm with
Ortophon SPU cartridge ($8,750). So yes vinyl is indeed alive and well in the Brinkmann room.
Ars Aures Midi Senorial floorstanders ($19,500) with Art Audio's
new push-pull Quartet amplifiers ($13,000) sounded like a match made in
heaven. Fast and clean with impressive dynamic capabilities. Designers take
note as the loudspeakers are available in nearly all wood types or painted coloring that Ferrari cars are
offered. Seen here is Ferrari blue for both the loudspeaker and amplifier.
Best product seen and not 'heard' at the Stereophile
show is the RealTraps corner room reflectors. It appears many
companies have been achieving better music reproduction within their room by
using acoustic treatment devices. See our review of RealTraps by clicking
At the Acoustic Sounds' booth were hundreds of vinyl titles from various manufacturers.
From modern rock to jazz and classical music and direct-to-disc... If you want
vinyl, they have it.
Telarc had many of their CD and SACD titles at discount show prices.
The John Atkinson Trio featuring John on electric bass, Bob Reina on Piano and Allen Perkins on drums.
Keeping with the live music theme, the Bösendorfer room
had a stunning, ornate piano ($500,000). Pianist available for an upcharge.
And that, my friends, wraps up Enjoy the™'s live coverage of the
PRIMEDIA / Stereophile audiophile show. Until next week when our live
coverage of the High End Society's Munich show
Enjoy the Music,
Steven R. Rochlin
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