Frankfurt 2000

Bonus Coverage!

o'heocha's cool loudspeakers

Egg shaped Aquarius loudspeakers (30,000 DM) and the stand mounted Box, (6,500 DM).

Amphion Xenon (7,000 DM) loudspeaker

Wilson Benesch turntable

The Audionet top-loading RUN CD player/transport UFO??

Clearaudio's new $1000 USD or so upgradeable turntable in basic form

Clearaudio's new upgradeable turntable fully equipped

Kora Galaxy tube amplifier (12,500 DM)

Audiomeca J1/SL5 turntable (15,500 DM)

LUA Sonata tube integrated amplifier (7,999 DM)

Acoustic Signature Analog Turntable MK. II (5,800 DM)

Simon York Designs turntable

Chord's monster 800 wpc. amplifier (99,000 DM)

Audio Note Zero System

Cadence model Canasya (37,500 DM)

Acapella loudspeaker prototypes (10,000 DM)

i finally found a Tannoy loudspeaker that was not colored.
The Tannoy Dimension

Tannoy Dimension in prototype form. Velvet grill.
Full range dual-concentric 12" with
super tweeter
Society Frankfurt 2000 show report homepage.