Australian Hi-Fi Magazine
March / April 2021
Since 1969, Australian Hi-Fi Magazine has kept audiophiles up to date on all the latest advances in audio technology and the hi-fi components available to enjoy music. All equipment reviews and music reviews are written by professionals who are experts in their respective fields, and are checked for accuracy by experienced sub-editors. Every audio component reviewed in
Australian Hi-Fi Magazine is also independently tested by a NATA-certified test laboratory, whose test results and graphs are published with each review, together with a detailed technical analysis of those
results. Australian Hi-Fi Magazine also maintains a complete database of all Australian and New Zealand distributors of hi-fi equipment, along with updated listings of the brands they
distribute. Australian Hi-Fi Magazine is published six times a year and
on sale at thousands of news agencies throughout Australia and New Zealand, as well as being available in selected audio stores across the
country plus International mail and online via digital
3 Editor's Lead-In
Why is it that modern high-end high-fidelity equipment has become so costly?
Greg Borrowman's sorry tale of woe will give you at least a few of the answers.
Editorial By Greg Borrowman
6 Sound Bites
Copland CSA 150 Integrated, Larsen finally in Oz, Mola Mola's first-ever
integrated, Lumin's new infra-red remote control, Sennheiser IE300s,
Aesthetix Mimas, Cyrus XR Series launches, Meitner MA3 DAC,
Pro-Ject Phono Box RS2, McIntosh MHA200 headphone amp,
Austere cables arrive, Velodyne's new Deep Blue Series and the world's loudest
portable speaker (it's claimed) from SoundBoks.
34 Shop Talk
Apollo Hi-Fi is a friendly family-owned hi-fi store that dates back
to 1969 and has been at the same location ever since. Who's behind it?
Why is it so successful?
Tom Waters tells all...
38 Book Review
Schitt Happened: The story of the world's most improbable start-up,
told by the two men who made it happen (and the woman behind the scenes).
A great read with lessons for us all.
40 Obituary
Tim de Paravicini, known as 'The Baron' to some, founder of EAR Yoshino,
was rated by many as the world's foremost valve amplifier designer,
but he was much more than just that.
42 Podcasting — For Fun And Profit
You may have all the equipment you need, but how to best go about recording
and publishing your podcast? We tell you how, plus we include an unbeatable
offer of a free pdf!
Equipment Reviews
16 Copland CTA408 Integrated Tube Amplifier
Even the front panel of Copland's latest valve integrated amplifier is musical.
You could play a few tunes on it if you like!
26 Paradigm Premier 800F Speakers
This Canadian company's unique Perforated Phase-Aligning midrange lens
works to improve the sound. But how? It's a secret...
76 Gold Note PH-1000 Phono Stage
A phono stage that has everything you'll ever need, can be upgraded if ever
it's required plus it also doubles as a pre-amp and as a headphone amplifier.
82 Klipsch SPL-150 Subwoofer
"You call that a subwoofer? This is a subwoofer!" Seriously deep bass at seriously
high sound pressure levels. You have been warned!
88 Triangle Borea BR03 Loudspeakers
This small and attractive bookshelf speaker has won more awards than you
can point a stick at. Our in-depth review — and full laboratory test — proves why!
94 Marantz SA-12SE SACD Player
Here we have a component that will have you smiling with satisfaction every single
time you use it, and that's whether it's to play CDs and SACDs,
or play from your computer or USB stick.
100 B&W PX5 Wireless Noise-Cancelling 'Phones
Fantastic sound quality and effective noise cancellation
from these low-cost, comfortable 'cans.
Music Reviews
102 Top Picks
Australian Guitar editor Matt Doria gives us his top picks from all that's new
in the new music world, but this time he reserves his greatest praise for
The Weather Station's fifth album which he declares their best... despite its title.
103 Old Turns
Covid-19 has meant that many famous musicians are finding unreleased treasures
in their attics. This issue it's Joni Mitchell, Martin Barre, Chris Squire, The Police,
Unitopia and Black Sabbath whose treasures are reviewed.
104 Mixed Bag
If you're looking for great music that Spotify is never, ever, going to bring to
your attention, our Mixed Bag of reviews is a must-read and the albums
reviewed are all must-listen works that will test your system as well.
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this issue of Australian Hi-Fi Magazine by clicking here.

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