Australian Hi-Fi Magazine September / October
Since 1969, Australian Hi-Fi Magazine has kept audiophiles up to date on all the latest advances in audio technology and the hi-fi components available to enjoy music. All equipment reviews and music reviews are written by professionals who are experts in their respective fields, and are checked for accuracy by experienced sub-editors. Every audio component reviewed in
Australian Hi-Fi Magazine is also independently tested by a NATA-certified test laboratory, whose test results and graphs are published with each review, together with a detailed technical analysis of those
results. Australian Hi-Fi Magazine also maintains a complete database of all Australian and New Zealand distributors of hi-fi equipment, along with updated listings of the brands they
distribute. Australian Hi-Fi Magazine is published six times a year and
on sale at thousands of news agencies throughout Australia and New Zealand, as well as being available in selected audio stores across the
country plus International mail and online via digital
3 Editor's Lead-In
What is a listening session really for? What music should be played in a listening session? Increasing numbers of people are playing the wrong type of music
entirely... with entirely predictable results.
6 Audio News
Wilson Audio Alexx, Sennheiser PCX550, Classe Sigma 2200i, Yamaha MusicCast, VAF Evo1, Stemfoort SF-200, Astell&Kern AK300, SoundSmith Golden Gift, B&W Zeppelin, Bose QC35BT, Modwright SWL9.0 Anniversary, Marantz SE14, Artnovion in Oz, Perreaux at BMC, VPI Avengers
arrive... and more!
43 Special Advertising Feature
This month, a 32-page advertising lift-out from Advance Audio Australia, highlights all its latest products, from such brands as Arcam,
Ayre, D'Agostino, dCS, Hegel, KEF, Linn, Wilson Audio and more...
76 Sound Travels
On this visit we meet an audio industry professional with a fervent passion for audio and beautiful designs, with a high-end system in an idyllic environment conducive to the pure enjoyment of music.
94 Special Subscription Offer
Subscribing to Australian Hi-Fi Magazine means you don't have to hang around the newsagent waiting for each new issue, but
subscribing — or re-subscribing — now means you could also get a chance to win a
Marantz/Jamo hi-fi system valued at $5,440!
Equipment Reviews
18 Dynaudio Emit M30 Loudspeakers
The Emit 30s are the lowest-priced floor-standers ever built by this world-famous Danish company yet the bass/midrange drivers still use the biggest-diameter voice coils in the
26 Bel Canto eOne DAC2.7 DAC/Preamp
Despite the Italian-sounding name, all Bel Canto products are designed and built entirely in the United States of America by ex-Honeywell design engineer John Stronczer, where
they're built to a standard, not a price!
36 Parasound Halo Integrated Amplifier
In a high-end world where components are offering more and more, the Parasound raises the bar even further, by being a high-power integrated amp, a headphone amp, a DAC and a two-way electronic crossover network.
80 Lavardin IT Integrated Amplifier
Quelle surprise! This unusual French amplifier was designed to address the problem of
'memory distortion', a new kind of distortion identified by its designer, Gerard Perrot, who said it was one reason for the poor sonic performance of solid-state amplifiers.
88 ELAC Debut B6 Loudspeakers
Famous German manufacturer ELAC has hired Andrew Jones (previously with KEF and TAD) and the result has seen a total re-vamp of the
company's Debut Series, including the budget-priced B6
92 Audio-Technica ATH-SR5BT Headphones
Available in two versions (with Bluetooth and without), it turns out the Bluetooth version of
Audio-Technica's ATH-SR5 headphones has the edge... or rather doesn't!
93 Mitchell & Johnson HP1 Headphones
Mitchell & Johnson's new HP1 headphones use a new technology developed by ITRI in Taiwan that claims to deliver electrostatic accuracy without the need for an external power supply.
96 Rock On
This month, Jez Ford looks at albums from Paul Kelly, The Avalanches, Peter Garrett, Steve Hackett, Matt Stonehouse, plus reviews an album by refugees that was recorded in a makeshift studio in a jungle.
98 Super Fidelity
Ever heard of Louis Theodore Guovy? Neither had John Sunier, but you can now own a complete set of his symphonies and
they're not half bad. You can now also hear the alternate endings for some famous Bartok works.
100 Jazz Track
John Shand looks at albums from David Ades, Gary Peacock, Erik Friedlander, Johnny Griffin Larry Coryell and Kurt
Elling. Ades' knew A Life in the Day would be his last album, and it shows...
102 Blu-ray Music
Stephen Dawson has waited more than 50 years to watch the classic Beatles movie, A Hard
Day's Night, and reports that it was worth it, particularly since the Blu-ray disc
hasn't been pitch-shifted.
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