High-End 2001


Martin Logan loudspeakers

JMlab Mini Utopia (13,000 DM/pr) is seen here with special cut out to view the inner workings.

Making their Germany debut in prototype form is Krell's new LAT-2
monitor loudspeakers. Krell has decided to take a few cues from the critically
acclaimed Sonus Faber Guarneri loudspeaker on the right.

What is an audio product without a name... or should that be Naim?
From top to bottom is Naim's CDS 2 CD player (13,498 DM, outboard power supply needed), NAC 52 pre-amplifier (12,498 DM, same outboard power supply
needed), and lastly at the bottom is Naim's FM tuner NAT 01 (6,498 DM, and yes you'll need to buy an outboard power supply for it as well).

The well received BAT company had their VK-75 tube amplifier (top left) that uses four Russian 6C33C-B tubes, the BAT VK D5SE CD
player (middle left) and VK-3i (bottom left). Naturally the Genesis 501 loudspeakers
on the right could be driven to good effect with the aforementioned BAT gear.

conrad-johnson's Premiere Twelve monoblock tube amplifier (top) employs four 6550 tubes for amplification. Their DV-2b CD player (bottom) offers phase inversion and the usual high-end CD replay functions.

The HGP Lyra loudspeakers (22,000 DM/pr) include both a front and rear firing
tweeter to add spaciousness to the reproduced music while a single mid driver and two bass drivers allow for full frequency music reproduction.

Tron's 211/VT-4C stereo tube amplifier.

KEF's RDM 3 loudspeaker (4,600 DM/pr) uses their reference-quality cabinet,
please take note as their new 6"x9"-type woofer harks back to the
KEF Cantata from the 70's. Here is KEF's very own Johan Coorg, who is regularly seen on the FBI most wanted list in America, and smartly
hides out while working for KEF today.

Lehmann Audio's new Solo Cube phono stage (approximately $1,800 USD) uses a solid metal casing
(below) to hold the circuit board as seen above. Those who love the Black Cube could find this new phono stage to be their
system's next level upgrade.

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