High-End 2001


From left to right, Tim de Paravicini designed products under the EAR brand name. The 834 integrated stereo amplifier (6,900 DM), the V20 24-watt triode stereo amplifier (8,990 DM) and lastly, EAR's 859 13-watt integrated amplifier (6,990 DM). Seen below is their top-of-the-line 312 pre-amplifier (36,000 DM, left) and large M100A monoblock amplifier (66,000
DM/pr, right).

Lamm Audio Laboratory model L2 reference pre-amplifier employs an outboard power supply to keep the critical signal path away from power supply noise.

VYGER's all-new magnesium tonearm called the Vision (10,000 DM).

Pearl Audio Technology loudspeakers, model Theatrum (€7,600 per pair) employs an elastic-type mounting that allows the midrange and tweeter drivers to be angled via screws on the rear of the loudspeaker cabinet.

For those who have SACD playback and desire better playback... Clockwork Audio modifies Sony SACD units by added violin bridges on the decoder and DAC chips and Analogue output stage for resonance coupling. Then all parts are lacquered with the ever-popular C37 treatment. Other modifications including better output stage and more goodies too. Cost of complete Sony SCD-XB940 with this magical tweaks is 6,000 DM. They will also tweak a player you send to them.

Our Italian friends SAP has a new Mondiale loudspeaker (€2,600) that was released the very same day Ferrari won the 2000 Formula 1 championship. This is an Jensen/Onken tunable cabinet. The right center slat can be moved in or out to "tuner" the inside airspace dimensions. A special bullet tweeter is mated to two 16cm full range drivers. Only the tweeter employs a crossover (at 7kHz).

It's the Beauhorn baby!

Linn's new Komri loudspeaker was producing quite impressive sounds here at the Frankfurt High End show. Looks like i have officially joined the Linnie crowd.

Maybe it's a sin, though the Italy-based Syn Factory with their Watermellon-shaped U-vola loudspeakers (from 5,000 DM on up depending on color/finish) is both decorative and innovative. They can be hung from the ceiling and use mineral aggregate for solidity/rigidity. A high-quality 26mm Morel tweeter is mated to a 100mm Seas woofer. Seen below is Alessandro Copetti, chief designer with a special cut out unit to see the inner workings of the U-vola.

The SQF room with their Pharo stereo integrated tube amplifier (29,500 DM). It produces 75 watts in pentode mode or 32 watts in triode mode (per channel). Frequency response is rated at 20Hz to 50kHz (-0.5dB). Top quality gold RCA jacks and WBT binding posts are use to insure good signal

Legendary Garrard was showing the Model 301 with new plinth. An SME Series V tonearm rounds out this setup.

The Triplanar tonearm with Grado wood-bodied cartridge.
We hope you have enjoyed our High End Society's 2001 Frankfurt
Germany show report. Until our next show...
Enjoy the music,
Steven R. Rochlin
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